[libwww-perl] branch master updated (7190fb7 -> 1fb257e)

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Oct 9 22:49:43 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a change to branch master
in repository libwww-perl.

      from  7190fb7   update changelog
      adds  0e8a6ec   fix typos
      adds  bb68942   add RT ticket reference
      adds  7858cff   clean up some pod formatting
      adds  5bfcb7c   Add .travis.yml
      adds  b575198   typo fix
      adds  85eed6c   Merge pull request #93 from michealgong/master
      adds  a5ad345   t/base updated
      adds  aafec77   t/live/jigsaw updated
      adds  bce2b6a   t/live updated
      adds  1fdc995   t/local updated
      adds  7a457e1   tidy up skip_all in t/local/get.t
      adds  af03ec8   cleaned up the skip_all a bit
      adds  8befc14   fixed oversight in overloaded myhttp::Socket
      adds  852dc87   use LWP::Protocol in httpsub.t
      adds  f9f856a   cleaned up some of the old cgi-bin scripts in the net tests
      adds  ef4c038   fixed up the t/misc files
      adds  c4dfe2a   t/net and t/robot updated
      adds  a64545d   Cleaned up spaces/tabs issue and bareword filehandles
      adds  c20bb79   Fixed a few things from the code review and Travis should be happy
      adds  eeb6951   Forgot to update requirements for Test:: dists for TravisCI
      adds  d488172   Remove superfluous isa_ok() tests. Also, change to google.com for 1.0 request as apache.org no longer answers in 1.0
      adds  bb3c285   removed remaining superfluous isa_ok() tests
      adds  3255051   removed some debug lines, cleaned up quoted strings
      adds  7f74300   Merge pull request #88 from genio/test-cleanup
      adds  4fffacc   Let default_header(Content-Type => '...') work for post/put
      adds  f5ec7e2   Merge pull request #100 from wolfsage/alh/default-content-type-for-rt-111276
      adds  e9b6995   Document how to handle errors writing to the content file.
      adds  a325d7b   Merge pull request #68 from thrig/master
      adds  b1056b0   Test whether $UA->post() and $UA->put() accept hashes or arrays; fixes #50
      adds  412eaa4   Merge pull request #79 from gpoul/issue-50
      adds  f57d6ba   Remove LWP::Protocol::GHTTP
      adds  23e5e1d   Merge pull request #81 from katkad/d_ghttp
      adds  31c12b3   Bump version for next release and add removal of GHTTP into the Changes log
      adds  166ad96   Merge pull request #101 from libwww-perl/genio/version-bump
      adds  d0580dc   Mention changes to tests in Changes file
      adds  d07fdf2   Update the Change log to reflect all work since 6.15 release
      adds  0f74044   Stop encouraging the use of HTTP::Cookies
      adds  b5c4cd0   Stop partying like it's 1999
      adds  218528b   Merge pull request #102 from tomhukins/update_docs
      adds  afbe02f   Mention HTTP::Cookies going out of favor
      adds  a35c38c   Add pod-spell and fix a few spelling errors
      adds  5d10965   Add the xt tests to the manifest and add pod-syntax tests
      adds  33bf731   Merge pull request #103 from libwww-perl/genio/author-tests
      adds  69a1293   Fix 6.16 release date in Changes.
      adds  bc0fe40   Bump version to 6.17
      adds  8d633be   prep the changes file
      adds  37b963e   recognize another error message from Socket
      adds  f059740   wrap evals and localize $@. Also, get rid of UNIVERSAL::isa() use
      adds  650853e   Use Try::Tiny instead
      adds  2294842   Updated the changes with PRs thus far
      adds  50edd64   Cleaned up a bit, starting at the bottom. All Changes from the beginning of time up until release 5.00 have been standardized as per #106
      adds  cd274e4   Changes normalized up to version 5.48
      adds  04549fc   Changes up to 5.69 have been standardized as per #106
      adds  ea2c41f   Changes up to 5.805 have been standardized as per #106
      adds  f575f28   Changes up to 5.830 have been standardized as per #106
      adds  6a8c53a   Changes have been standardized as per #106
      adds  935ef68   A few minor fixes to the Changes file. grep -E \'^\S\' Changes  shows it to be clean  #106
      adds  4b7ff4b   Fixed documentation error, updated Changes
      adds  ac73d34   Delete NOTES.txt
      adds  2f8c189   Set release date for 6.17 in Changes.
      adds  729c526   Version bump
      adds  e1f9cc7   Update "timeout" when reusing sockets
      adds  5a887d5   Add unit tests for timeouts and connection caching
      adds  42cca8e   Merge pull request #90 from nfg/bugfix-rt110893
      adds  14f2d50   Update Changes.
