[libdatetime-timezone-perl] 01/02: Update to Olson database version 2017c.

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Mon Oct 23 17:27:14 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch stretch
in repository libdatetime-timezone-perl.

commit ec560e8593652afffa56932e5732c00ba3a0e25f
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 23 19:21:19 2017 +0200

    Update to Olson database version 2017c.
    This update contains contemporary changes for Northern Cyprus, Fiji,
    Namibia, Sudan, Tonga, and Turks & Caicos.
 debian/patches/olson-2017c | 11512 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series      |     1 +
 2 files changed, 11513 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/olson-2017c b/debian/patches/olson-2017c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53dbdb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/olson-2017c
@@ -0,0 +1,11512 @@
+Description: update to olson db 2017c
+Origin: vendor
+Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
+Last-Update: 2017-10-23
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Abidjan.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Abidjan.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Accra.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Accra.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {23}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Algiers.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Algiers.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {13}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Bissau.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Bissau.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Cairo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Cairo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {63}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Casablanca.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Casablanca.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {49}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Ceuta.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Ceuta.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {53}
+@@ -1077,24 +1077,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/El_Aaiun.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/El_Aaiun.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {44}
+@@ -887,17 +887,6 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+-    'at' => '2:00',
+-    'from' => '2026',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
+-    'name' => 'Morocco',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+-  bless( {
+     'at' => '3:00',
+     'from' => '2013',
+     'in' => 'Oct',
+@@ -907,6 +896,17 @@
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+     'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '2:00',
++    'from' => '2026',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
++    'name' => 'Morocco',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'lastSun',
++    'save' => '1:00',
++    'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+ ;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Johannesburg.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Johannesburg.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {2}
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Juba.pm
+@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
++# This file is auto-generated by the Perl DateTime Suite time zone
++# code generator (0.08) This code generator comes with the
++# DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
++# Do not edit this file directly.
++package DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Juba;
++use strict;
++use warnings;
++use namespace::autoclean;
++our $VERSION = '2.09';
++use Class::Singleton 1.03;
++use DateTime::TimeZone;
++use DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB;
++ at DateTime::TimeZone::Africa::Juba::ISA = ( 'Class::Singleton', 'DateTime::TimeZone' );
++my $spans =
++    [
++DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
++60904907612, #      utc_end 1930-12-31 21:53:32 (Wed)
++DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
++60904915200, #    local_end 1931-01-01 00:00:00 (Thu)
++    ],
++    [
++60904907612, #    utc_start 1930-12-31 21:53:32 (Wed)
++62146044000, #      utc_end 1970-04-30 22:00:00 (Thu)
++60904914812, #  local_start 1930-12-31 23:53:32 (Wed)
++62146051200, #    local_end 1970-05-01 00:00:00 (Fri)
++    ],
++    [
++62146044000, #    utc_start 1970-04-30 22:00:00 (Thu)
++62160469200, #      utc_end 1970-10-14 21:00:00 (Wed)
++62146054800, #  local_start 1970-05-01 01:00:00 (Fri)
++62160480000, #    local_end 1970-10-15 00:00:00 (Thu)
++    ],
++    [
++62160469200, #    utc_start 1970-10-14 21:00:00 (Wed)
++62177493600, #      utc_end 1971-04-29 22:00:00 (Thu)
++62160476400, #  local_start 1970-10-14 23:00:00 (Wed)
++62177500800, #    local_end 1971-04-30 00:00:00 (Fri)
++    ],
++    [
++62177493600, #    utc_start 1971-04-29 22:00:00 (Thu)
++62192005200, #      utc_end 1971-10-14 21:00:00 (Thu)
++62177504400, #  local_start 1971-04-30 01:00:00 (Fri)
++62192016000, #    local_end 1971-10-15 00:00:00 (Fri)
++    ],
++    [
++62192005200, #    utc_start 1971-10-14 21:00:00 (Thu)
++62209116000, #      utc_end 1972-04-29 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62192012400, #  local_start 1971-10-14 23:00:00 (Thu)
++62209123200, #    local_end 1972-04-30 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62209116000, #    utc_start 1972-04-29 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62223627600, #      utc_end 1972-10-14 21:00:00 (Sat)
++62209126800, #  local_start 1972-04-30 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62223638400, #    local_end 1972-10-15 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62223627600, #    utc_start 1972-10-14 21:00:00 (Sat)
++62240565600, #      utc_end 1973-04-28 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62223634800, #  local_start 1972-10-14 23:00:00 (Sat)
++62240572800, #    local_end 1973-04-29 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62240565600, #    utc_start 1973-04-28 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62255163600, #      utc_end 1973-10-14 21:00:00 (Sun)
++62240576400, #  local_start 1973-04-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62255174400, #    local_end 1973-10-15 00:00:00 (Mon)
++    ],
++    [
++62255163600, #    utc_start 1973-10-14 21:00:00 (Sun)
++62272015200, #      utc_end 1974-04-27 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62255170800, #  local_start 1973-10-14 23:00:00 (Sun)
++62272022400, #    local_end 1974-04-28 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62272015200, #    utc_start 1974-04-27 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62286699600, #      utc_end 1974-10-14 21:00:00 (Mon)
++62272026000, #  local_start 1974-04-28 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62286710400, #    local_end 1974-10-15 00:00:00 (Tue)
++    ],
++    [
++62286699600, #    utc_start 1974-10-14 21:00:00 (Mon)
++62303464800, #      utc_end 1975-04-26 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62286706800, #  local_start 1974-10-14 23:00:00 (Mon)
++62303472000, #    local_end 1975-04-27 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62303464800, #    utc_start 1975-04-26 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62318235600, #      utc_end 1975-10-14 21:00:00 (Tue)
++62303475600, #  local_start 1975-04-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62318246400, #    local_end 1975-10-15 00:00:00 (Wed)
++    ],
++    [
++62318235600, #    utc_start 1975-10-14 21:00:00 (Tue)
++62334914400, #      utc_end 1976-04-24 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62318242800, #  local_start 1975-10-14 23:00:00 (Tue)
++62334921600, #    local_end 1976-04-25 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62334914400, #    utc_start 1976-04-24 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62349858000, #      utc_end 1976-10-14 21:00:00 (Thu)
++62334925200, #  local_start 1976-04-25 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62349868800, #    local_end 1976-10-15 00:00:00 (Fri)
++    ],
++    [
++62349858000, #    utc_start 1976-10-14 21:00:00 (Thu)
++62366364000, #      utc_end 1977-04-23 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62349865200, #  local_start 1976-10-14 23:00:00 (Thu)
++62366371200, #    local_end 1977-04-24 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62366364000, #    utc_start 1977-04-23 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62381394000, #      utc_end 1977-10-14 21:00:00 (Fri)
++62366374800, #  local_start 1977-04-24 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62381404800, #    local_end 1977-10-15 00:00:00 (Sat)
++    ],
++    [
++62381394000, #    utc_start 1977-10-14 21:00:00 (Fri)
++62398418400, #      utc_end 1978-04-29 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62381401200, #  local_start 1977-10-14 23:00:00 (Fri)
++62398425600, #    local_end 1978-04-30 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62398418400, #    utc_start 1978-04-29 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62412930000, #      utc_end 1978-10-14 21:00:00 (Sat)
++62398429200, #  local_start 1978-04-30 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62412940800, #    local_end 1978-10-15 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62412930000, #    utc_start 1978-10-14 21:00:00 (Sat)
++62429868000, #      utc_end 1979-04-28 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62412937200, #  local_start 1978-10-14 23:00:00 (Sat)
++62429875200, #    local_end 1979-04-29 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62429868000, #    utc_start 1979-04-28 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62444466000, #      utc_end 1979-10-14 21:00:00 (Sun)
++62429878800, #  local_start 1979-04-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62444476800, #    local_end 1979-10-15 00:00:00 (Mon)
++    ],
++    [
++62444466000, #    utc_start 1979-10-14 21:00:00 (Sun)
++62461317600, #      utc_end 1980-04-26 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62444473200, #  local_start 1979-10-14 23:00:00 (Sun)
++62461324800, #    local_end 1980-04-27 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62461317600, #    utc_start 1980-04-26 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62476088400, #      utc_end 1980-10-14 21:00:00 (Tue)
++62461328400, #  local_start 1980-04-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62476099200, #    local_end 1980-10-15 00:00:00 (Wed)
++    ],
++    [
++62476088400, #    utc_start 1980-10-14 21:00:00 (Tue)
++62492767200, #      utc_end 1981-04-25 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62476095600, #  local_start 1980-10-14 23:00:00 (Tue)
++62492774400, #    local_end 1981-04-26 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62492767200, #    utc_start 1981-04-25 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62507624400, #      utc_end 1981-10-14 21:00:00 (Wed)
