[libcryptx-perl] 01/05: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.054+006'
Damyan Ivanov
dmn at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Nov 23 21:14:16 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dmn pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libcryptx-perl.
commit cc31000f0a81cb8514bd0aa903a5bf019db3008f
Merge: a4f7e41 4ac9434
Author: Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>
Date: Thu Nov 23 18:18:40 2017 +0000
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.054+006'
Update to upstream version '0.054+006'
with Debian dir ed91b389c79f1f13adaeced7f380393e7591ae12
Changes | 9 +-
CryptX.xs | 428 +-
MANIFEST | 25 +-
META.json | 4 +-
META.yml | 2 +-
Makefile.PL | 3 +
README.md | 9 +-
inc/CryptX_AuthEnc_CCM.xs.inc | 221 +-
inc/CryptX_AuthEnc_ChaCha20Poly1305.xs.inc | 30 +-
inc/CryptX_AuthEnc_EAX.xs.inc | 34 +-
inc/CryptX_AuthEnc_GCM.xs.inc | 30 +-
inc/CryptX_AuthEnc_OCB.xs.inc | 88 +-
inc/CryptX_Checksum_Adler32.xs.inc | 14 +-
inc/CryptX_Checksum_CRC32.xs.inc | 15 +-
inc/CryptX_Cipher.xs.inc | 51 +-
inc/CryptX_Digest.xs.inc | 10 +-
inc/CryptX_Digest_SHAKE.xs.inc | 13 +-
inc/CryptX_KeyDerivation.xs.inc | 81 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_BLAKE2b.xs.inc | 5 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_BLAKE2s.xs.inc | 5 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_F9.xs.inc | 7 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_HMAC.xs.inc | 7 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_OMAC.xs.inc | 7 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_PMAC.xs.inc | 7 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_Pelican.xs.inc | 5 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_Poly1305.xs.inc | 5 +-
inc/CryptX_Mac_XCBC.xs.inc | 7 +-
inc/CryptX_Mode_CBC.xs.inc | 46 +-
inc/CryptX_Mode_CFB.xs.inc | 20 +-
inc/CryptX_Mode_CTR.xs.inc | 20 +-
inc/CryptX_Mode_ECB.xs.inc | 46 +-
inc/CryptX_Mode_OFB.xs.inc | 20 +-
inc/CryptX_PK_DH.xs.inc | 26 +-
inc/CryptX_PK_DSA.xs.inc | 26 +-
inc/CryptX_PK_ECC.xs.inc | 24 +-
inc/CryptX_PK_RSA.xs.inc | 42 +-
inc/CryptX_PRNG.xs.inc | 65 +-
inc/CryptX_Stream_ChaCha.xs.inc | 34 +-
inc/CryptX_Stream_RC4.xs.inc | 23 +-
inc/CryptX_Stream_Salsa20.xs.inc | 94 +
inc/CryptX_Stream_Sober128.xs.inc | 28 +-
inc/CryptX_Stream_Sosemanuk.xs.inc | 100 +
lib/Crypt/AuthEnc.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/AuthEnc/CCM.pm | 102 +-
lib/Crypt/AuthEnc/ChaCha20Poly1305.pm | 43 +-
lib/Crypt/AuthEnc/EAX.pm | 49 +-
lib/Crypt/AuthEnc/GCM.pm | 38 +-
lib/Crypt/AuthEnc/OCB.pm | 47 +-
lib/Crypt/Checksum.pm | 32 +-
lib/Crypt/Checksum/Adler32.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Checksum/CRC32.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher.pm | 24 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/AES.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/Anubis.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/Blowfish.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/CAST5.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/Camellia.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/DES.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/DES_EDE.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/{SEED.pm => IDEA.pm} | 42 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/KASUMI.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/Khazad.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/MULTI2.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/Noekeon.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/RC2.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/RC5.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/RC6.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/SAFERP.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/SAFER_K128.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/SAFER_K64.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/SAFER_SK128.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/SAFER_SK64.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/SEED.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/{Twofish.pm => Serpent.pm} | 42 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/Skipjack.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/Twofish.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Cipher/XTEA.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest.pm | 49 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/BLAKE2b_160.pm | 8 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/BLAKE2b_256.pm | 8 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/BLAKE2b_384.pm | 8 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/BLAKE2b_512.pm | 8 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/BLAKE2s_128.pm | 8 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/BLAKE2s_160.pm | 8 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/BLAKE2s_224.pm | 8 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/BLAKE2s_256.pm | 8 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/CHAES.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/MD2.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/MD4.