      adds  2c94749   Test for and fix problems around return values with Try::Tiny and ->simple_request
      adds  f12ec71   Update Changes.
      adds  e8519a7   Bump version to 6.19.
      adds  1bfb125   Clean up the request method and fix the "next" call within the catch
      adds  021934a   Merge pull request #111 from libwww-perl/genio/fixtrycatch
      adds  2952801   Make calls to constant HTTP::STATUS methods no longer use &METHOD form
      adds  7eca8a1   Synced up versions across files. Used package variables when available.
      adds  2ae8e1c   clean up some versioning
      adds  b1163b7   Update the change log since last release
      adds  aa0c700   remove usage of use vars pragma
      adds  0a52e90   Update the change log
      adds  132cf65   version bump
      adds  9c89131   Use a DZil setup closely resembling @ether's author bundle
      adds  43aebc1   Updates META.json
      adds  c900a6d   Updates Changes post release.
      adds  b1c02c0   Ensure that LWP::Simple re-exports some HTTP::Status functions.
      adds  14aa3a8   gitignore vim swap files (and sort .gitignore).
      adds  b75c44b   Bumps version to 6.21
      adds  e6eb35a   Gather coverage data via Travis config.
      adds  0c4c521   skip tests pre HTTP::Message 6.07
      adds  514290a   Update the documentation to be a bit more readable and show the caveat for HTTP::Message versions
      adds  a4899d6   Fix a small grammar mistake
      adds  1a8ced7   Update changes log for next release
      adds  1662850   Bumps version to 6.22
      adds  f2fbe3e   Bumps version in Makefile.PL and META.json
      adds  0c607ce   gitignore .perl-version
      adds  0a62712   Bumps version to 6.23 after release.
      adds  12fcea6   Tidy LWP::Protocol::nntp
      adds  313b314   Don't undef $nntp until we're finished with it.
      adds  123904b   Add PR 121 changes to the log
      adds  9ddca07   Allow the version bump and new directories to be reflected in Makefile.PL
      adds  d83dc97   Update documentation to be a little cleaner
      adds  1cc1fc6   Alphabetize UA documentation
      adds  7dd6a41   Add doc changes
      adds  e5ddc6f   Updates META.json
      adds  b1ff7c5   version bump
      adds  981a966   document cookie_jar being undef in clones https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=13542
      adds  dfc094a   Perltidy ftp and remove the large eval block as it is not needed.
      adds  8f663b8   Allow setting of proxy and no_proxy from the constructor of LWP::UA (#125)
      adds  5acf553   retab Changes file.
      adds  588bb95   v6.24
      adds  7313042   Adds datestamp to Changes for 6.24
      adds  af3bd21   Allow Changes to be committed by dzil at release.
      adds  8b109db   Fix documentation error where request and request_simple pointed to LWP::Simple instead of LWP::UserAgent
      adds  a039135   Moves bug tracking to GitHub.
      adds  d26afc1   Update changes log
      adds  dd21a45   Bump version to 6.25 prior to release.
      adds  1a54bf5   perltidy
      adds  82ae34d   use strict use warnings define vars remove explicit declaring of undef
      adds  451dc2b   Have the change log reflect the recent updates to the bin/ scripts
      adds  8028c05   Fix bug tracker URL in metadata.
      adds  d07741c   Bumps version to 6.26
      adds  782e400   Add test file for attributes exercising. Ensure we handle undef values in ->credentials
      adds  ca1581a   Fix bin scripts to now use LWP::VERSION rather than ->Version()
      adds  49666ef   POST example doesn't work with http. rt.cpan.org now requires https. Explicitly note that HTTP::CookieJar::LWP is a separate install. Large document example URL no longer valid.  Replace with different site.