++62492778000, #  local_start 1981-04-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62507635200, #    local_end 1981-10-15 00:00:00 (Thu)
++    ],
++    [
++62507624400, #    utc_start 1981-10-14 21:00:00 (Wed)
++62524216800, #      utc_end 1982-04-24 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62507631600, #  local_start 1981-10-14 23:00:00 (Wed)
++62524224000, #    local_end 1982-04-25 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62524216800, #    utc_start 1982-04-24 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62539160400, #      utc_end 1982-10-14 21:00:00 (Thu)
++62524227600, #  local_start 1982-04-25 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62539171200, #    local_end 1982-10-15 00:00:00 (Fri)
++    ],
++    [
++62539160400, #    utc_start 1982-10-14 21:00:00 (Thu)
++62555666400, #      utc_end 1983-04-23 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62539167600, #  local_start 1982-10-14 23:00:00 (Thu)
++62555673600, #    local_end 1983-04-24 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62555666400, #    utc_start 1983-04-23 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62570696400, #      utc_end 1983-10-14 21:00:00 (Fri)
++62555677200, #  local_start 1983-04-24 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62570707200, #    local_end 1983-10-15 00:00:00 (Sat)
++    ],
++    [
++62570696400, #    utc_start 1983-10-14 21:00:00 (Fri)
++62587720800, #      utc_end 1984-04-28 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62570703600, #  local_start 1983-10-14 23:00:00 (Fri)
++62587728000, #    local_end 1984-04-29 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62587720800, #    utc_start 1984-04-28 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62602318800, #      utc_end 1984-10-14 21:00:00 (Sun)
++62587731600, #  local_start 1984-04-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62602329600, #    local_end 1984-10-15 00:00:00 (Mon)
++    ],
++    [
++62602318800, #    utc_start 1984-10-14 21:00:00 (Sun)
++62619170400, #      utc_end 1985-04-27 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62602326000, #  local_start 1984-10-14 23:00:00 (Sun)
++62619177600, #    local_end 1985-04-28 00:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++62619170400, #    utc_start 1985-04-27 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62633854800, #      utc_end 1985-10-14 21:00:00 (Mon)
++62619181200, #  local_start 1985-04-28 01:00:00 (Sun)
++62633865600, #    local_end 1985-10-15 00:00:00 (Tue)
++    ],
++    [
++62633854800, #    utc_start 1985-10-14 21:00:00 (Mon)
++63083613600, #      utc_end 2000-01-15 10:00:00 (Sat)
++62633862000, #  local_start 1985-10-14 23:00:00 (Mon)
++63083620800, #    local_end 2000-01-15 12:00:00 (Sat)
++    ],
++    [
++63083613600, #    utc_start 2000-01-15 10:00:00 (Sat)
++DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #      utc_end
++63083624400, #  local_start 2000-01-15 13:00:00 (Sat)
++DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #    local_end
++    ],
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
++sub has_dst_changes {16}
++sub _max_year {2027}
++sub _new_instance {
++    return shift->_init( @_, spans => $spans );
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Khartoum.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Khartoum.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -331,16 +331,25 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 63083613600, #    utc_start 2000-01-15 10:00:00 (Sat)
+-DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #      utc_end
++63645166800, #      utc_end 2017-10-31 21:00:00 (Tue)
+ 63083624400, #  local_start 2000-01-15 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #    local_end
++63645177600, #    local_end 2017-11-01 00:00:00 (Wed)
+ 10800,
+ 0,
+ 'EAT',
+     ],
++    [
++63645166800, #    utc_start 2017-10-31 21:00:00 (Tue)
++DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #      utc_end
++63645174000, #  local_start 2017-10-31 23:00:00 (Tue)
++DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #    local_end
++    ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {16}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Lagos.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Lagos.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Maputo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Maputo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Monrovia.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Monrovia.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Nairobi.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Nairobi.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Ndjamena.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Ndjamena.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Tripoli.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Tripoli.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {13}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Tunis.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Tunis.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {16}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Windhoek.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Africa/Windhoek.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 62773653600, #    utc_start 1990-03-20 22:00:00 (Tue)
+-62901007200, #      utc_end 1994-04-02 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62899884000, #      utc_end 1994-03-20 22:00:00 (Sun)
+ 62773660800, #  local_start 1990-03-21 00:00:00 (Wed)
+-62901014400, #    local_end 1994-04-03 00:00:00 (Sun)
++62899891200, #    local_end 1994-03-21 00:00:00 (Mon)
+ 7200,
+ 0,
+ 'CAT',
+     ],
+     [
+-62901007200, #    utc_start 1994-04-02 22:00:00 (Sat)
++62899884000, #    utc_start 1994-03-20 22:00:00 (Sun)
+ 62914323600, #      utc_end 1994-09-04 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-62901010800, #  local_start 1994-04-02 23:00:00 (Sat)
++62899887600, #  local_start 1994-03-20 23:00:00 (Sun)
+ 62914327200, #    local_end 1994-09-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 3600,
+ 0,
+@@ -502,207 +502,18 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 63640083600, #    utc_start 2017-09-03 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63658224000, #      utc_end 2018-04-01 00:00:00 (Sun)
++DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #      utc_end
+ 63640090800, #  local_start 2017-09-03 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63658231200, #    local_end 2018-04-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
++DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #    local_end
+ 7200,
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63658224000, #    utc_start 2018-04-01 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63671533200, #      utc_end 2018-09-02 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63658227600, #  local_start 2018-04-01 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63671536800, #    local_end 2018-09-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63671533200, #    utc_start 2018-09-02 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63690278400, #      utc_end 2019-04-07 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63671540400, #  local_start 2018-09-02 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63690285600, #    local_end 2019-04-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63690278400, #    utc_start 2019-04-07 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63702982800, #      utc_end 2019-09-01 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63690282000, #  local_start 2019-04-07 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63702986400, #    local_end 2019-09-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63702982800, #    utc_start 2019-09-01 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63721728000, #      utc_end 2020-04-05 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63702990000, #  local_start 2019-09-01 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63721735200, #    local_end 2020-04-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63721728000, #    utc_start 2020-04-05 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63735037200, #      utc_end 2020-09-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63721731600, #  local_start 2020-04-05 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63735040800, #    local_end 2020-09-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63735037200, #    utc_start 2020-09-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63753177600, #      utc_end 2021-04-04 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63735044400, #  local_start 2020-09-06 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63753184800, #    local_end 2021-04-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63753177600, #    utc_start 2021-04-04 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63766486800, #      utc_end 2021-09-05 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63753181200, #  local_start 2021-04-04 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63766490400, #    local_end 2021-09-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63766486800, #    utc_start 2021-09-05 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63784627200, #      utc_end 2022-04-03 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63766494000, #  local_start 2021-09-05 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63784634400, #    local_end 2022-04-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63784627200, #    utc_start 2022-04-03 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63797936400, #      utc_end 2022-09-04 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63784630800, #  local_start 2022-04-03 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63797940000, #    local_end 2022-09-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63797936400, #    utc_start 2022-09-04 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63816076800, #      utc_end 2023-04-02 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63797943600, #  local_start 2022-09-04 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63816084000, #    local_end 2023-04-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63816076800, #    utc_start 2023-04-02 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63829386000, #      utc_end 2023-09-03 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63816080400, #  local_start 2023-04-02 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63829389600, #    local_end 2023-09-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63829386000, #    utc_start 2023-09-03 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63848131200, #      utc_end 2024-04-07 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63829393200, #  local_start 2023-09-03 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63848138400, #    local_end 2024-04-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63848131200, #    utc_start 2024-04-07 