[libnet-twitter-perl] annotated tag 3.00001 created (now 261559c)

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 24 12:28:34 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a change to annotated tag 3.00001
in repository libnet-twitter-perl.

        at  261559c   (tag)
   tagging  607e66465f63611b6209b6562186a342e1669775 (commit)
 tagged by  Marc Mims
        on  Sat May 30 14:55:28 2009 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
CPAN release 3.00001

Marc Mims (65):
      Initial commit
      Added exception handling and compat_mode
      More tests
      Generate lib/Net/Twitter/Lite.pm with TT2; API defined in Lite::API
      Build .pm from TT2 template IFF inc/.author exists
      Remove implicit Net::Twitter requirment
      Documented the API module.
      Added support for the Twitter Search API
      Minor optimizations
      Factored Search API out into its own module
      Factored the compat bits out into their own module.
      Separate code and doc for Lite.pm into .pm and .pod
      Amend Compat refactor: missed an instance of _response.
      Added resources to Makefile.PL for inclusion in META.yml
      Bring dependecies up-to-date
      Integrated Net::Twitter::Lite::Search into the distribution.
      Use the "following" terminology recommended by Twitter.
      Added tests for Search API
      Minor doc patch to correct terminology
      Added support for the new Social Graph REST API methods
      Moose hygiene
      Added Error class and updated error handling accordingly in Compat.
      Upgraded Module::Install
      Brought the API up-to-date with Twitter
      Updated tests; fixed minor bugs
      Updated the Search API
      Attempting to factor out APIs into roles (work in progress)
      Refactoring APIs into Roles (in progress)
      Added custom Meta::Method for introspection
      Tests up-to-date (except for POD tests)
      Renamed _ua to ua; consistency with Net::Twitter
      Additional changes for legacy Net::Twitter compat
      Removed ::Lite; preparing to replace Net::Twitter
      Additional changes to rename Net-Twitter-Lite to Net-Twitter
      Update version number
      Factored legacy support into roles; compose roles in import.
      Legacy modules ::Identica and ::Search
      Replaced troublesome import method with MX::Traits
      Moved "identica" from Legacy to API::REST
      Overridden N:T:new broke derived classes
      Documentation and additional compat mods.
      Additional documentation; all POD tests pass.
      Support HASH ref arg to new.
      Add namespace::autoclean to dependencies
      Correct module names / POD NAME sections
      Prepare a new dev release _02
      Doc fixes; auto_install
      Moved Net::Twitter to N::T::Core; N:T simply used for construction. Added legacy option.
      Bug fixes: agentclass_args type; error handling
      Fixed useragent_args usage; added test for same
      Fixed: POD/README errors in generated docs
      Identica fixes: string to bool conversion; mentions => replies
      Update Changes for prior commit
      Integrated Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's OAuth support as a trait
      Restructured: roles/traits moved to Net/Twitter/Role/
      merged oauth branch into master
      Recreated the identica -> mentions/replies fix; minor POD fixes.
      Updated tests for identica mentions/replies hack
      Updated description for friendship_exists
      Fixed: typo that rendered $nt->get_authorization_url lame
      UTF-8 encode get/post parameters
      Fixed the latin-1/UTF-8 issue, thanks to miyagawa
      CPAN release 3.0
      Add version numbers to existing modules to make PAUSE happy


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libnet-twitter-perl.git

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