      adds  7032340   Add tests for the "get" & "head" functions
      adds  5367928   travis can now test on 5.26
      adds  e9c1a9f   avoid listing secondary/internal packages in "provides" metadata and indexing in PAUSE
      adds  dab92a7   fix lwp-request -C
      adds  c1e27c9   Switch to Getopt::Long in lwp-download, add usage information to SYNOPSIS (#262)
      adds  606f1fe   v6.26
      adds  b88c35f   Bump version to 6.27
      adds  3592ce2   New upstream version 6.27
       new  6388b6a   Updated version 6.27 from 'upstream/6.27'
       new  f41d9ec   Update debian/changelog
       new  d4507d9   Update upstream metadata
       new  3564e87   Add new (build-)dependencies on Try::Tiny, Test::Fatal and Test::RequiresInternet
       new  8ce458e   Refresh patches (offset)
       new  b3603d4   Mark package Multi-Arch: foreign (closes: #872088)
       new  a3668a4   Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.1
       new  1fb257e   prepare changelog for release

The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 AUTHORS                                       |  120 -
 CONTRIBUTING.md                               |  105 +
 Changes                                       | 6086 +++++++++----------------
 MANIFEST                                      |  160 +-
 META.json                                     |  827 +++-
 META.yml                                      |  648 ++-
 Makefile.PL                                   |  231 +-
 README                                        |  100 -
 bin/lwp-download                              |  381 +-
 bin/lwp-dump                                  |   29 +-
 bin/lwp-mirror                                |   58 +-
 bin/lwp-request                               |  340 +-
 cpanfile                                      |   56 +
 debian/changelog                              |   16 +-
 debian/control                                |   10 +-
 debian/patches/drop-non-blocking-socket.patch |    2 +-
 debian/patches/ipv6-http-proxy.patch          |    2 +-
 debian/upstream/metadata                      |    4 +-
 dist.ini                                      |  266 ++
 lib/LWP.pm                                    |   46 +-
 lib/LWP/Authen/Basic.pm                       |    1 +
 lib/LWP/Authen/Digest.pm                      |    4 +-
 lib/LWP/Authen/Ntlm.pm                        |   45 +-
 lib/LWP/ConnCache.pm                          |  111 +-
 lib/LWP/Debug.pm                              |   83 +-
 lib/LWP/Debug/TraceHTTP.pm                    |   27 +
 lib/LWP/DebugFile.pm                          |    2 +-
 lib/LWP/MemberMixin.pm                        |   22 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol.pm                           |  128 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/GHTTP.pm                     |   73 -
 lib/LWP/Protocol/cpan.pm                      |   12 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/data.pm                      |   12 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/file.pm                      |   23 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/ftp.pm                       |  647 +--
 lib/LWP/Protocol/gopher.pm                    |   16 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/http.pm                      |   26 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/loopback.pm                  |    6 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/mailto.pm                    |   29 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/nntp.pm                      |  129 +-
 lib/LWP/Protocol/nogo.pm                      |   11 +-
 lib/LWP/RobotUA.pm                            |   77 +-
 lib/LWP/Simple.pm                             |   94 +-
 lib/LWP/UserAgent.pm                          | 1225 ++---
 lwpcook.pod                                   |   23 +-
 lwptut.pod                                    |   51 +-
 t/00-report-prereqs.dd                        |   88 +
 t/00-report-prereqs.t                         |  183 +
 t/10-attrs.t                                  |   47 +
 t/base/default_content_type.t                 |   90 +
 t/base/protocols.t                            |    8 +-
 t/base/protocols/nntp.t                       |   12 +
 t/base/proxy.t                                |   14 +-
 t/base/simple.t                               |   11 +
 t/base/ua.t                                   |   69 +-
 t/distmanifest.t                              |   11 -
 t/live/apache-http10.t                        |   16 -
 t/live/jigsaw/auth-b.t                        |   53 -
 t/live/jigsaw/auth-d.t                        |   33 -
 t/live/jigsaw/chunk.t                         |   37 -
 t/live/jigsaw/md5-get.t                       |   29 -
 t/live/jigsaw/md5.t                           |   26 -
 t/live/jigsaw/neg-get.t                       |   16 -
 t/live/jigsaw/neg.t                           |   15 -
 t/live/online.t                               |   13 -
 t/local/autoload-get.t                        |   33 +-
 t/local/autoload.t                            |   32 +-
 t/local/get.t                                 |  125 +-
 t/local/http.t                                |  918 ++--
 t/local/httpsub.t                             |   92 +
 t/local/protosub.t                            |   82 +-
 t/net/config.pl.dist                          |   10 -
 t/net/http-get.t                              |   51 -
 t/net/http-post.t                             |   52 -
 t/net/http-timeout.t                          |   46 -
 t/net/mirror.t                                |   41 -
 t/net/moved.t                                 |   38 -
 t/net/proxy.t                                 |   42 -
 t/robot/ua-get.t                              |  269 +-
 t/robot/ua.t                                  |  270 +-
 talk-to-ourself                               |   42 +-
 xt/author/00-compile.t                        |  119 +
 xt/author/eol.t                               |   57 +
 xt/author/live/apache-http10.t                |   18 +