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63860835600, #      utc_end 2024-09-01 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63848134800, #  local_start 2024-04-07 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63860839200, #    local_end 2024-09-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63860835600, #    utc_start 2024-09-01 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63879580800, #      utc_end 2025-04-06 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63860842800, #  local_start 2024-09-01 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63879588000, #    local_end 2025-04-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63879580800, #    utc_start 2025-04-06 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63892890000, #      utc_end 2025-09-07 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63879584400, #  local_start 2025-04-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63892893600, #    local_end 2025-09-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63892890000, #    utc_start 2025-09-07 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63911030400, #      utc_end 2026-04-05 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63892897200, #  local_start 2025-09-07 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63911037600, #    local_end 2026-04-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63911030400, #    utc_start 2026-04-05 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63924339600, #      utc_end 2026-09-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63911034000, #  local_start 2026-04-05 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63924343200, #    local_end 2026-09-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63924339600, #    utc_start 2026-09-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63942480000, #      utc_end 2027-04-04 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63924346800, #  local_start 2026-09-06 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63942487200, #    local_end 2027-04-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63942480000, #    utc_start 2027-04-04 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63955789200, #      utc_end 2027-09-05 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63942483600, #  local_start 2027-04-04 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63955792800, #    local_end 2027-09-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 0,
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63955789200, #    utc_start 2027-09-05 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63973929600, #      utc_end 2028-04-02 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63955796400, #  local_start 2027-09-05 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63973936800, #    local_end 2028-04-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63973929600, #    utc_start 2028-04-02 00:00:00 (Sun)
+-63987238800, #      utc_end 2028-09-03 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63973933200, #  local_start 2028-04-02 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-63987242400, #    local_end 2028-09-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+-sub has_dst_changes {36}
++sub has_dst_changes {24}
+ sub _max_year {2027}
+@@ -710,72 +521,6 @@
+     return shift->_init( @_, spans => $spans );
+ }
+-sub _last_offset { 3600 }
+-my $last_observance = bless( {
+-  'format' => 'WA%sT',
+-  'gmtoff' => '1:00',
+-  'local_start_datetime' => bless( {
+-    'formatter' => undef,
+-    'local_rd_days' => 728020,
+-    'local_rd_secs' => 82800,
+-    'offset_modifier' => 0,
+-    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
+-    'tz' => bless( {
+-      'name' => 'floating',
+-      'offset' => 0
+-    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
+-    'utc_rd_days' => 728020,
+-    'utc_rd_secs' => 82800,
+-    'utc_year' => 1995
+-  }, 'DateTime' ),
+-  'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-  'offset_from_utc' => 3600,
+-  'until' => [],
+-  'utc_start_datetime' => bless( {
+-    'formatter' => undef,
+-    'local_rd_days' => 728020,
+-    'local_rd_secs' => 79200,
+-    'offset_modifier' => 0,
+-    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
+-    'tz' => bless( {
+-      'name' => 'floating',
+-      'offset' => 0
+-    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
+-    'utc_rd_days' => 728020,
+-    'utc_rd_secs' => 79200,
+-    'utc_year' => 1995
+-  }, 'DateTime' )
+-}, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Observance' )
+-sub _last_observance { $last_observance }
+-my $rules = [
+-  bless( {
+-    'at' => '2:00',
+-    'from' => '1995',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => '',
+-    'name' => 'Namibia',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+-  bless( {
+-    'at' => '2:00',
+-    'from' => '1994',
+-    'in' => 'Sep',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
+-    'name' => 'Namibia',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+-sub _rules { $rules }
+ 1;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Adak.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Adak.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-58910327199, #      utc_end 1867-10-17 11:46:39 (Thu)
++58910459473, #      utc_end 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-58910371200, #    local_end 1867-10-18 00:00:00 (Fri)
++58910503475, #    local_end 1867-10-19 12:44:35 (Sat)
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-58910327199, #    utc_start 1867-10-17 11:46:39 (Thu)
++58910459473, #    utc_start 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ 59946738398, #      utc_end 1900-08-20 23:46:38 (Mon)
+-58910284801, #  local_start 1867-10-17 00:00:01 (Thu)
++58910417075, #  local_start 1867-10-18 12:44:35 (Fri)
+ 59946696000, #    local_end 1900-08-20 12:00:00 (Mon)
+ -42398,
+ 0,
+@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Anchorage.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Anchorage.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-58910320776, #      utc_end 1867-10-17 09:59:36 (Thu)
++58910459473, #      utc_end 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-58910371200, #    local_end 1867-10-18 00:00:00 (Fri)
++58910509897, #    local_end 1867-10-19 14:31:37 (Sat)
+ 50424,
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-58910320776, #    utc_start 1867-10-17 09:59:36 (Thu)
++58910459473, #    utc_start 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ 59946731976, #      utc_end 1900-08-20 21:59:36 (Mon)
+-58910284800, #  local_start 1867-10-17 00:00:00 (Thu)
++58910423497, #  local_start 1867-10-18 14:31:37 (Fri)
+ 59946696000, #    local_end 1900-08-20 12:00:00 (Mon)
+ -35976,
+ 0,
+@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+@@ -1240,23 +1240,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Araguaina.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Araguaina.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {25}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Catamarca.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Catamarca.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {28}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Cordoba.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Cordoba.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Jujuy.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Jujuy.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/La_Rioja.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/La_Rioja.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {28}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Mendoza.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Mendoza.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {28}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {28}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Salta.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Salta.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {28}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/San_Juan.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/San_Juan.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {28}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/San_Luis.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/San_Luis.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Tucuman.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Tucuman.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Ushuaia.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Argentina/Ushuaia.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {28}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Asuncion.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Asuncion.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {54}
+@@ -1077,17 +1077,6 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '0:00',
+-    'from' => '2010',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
+-    'name' => 'Para',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+-  bless( {
+-    'at' => '0:00',
+     'from' => '2013',
+     'in' => 'Mar',
+     'letter' => '',
+@@ -1096,6 +1085,17 @@
+     'on' => 'Sun>=22',
+     'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '0:00',
++    'from' => '2010',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'S',
++    'name' => 'Para',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '1:00',
++    'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+ ;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Atikokan.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Atikokan.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {4}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Bahia.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Bahia.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Bahia_Banderas.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Bahia_Banderas.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {33}