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/MD5.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/RIPEMD128.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/RIPEMD160.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/RIPEMD256.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/RIPEMD320.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA1.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA224.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA256.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA384.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA3_224.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA3_256.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA3_384.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA3_512.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA512.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA512_224.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHA512_256.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/SHAKE.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/Tiger192.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Digest/Whirlpool.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/KeyDerivation.pm | 9 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac.pm | 10 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/BLAKE2b.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/BLAKE2s.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/F9.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/HMAC.pm | 21 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/OMAC.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/PMAC.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/Pelican.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/Poly1305.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Mac/XCBC.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Misc.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/Mode.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/Mode/CBC.pm | 19 +-
lib/Crypt/Mode/CFB.pm | 17 +-
lib/Crypt/Mode/CTR.pm | 23 +-
lib/Crypt/Mode/ECB.pm | 19 +-
lib/Crypt/Mode/OFB.pm | 17 +-
lib/Crypt/PK.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/PK/DH.pm | 7 +-
lib/Crypt/PK/DSA.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/PK/ECC.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/PK/RSA.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/PRNG.pm | 4 +-
lib/Crypt/PRNG/ChaCha20.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/PRNG/Fortuna.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/PRNG/RC4.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/PRNG/Sober128.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/PRNG/Yarrow.pm | 2 +-
lib/Crypt/Stream/ChaCha.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Stream/RC4.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Stream/{ChaCha.pm => Salsa20.pm} | 30 +-
lib/Crypt/Stream/Sober128.pm | 6 +-
lib/Crypt/Stream/{Sober128.pm => Sosemanuk.pm} | 22 +-
lib/CryptX.pm | 20 +-
lib/Math/BigInt/LTM.pm | 2 +-
src/Makefile | 99 +-
src/Makefile.nmake | 23 +-
src/ltc/ciphers/des.c | 2 +-
src/ltc/ciphers/idea.c | 260 +
src/ltc/ciphers/serpent.c | 727 +
src/ltc/encauth/ccm/ccm_memory.c | 4 +-
src/ltc/encauth/ccm/ccm_process.c | 6 +-
.../encauth/chachapoly/chacha20poly1305_memory.c | 6 +-
src/ltc/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h | 18 +-
src/ltc/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h | 90 +
src/ltc/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h | 6 +
src/ltc/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h | 9 +-
src/ltc/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h | 23 +-
src/ltc/mac/hmac/hmac_done.c | 1 -
src/ltc/mac/hmac/hmac_init.c | 14 +-
src/ltc/misc/base32/base32_decode.c | 122 +
src/ltc/misc/base32/base32_encode.c | 95 +
src/ltc/misc/crypt/crypt.c | 15 +
src/ltc/misc/crypt/crypt_inits.c | 48 +
src/ltc/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_ciphers.c | 12 +-
src/ltc/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_hashes.c | 7 +-
src/ltc/misc/crypt/crypt_register_all_prngs.c | 5 +-
src/ltc/misc/crypt/crypt_sizes.c | 12 +
src/ltc/pk/ecc/ecc_export_full.c | 3 +-
src/ltc/prngs/rng_get_bytes.c | 12 +-
src/ltc/prngs/rng_make_prng.c | 2 +-
src/ltc/stream/rc4/{rc4.c => rc4_stream.c} | 0
src/ltc/stream/salsa20/salsa20_crypt.c | 96 +
.../salsa20/salsa20_done.c} | 33 +-
src/ltc/stream/salsa20/salsa20_ivctr64.c | 48 +
src/ltc/stream/salsa20/salsa20_keystream.c | 39 +
src/ltc/stream/salsa20/salsa20_setup.c | 69 +
.../sober128/{sober128.c => sober128_stream.c} | 2 +-
src/ltc/stream/sosemanuk/sosemanuk.c | 819 ++
t/001_compile.t | 2 +
t/003_all_pm_pod.t | 2 +-
t/auth_enc_ccm.t | 30 +-
t/cipher_idea.t | 65 +
t/cipher_idea_compat.t | 50 +
t/cipher_serpent.t | 65 +
t/cipher_serpent_compat.t | 29 +
t/cipher_stream.t | 50 +-
t/cipher_stream_salsa20.t | 14380 +++++++++++++++++++
t/mbi_ltm_bugs.t | 0
typemap | 2 +
189 files changed, 18997 insertions(+), 1245 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libcryptx-perl.git
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