 xt/author/live/jigsaw/auth-b.t                |   45 +
 xt/author/live/jigsaw/auth-d.t                |   31 +
 xt/author/live/jigsaw/chunk.t                 |   34 +
 xt/author/live/jigsaw/md5-get.t               |   29 +
 xt/author/live/jigsaw/md5.t                   |   28 +
 xt/author/live/jigsaw/neg-get.t               |   17 +
 xt/author/live/jigsaw/neg.t                   |   18 +
 {t => xt/author}/live/jigsaw/te.t             |   29 +-
 xt/author/live/online.t                       |   16 +
 xt/author/misc/dbmrobot                       |   22 +
 xt/author/misc/get-callback                   |   29 +
 xt/author/misc/get-file                       |   23 +
 xt/author/misc/pod.t                          |    8 +
 xt/author/mojibake.t                          |    9 +
 xt/author/net/cache-timeouts.t                |   93 +
 {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/moved            |    0
 {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/nph-slowdata     |   13 +-
 {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/slowread         |   18 +-
 {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/test             |   19 +-
 {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/timeout          |    0
 xt/author/net/config.pl_dist                  |   12 +
 xt/author/net/http-get.t                      |   36 +
 xt/author/net/http-post.t                     |   38 +
 xt/author/net/http-timeout.t                  |   36 +
 xt/author/net/mirror.t                        |   33 +
 xt/author/net/moved.t                         |   33 +
 xt/author/net/proxy.t                         |   30 +
 xt/author/pod-coverage.t                      |   60 +
 xt/author/pod-spell.t                         |  352 ++
 xt/author/pod-syntax.t                        |    7 +
 xt/author/portability.t                       |   10 +
 xt/author/test-version.t                      |   23 +
 xt/release/changes_has_content.t              |   41 +
 xt/release/distmeta.t                         |    6 +
 xt/release/minimum-version.t                  |    8 +
 118 files changed, 9069 insertions(+), 7609 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 AUTHORS
 create mode 100644 CONTRIBUTING.md
 delete mode 100644 README
 create mode 100644 cpanfile
 create mode 100644 dist.ini
 create mode 100644 lib/LWP/Debug/TraceHTTP.pm
 delete mode 100644 lib/LWP/Protocol/GHTTP.pm
 create mode 100644 t/00-report-prereqs.dd
 create mode 100644 t/00-report-prereqs.t
 create mode 100644 t/10-attrs.t
 create mode 100644 t/base/default_content_type.t
 create mode 100644 t/base/protocols/nntp.t
 create mode 100644 t/base/simple.t
 delete mode 100644 t/distmanifest.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/apache-http10.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/jigsaw/auth-b.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/jigsaw/auth-d.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/jigsaw/chunk.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/jigsaw/md5-get.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/jigsaw/md5.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/jigsaw/neg-get.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/jigsaw/neg.t
 delete mode 100644 t/live/online.t
 create mode 100644 t/local/httpsub.t
 delete mode 100644 t/net/config.pl.dist
 delete mode 100644 t/net/http-get.t
 delete mode 100644 t/net/http-post.t
 delete mode 100644 t/net/http-timeout.t
 delete mode 100644 t/net/mirror.t
 delete mode 100644 t/net/moved.t
 delete mode 100644 t/net/proxy.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/00-compile.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/eol.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/apache-http10.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/jigsaw/auth-b.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/jigsaw/auth-d.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/jigsaw/chunk.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/jigsaw/md5-get.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/jigsaw/md5.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/jigsaw/neg-get.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/jigsaw/neg.t
 rename {t => xt/author}/live/jigsaw/te.t (51%)
 create mode 100644 xt/author/live/online.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/misc/dbmrobot
 create mode 100644 xt/author/misc/get-callback
 create mode 100644 xt/author/misc/get-file
 create mode 100644 xt/author/misc/pod.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/mojibake.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/net/cache-timeouts.t
 rename {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/moved (100%)
 rename {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/nph-slowdata (79%)
 rename {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/slowread (62%)
 rename {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/test (51%)
 rename {t => xt/author}/net/cgi-bin/timeout (100%)
 create mode 100644 xt/author/net/config.pl_dist
 create mode 100644 xt/author/net/http-get.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/net/http-post.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/net/http-timeout.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/net/mirror.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/net/moved.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/net/proxy.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/pod-coverage.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/pod-spell.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/pod-syntax.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/portability.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/test-version.t
 create mode 100644 xt/release/changes_has_content.t
 create mode 100644 xt/release/distmeta.t
 create mode 100644 xt/release/minimum-version.t

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libwww-perl.git

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