+@@ -754,23 +754,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2002',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Mexico',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'lastSun',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2002',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Apr',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Mexico',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Barbados.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Barbados.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {4}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Belem.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Belem.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {14}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Belize.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Belize.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {27}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Blanc_Sablon.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Blanc_Sablon.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {3}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Boa_Vista.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Boa_Vista.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {16}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Bogota.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Bogota.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Boise.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Boise.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Cambridge_Bay.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Cambridge_Bay.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {52}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Campo_Grande.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Campo_Grande.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Cancun.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Cancun.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {20}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Caracas.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Caracas.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Cayenne.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Cayenne.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Chicago.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Chicago.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {108}
+@@ -2077,23 +2077,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Chihuahua.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Chihuahua.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {33}
+@@ -745,23 +745,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2002',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Apr',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Mexico',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2002',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Mexico',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'lastSun',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Costa_Rica.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Costa_Rica.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {4}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Creston.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Creston.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Cuiaba.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Cuiaba.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {65}
+@@ -1266,24 +1266,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '0:00',
+-    'from' => '2008',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '2038',
++    'in' => 'Feb',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'Brazil',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=15',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '0:00',
+-    'from' => '2038',
+-    'in' => 'Feb',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '2008',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Brazil',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=15',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Curacao.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Curacao.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Danmarkshavn.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Danmarkshavn.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {16}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Dawson.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Dawson.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {54}
+@@ -1069,23 +1069,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Dawson_Creek.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Dawson_Creek.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Denver.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Denver.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {70}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Detroit.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Detroit.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -106,26 +106,8 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 61464636000, #    utc_start 1948-09-26 06:00:00 (Sun)
+-62055183600, #      utc_end 1967-06-14 07:00:00 (Wed)
+-61464618000, #  local_start 1948-09-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
+-62055165600, #    local_end 1967-06-14 02:00:00 (Wed)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-62055183600, #    utc_start 1967-06-14 07:00:00 (Wed)
+-62067016800, #      utc_end 1967-10-29 06:00:00 (Sun)
+-62055169200, #  local_start 1967-06-14 03:00:00 (Wed)
+-62067002400, #    local_end 1967-10-29 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-62067016800, #    utc_start 1967-10-29 06:00:00 (Sun)
+ 62230395600, #      utc_end 1973-01-01 05:00:00 (Mon)
+-62066998800, #  local_start 1967-10-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++61464618000, #  local_start 1948-09-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
+ 62230377600, #    local_end 1973-01-01 00:00:00 (Mon)
+ -18000,
+ 0,
+@@ -1150,9 +1132,9 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+-sub has_dst_changes {60}
++sub has_dst_changes {59}
+ sub _max_year {2027}
+@@ -1204,23 +1186,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Edmonton.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Edmonton.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {68}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Eirunepe.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Eirunepe.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {15}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/El_Salvador.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/El_Salvador.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {2}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Fort_Nelson.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Fort_Nelson.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {71}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Fortaleza.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Fortaleza.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {19}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Glace_Bay.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Glace_Bay.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {61}
+@@ -1213,23 +1213,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Godthab.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Godthab.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {49}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Goose_Bay.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Goose_Bay.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {93}
+@@ -1798,23 +1798,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Grand_Turk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Grand_Turk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -718,18 +718,207 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 63582040800, #    utc_start 2015-11-01 06:00:00 (Sun)
+-DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #      utc_end
++63656434800, #      utc_end 2018-03-11 07:00:00 (Sun)
+ 63582026400, #  local_start 2015-11-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #    local_end
++63656420400, #    local_end 2018-03-11 03:00:00 (Sun)
+ -14400,
+ 0,
+ 'AST',
+     ],
++    [
++63656434800, #    utc_start 2018-03-11 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63676994400, #      utc_end 2018-11-04 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63656420400, #  local_start 2018-03-11 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63676980000, #    local_end 2018-11-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63676994400, #    utc_start 2018-11-04 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63687884400, #      utc_end 2019-03-10 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63676976400, #  local_start 2018-11-04 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63687866400, #    local_end 2019-03-10 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63687884400, #    utc_start 2019-03-10 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63708444000, #      utc_end 2019-11-03 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63687870000, #  local_start 2019-03-10 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63708429600, #    local_end 2019-11-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63708444000, #    utc_start 2019-11-03 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63719334000, #      utc_end 2020-03-08 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63708426000, #  local_start 2019-11-03 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63719316000, #    local_end 2020-03-08 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63719334000, #    utc_start 2020-03-08 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63739893600, #      utc_end 2020-11-01 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63719319600, #  local_start 2020-03-08 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63739879200, #    local_end 2020-11-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63739893600, #    utc_start 2020-11-01 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63751388400, #      utc_end 2021-03-14 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63739875600, #  local_start 2020-11-01 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63751370400, #    local_end 2021-03-14 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63751388400, #    utc_start 2021-03-14 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63771948000, #      utc_end 2021-11-07 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63751374000, #  local_start 2021-03-14 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63771933600, #    local_end 2021-11-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63771948000, #    utc_start 2021-11-07 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63782838000, #      utc_end 2022-03-13 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63771930000, #  local_start 2021-11-07 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63782820000, #    local_end 2022-03-13 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63782838000, #    utc_start 2022-03-13 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63803397600, #      utc_end 2022-11-06 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63782823600, #  local_start 2022-03-13 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63803383200, #    local_end 2022-11-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63803397600, #    utc_start 2022-11-06 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63814287600, #      utc_end 2023-03-12 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63803379600, #  local_start 2022-11-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63814269600, #    local_end 2023-03-12 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63814287600, #    utc_start 2023-03-12 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63834847200, #      utc_end 2023-11-05 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63814273200, #  local_start 2023-03-12 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63834832800, #    local_end 2023-11-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63834847200, #    utc_start 2023-11-05 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63845737200, #      utc_end 2024-03-10 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63834829200, #  local_start 2023-11-05 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63845719200, #    local_end 2024-03-10 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63845737200, #    utc_start 2024-03-10 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63866296800, #      utc_end 2024-11-03 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63845722800, #  local_start 2024-03-10 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63866282400, #    local_end 2024-11-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63866296800, #    utc_start 2024-11-03 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63877186800, #      utc_end 2025-03-09 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63866278800, #  local_start 2024-11-03 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63877168800, #    local_end 2025-03-09 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63877186800, #    utc_start 2025-03-09 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63897746400, #      utc_end 2025-11-02 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63877172400, #  local_start 2025-03-09 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63897732000, #    local_end 2025-11-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63897746400, #    utc_start 2025-11-02 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63908636400, #      utc_end 2026-03-08 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63897728400, #  local_start 2025-11-02 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63908618400, #    local_end 2026-03-08 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63908636400, #    utc_start 2026-03-08 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63929196000, #      utc_end 2026-11-01 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63908622000, #  local_start 2026-03-08 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63929181600, #    local_end 2026-11-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63929196000, #    utc_start 2026-11-01 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63940690800, #      utc_end 2027-03-14 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63929178000, #  local_start 2026-11-01 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63940672800, #    local_end 2027-03-14 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63940690800, #    utc_start 2027-03-14 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63961250400, #      utc_end 2027-11-07 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63940676400, #  local_start 2027-03-14 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63961236000, #    local_end 2027-11-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63961250400, #    utc_start 2027-11-07 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63972140400, #      utc_end 2028-03-12 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63961232400, #  local_start 2027-11-07 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63972122400, #    local_end 2028-03-12 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63972140400, #    utc_start 2028-03-12 07:00:00 (Sun)
++63992700000, #      utc_end 2028-11-05 06:00:00 (Sun)
++63972126000, #  local_start 2028-03-12 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63992685600, #    local_end 2028-11-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+-sub has_dst_changes {37}
++sub has_dst_changes {48}
+ sub _max_year {2027}
+@@ -737,6 +926,72 @@
+     return shift->_init( @_, spans => $spans );
+ }
++sub _last_offset { -18000 }
++my $last_observance = bless( {
++  'format' => 'E%sT',
++  'gmtoff' => '-5:00',
++  'local_start_datetime' => bless( {
++    'formatter' => undef,
++    'local_rd_days' => 736764,
++    'local_rd_secs' => 10800,
++    'offset_modifier' => 0,
++    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
++    'tz' => bless( {
++      'name' => 'floating',
++      'offset' => 0
++    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
++    'utc_rd_days' => 736764,
++    'utc_rd_secs' => 10800,
++    'utc_year' => 2019
++  }, 'DateTime' ),
++  'offset_from_std' => 0,
++  'offset_from_utc' => -18000,
++  'until' => [],
++  'utc_start_datetime' => bless( {
++    'formatter' => undef,
++    'local_rd_days' => 736764,
++    'local_rd_secs' => 25200,
++    'offset_modifier' => 0,
++    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
++    'tz' => bless( {
++      'name' => 'floating',
++      'offset' => 0
++    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
++    'utc_rd_days' => 736764,
++    'utc_rd_secs' => 25200,
++    'utc_year' => 2019
++  }, 'DateTime' )
++}, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Observance' )
++sub _last_observance { $last_observance }
++my $rules = [
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '2:00',
++    'from' => '2007',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
++    'name' => 'US',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
++    'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '2:00',
++    'from' => '2007',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
++    'name' => 'US',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
++    'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
++sub _rules { $rules }
+ 1;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Guatemala.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Guatemala.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {4}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Guayaquil.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Guayaquil.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Guyana.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Guyana.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Halifax.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Halifax.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1951,7 +1951,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {105}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Havana.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Havana.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {68}
+@@ -1320,17 +1320,6 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '0:00s',
+-    'from' => '2012',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
+-    'name' => 'Cuba',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+-  bless( {
+-    'at' => '0:00s',
+     'from' => '2013',
+     'in' => 'Mar',
+     'letter' => 'D',
+@@ -1339,6 +1328,17 @@
+     'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+     'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '0:00s',
++    'from' => '2012',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
++    'name' => 'Cuba',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
++    'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+ ;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Hermosillo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Hermosillo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {3}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Indianapolis.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Indianapolis.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {39}
+@@ -862,23 +862,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Knox.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Knox.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {67}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Marengo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Marengo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {42}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Petersburg.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Petersburg.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {48}
+@@ -970,23 +970,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Tell_City.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Tell_City.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {41}
+@@ -853,23 +853,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Vevay.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Vevay.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {31}
+@@ -673,23 +673,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Vincennes.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Vincennes.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {41}
+@@ -853,23 +853,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Winamac.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Indiana/Winamac.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {44}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Inuvik.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Inuvik.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Iqaluit.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Iqaluit.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {52}
+@@ -1006,23 +1006,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Jamaica.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Jamaica.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {10}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Juneau.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Juneau.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-58910317061, #      utc_end 1867-10-17 08:57:41 (Thu)
++58910459473, #      utc_end 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-58910371200, #    local_end 1867-10-18 00:00:00 (Fri)
++58910513612, #    local_end 1867-10-19 15:33:32 (Sat)
+ 54139,
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-58910317061, #    utc_start 1867-10-17 08:57:41 (Thu)
++58910459473, #    utc_start 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ 59946728261, #      utc_end 1900-08-20 20:57:41 (Mon)
+-58910284800, #  local_start 1867-10-17 00:00:00 (Thu)
++58910427212, #  local_start 1867-10-18 15:33:32 (Fri)
+ 59946696000, #    local_end 1900-08-20 12:00:00 (Mon)
+ -32261,
+ 0,
+@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Kentucky/Louisville.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Kentucky/Louisville.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {80}
+@@ -1546,23 +1546,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Kentucky/Monticello.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Kentucky/Monticello.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {65}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/La_Paz.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/La_Paz.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Lima.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Lima.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {7}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Los_Angeles.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Los_Angeles.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {84}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Maceio.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Maceio.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {20}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Managua.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Managua.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {4}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Manaus.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Manaus.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {15}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Martinique.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Martinique.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Matamoros.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Matamoros.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {34}
+@@ -727,23 +727,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Mazatlan.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Mazatlan.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {33}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Menominee.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Menominee.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+@@ -1213,23 +1213,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Merida.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Merida.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {33}
+@@ -700,23 +700,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2002',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Mexico',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'lastSun',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2002',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Apr',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Mexico',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Metlakatla.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Metlakatla.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-58910316378, #      utc_end 1867-10-17 08:46:18 (Thu)
++58910459473, #      utc_end 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-58910371200, #    local_end 1867-10-18 00:00:00 (Fri)
++58910514295, #    local_end 1867-10-19 15:44:55 (Sat)
+ 54822,
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-58910316378, #    utc_start 1867-10-17 08:46:18 (Thu)
++58910459473, #    utc_start 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ 59946727578, #      utc_end 1900-08-20 20:46:18 (Mon)
+-58910284800, #  local_start 1867-10-17 00:00:00 (Thu)
++58910427895, #  local_start 1867-10-18 15:44:55 (Fri)
+ 59946696000, #    local_end 1900-08-20 12:00:00 (Mon)
+ -31578,
+ 0,
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+@@ -664,23 +664,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Mexico_City.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Mexico_City.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {37}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Miquelon.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Miquelon.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {42}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Moncton.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Moncton.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {94}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Monterrey.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Monterrey.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {34}
+@@ -718,23 +718,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2002',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Apr',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Mexico',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2002',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Mexico',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'lastSun',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Montevideo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Montevideo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {43}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Nassau.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Nassau.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {65}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/New_York.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/New_York.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {109}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Nipigon.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Nipigon.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {59}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Nome.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Nome.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-58910324499, #      utc_end 1867-10-17 11:01:39 (Thu)
++58910459473, #      utc_end 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-58910371200, #    local_end 1867-10-18 00:00:00 (Fri)
++58910506175, #    local_end 1867-10-19 13:29:35 (Sat)
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-58910324499, #    utc_start 1867-10-17 11:01:39 (Thu)
++58910459473, #    utc_start 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ 59946735698, #      utc_end 1900-08-20 23:01:38 (Mon)
+-58910284801, #  local_start 1867-10-17 00:00:01 (Thu)
++58910419775, #  local_start 1867-10-18 13:29:35 (Fri)
+ 59946696000, #    local_end 1900-08-20 12:00:00 (Mon)
+ -39698,
+ 0,
+@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Noronha.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Noronha.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {19}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/North_Dakota/Beulah.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/North_Dakota/Beulah.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/North_Dakota/Center.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/North_Dakota/Center.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/North_Dakota/New_Salem.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/North_Dakota/New_Salem.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Ojinaga.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Ojinaga.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {33}
+@@ -754,23 +754,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Panama.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Panama.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Pangnirtung.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Pangnirtung.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {52}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Paramaribo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Paramaribo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Phoenix.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Phoenix.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {5}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Port_au_Prince.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Port_au_Prince.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {33}
+@@ -691,23 +691,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2017',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Haiti',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2017',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Haiti',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Port_of_Spain.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Port_of_Spain.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Porto_Velho.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Porto_Velho.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {14}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Puerto_Rico.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Puerto_Rico.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {2}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Punta_Arenas.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Punta_Arenas.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {53}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Rainy_River.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Rainy_River.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {59}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Rankin_Inlet.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Rankin_Inlet.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+@@ -988,23 +988,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Recife.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Recife.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {19}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Regina.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Regina.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {26}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Resolute.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Resolute.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Rio_Branco.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Rio_Branco.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {14}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Santarem.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Santarem.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {14}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Santiago.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Santiago.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Santo_Domingo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Santo_Domingo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {6}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Sao_Paulo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Sao_Paulo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {67}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Scoresbysund.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Scoresbysund.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {49}
+@@ -969,24 +969,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Sitka.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Sitka.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-58910317273, #      utc_end 1867-10-17 09:01:13 (Thu)
++58910459473, #      utc_end 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-58910371200, #    local_end 1867-10-18 00:00:00 (Fri)
++58910513400, #    local_end 1867-10-19 15:30:00 (Sat)
+ 53927,
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-58910317273, #    utc_start 1867-10-17 09:01:13 (Thu)
++58910459473, #    utc_start 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ 59946728473, #      utc_end 1900-08-20 21:01:13 (Mon)
+-58910284800, #  local_start 1867-10-17 00:00:00 (Thu)
++58910427000, #  local_start 1867-10-18 15:30:00 (Fri)
+ 59946696000, #    local_end 1900-08-20 12:00:00 (Mon)
+ -32473,
+ 0,
+@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/St_Johns.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/St_Johns.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {111}
+@@ -2104,23 +2104,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Swift_Current.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Swift_Current.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {11}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Tegucigalpa.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Tegucigalpa.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {3}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Thule.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Thule.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {38}
+@@ -772,23 +772,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Thule',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Thule',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Thunder_Bay.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Thunder_Bay.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {60}
+@@ -1204,23 +1204,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Tijuana.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Tijuana.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {64}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Toronto.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Toronto.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1987,7 +1987,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {108}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Vancouver.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Vancouver.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1582,7 +1582,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {86}
+@@ -1636,23 +1636,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Whitehorse.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Whitehorse.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {54}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Winnipeg.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Winnipeg.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {84}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Yakutat.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Yakutat.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-58910318335, #      utc_end 1867-10-17 09:18:55 (Thu)
++58910459473, #      utc_end 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-58910371200, #    local_end 1867-10-18 00:00:00 (Fri)
++58910512338, #    local_end 1867-10-19 15:12:18 (Sat)
+ 52865,
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-58910318335, #    utc_start 1867-10-17 09:18:55 (Thu)
++58910459473, #    utc_start 1867-10-19 00:31:13 (Sat)
+ 59946729535, #      utc_end 1900-08-20 21:18:55 (Mon)
+-58910284800, #  local_start 1867-10-17 00:00:00 (Thu)
++58910425938, #  local_start 1867-10-18 15:12:18 (Fri)
+ 59946696000, #    local_end 1900-08-20 12:00:00 (Mon)
+ -33535,
+ 0,
+@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Yellowknife.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/America/Yellowknife.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {52}
+@@ -1024,23 +1024,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'Canada',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Casey.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Casey.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Davis.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Davis.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/DumontDUrville.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/DumontDUrville.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Macquarie.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Macquarie.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {45}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Mawson.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Mawson.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Palmer.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Palmer.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {40}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Rothera.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Rothera.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Syowa.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Syowa.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Troll.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Troll.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {24}
+@@ -519,24 +519,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '2004',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '+00',
++    'from' => '2005',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => '+02',
+     'name' => 'Troll',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 7200,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0:00',
++    'save' => '2:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '2005',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => '+02',
++    'from' => '2004',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '+00',
+     'name' => 'Troll',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 7200,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '2:00',
++    'save' => '0:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Vostok.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Antarctica/Vostok.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Almaty.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Almaty.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {24}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Amman.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Amman.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {49}
+@@ -968,17 +968,6 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+-    'at' => '0:00s',
+-    'from' => '2014',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
+-    'name' => 'Jordan',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'lastFri',
+-    'save' => '0',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+-  bless( {
+     'at' => '24:00',
+     'from' => '2014',
+     'in' => 'Mar',
+@@ -988,6 +977,17 @@
+     'on' => 'lastThu',
+     'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '0:00s',
++    'from' => '2014',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
++    'name' => 'Jordan',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'lastFri',
++    'save' => '0',
++    'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+ ;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Anadyr.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Anadyr.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Aqtau.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Aqtau.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {23}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Aqtobe.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Aqtobe.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {24}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Ashgabat.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Ashgabat.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {11}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Atyrau.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Atyrau.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {23}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Baghdad.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Baghdad.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {26}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Baku.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Baku.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {32}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Bangkok.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Bangkok.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Barnaul.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Barnaul.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {31}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Beirut.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Beirut.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {61}
+@@ -1185,24 +1185,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '0:00',
+-    'from' => '1999',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1993',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Lebanon',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '0:00',
+-    'from' => '1993',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1999',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'Lebanon',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Bishkek.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Bishkek.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {25}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Brunei.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Brunei.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Chita.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Chita.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Choibalsan.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Choibalsan.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {24}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Colombo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Colombo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {2}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Damascus.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Damascus.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+@@ -1275,24 +1275,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '0:00',
+-    'from' => '2012',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '2009',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'Syria',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastFri',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '0:00',
+-    'from' => '2009',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '2012',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Syria',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastFri',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Dhaka.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Dhaka.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Dili.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Dili.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Dubai.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Dubai.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Dushanbe.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Dushanbe.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {11}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Famagusta.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Famagusta.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -799,18 +799,216 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 63608965200, #    utc_start 2016-09-07 21:00:00 (Wed)
+-DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #      utc_end
++63644922000, #      utc_end 2017-10-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
+ 63608976000, #  local_start 2016-09-08 00:00:00 (Thu)
+-DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #    local_end
++63644932800, #    local_end 2017-10-29 04:00:00 (Sun)
+ 10800,
+ 0,
+ '+03',
+     ],
++    [
++63644922000, #    utc_start 2017-10-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63657622800, #      utc_end 2018-03-25 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63644929200, #  local_start 2017-10-29 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63657630000, #    local_end 2018-03-25 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63657622800, #    utc_start 2018-03-25 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63676371600, #      utc_end 2018-10-28 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63657633600, #  local_start 2018-03-25 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63676382400, #    local_end 2018-10-28 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63676371600, #    utc_start 2018-10-28 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63689677200, #      utc_end 2019-03-31 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63676378800, #  local_start 2018-10-28 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63689684400, #    local_end 2019-03-31 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63689677200, #    utc_start 2019-03-31 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63707821200, #      utc_end 2019-10-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63689688000, #  local_start 2019-03-31 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63707832000, #    local_end 2019-10-27 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63707821200, #    utc_start 2019-10-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63721126800, #      utc_end 2020-03-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63707828400, #  local_start 2019-10-27 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63721134000, #    local_end 2020-03-29 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63721126800, #    utc_start 2020-03-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63739270800, #      utc_end 2020-10-25 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63721137600, #  local_start 2020-03-29 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63739281600, #    local_end 2020-10-25 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63739270800, #    utc_start 2020-10-25 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63752576400, #      utc_end 2021-03-28 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63739278000, #  local_start 2020-10-25 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63752583600, #    local_end 2021-03-28 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63752576400, #    utc_start 2021-03-28 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63771325200, #      utc_end 2021-10-31 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63752587200, #  local_start 2021-03-28 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63771336000, #    local_end 2021-10-31 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63771325200, #    utc_start 2021-10-31 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63784026000, #      utc_end 2022-03-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63771332400, #  local_start 2021-10-31 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63784033200, #    local_end 2022-03-27 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63784026000, #    utc_start 2022-03-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63802774800, #      utc_end 2022-10-30 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63784036800, #  local_start 2022-03-27 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63802785600, #    local_end 2022-10-30 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63802774800, #    utc_start 2022-10-30 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63815475600, #      utc_end 2023-03-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63802782000, #  local_start 2022-10-30 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63815482800, #    local_end 2023-03-26 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63815475600, #    utc_start 2023-03-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63834224400, #      utc_end 2023-10-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63815486400, #  local_start 2023-03-26 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63834235200, #    local_end 2023-10-29 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63834224400, #    utc_start 2023-10-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63847530000, #      utc_end 2024-03-31 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63834231600, #  local_start 2023-10-29 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63847537200, #    local_end 2024-03-31 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63847530000, #    utc_start 2024-03-31 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63865674000, #      utc_end 2024-10-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63847540800, #  local_start 2024-03-31 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63865684800, #    local_end 2024-10-27 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63865674000, #    utc_start 2024-10-27 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63878979600, #      utc_end 2025-03-30 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63865681200, #  local_start 2024-10-27 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63878986800, #    local_end 2025-03-30 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63878979600, #    utc_start 2025-03-30 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63897123600, #      utc_end 2025-10-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63878990400, #  local_start 2025-03-30 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63897134400, #    local_end 2025-10-26 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63897123600, #    utc_start 2025-10-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63910429200, #      utc_end 2026-03-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63897130800, #  local_start 2025-10-26 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63910436400, #    local_end 2026-03-29 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63910429200, #    utc_start 2026-03-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63928573200, #      utc_end 2026-10-25 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63910440000, #  local_start 2026-03-29 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63928584000, #    local_end 2026-10-25 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63928573200, #    utc_start 2026-10-25 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63941878800, #      utc_end 2027-03-28 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63928580400, #  local_start 2026-10-25 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63941886000, #    local_end 2027-03-28 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63941878800, #    utc_start 2027-03-28 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63960627600, #      utc_end 2027-10-31 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63941889600, #  local_start 2027-03-28 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63960638400, #    local_end 2027-10-31 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63960627600, #    utc_start 2027-10-31 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63973328400, #      utc_end 2028-03-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63960634800, #  local_start 2027-10-31 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63973335600, #    local_end 2028-03-26 03:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
++    [
++63973328400, #    utc_start 2028-03-26 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63992077200, #      utc_end 2028-10-29 01:00:00 (Sun)
++63973339200, #  local_start 2028-03-26 04:00:00 (Sun)
++63992088000, #    local_end 2028-10-29 04:00:00 (Sun)
++    ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+-sub has_dst_changes {43}
++sub has_dst_changes {54}
+ sub _max_year {2027}
+@@ -818,6 +1016,72 @@
+     return shift->_init( @_, spans => $spans );
+ }
++sub _last_offset { 7200 }
++my $last_observance = bless( {
++  'format' => 'EE%sT',
++  'gmtoff' => '2:00',
++  'local_start_datetime' => bless( {
++    'formatter' => undef,
++    'local_rd_days' => 736631,
++    'local_rd_secs' => 10800,
++    'offset_modifier' => 0,
++    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
++    'tz' => bless( {
++      'name' => 'floating',
++      'offset' => 0
++    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
++    'utc_rd_days' => 736631,
++    'utc_rd_secs' => 10800,
++    'utc_year' => 2018
++  }, 'DateTime' ),
++  'offset_from_std' => 0,
++  'offset_from_utc' => 7200,
++  'until' => [],
++  'utc_start_datetime' => bless( {
++    'formatter' => undef,
++    'local_rd_days' => 736631,
++    'local_rd_secs' => 3600,
++    'offset_modifier' => 0,
++    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
++    'tz' => bless( {
++      'name' => 'floating',
++      'offset' => 0
++    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
++    'utc_rd_days' => 736631,
++    'utc_rd_secs' => 3600,
++    'utc_year' => 2018
++  }, 'DateTime' )
++}, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Observance' )
++sub _last_observance { $last_observance }
++my $rules = [
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '1:00u',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
++    'name' => 'EUAsia',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'lastSun',
++    'save' => '1:00',
++    'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '1:00u',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
++    'name' => 'EUAsia',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'lastSun',
++    'save' => '0',
++    'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
++sub _rules { $rules }
+ 1;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Gaza.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Gaza.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Hebron.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Hebron.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {63}
+@@ -1249,23 +1249,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00',
+     'from' => '2016',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'Palestine',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSat',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00',
+     'from' => '2016',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Palestine',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSat',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Hong_Kong.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Hong_Kong.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {34}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Hovd.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Hovd.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {24}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Irkutsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Irkutsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Jakarta.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Jakarta.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Jayapura.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Jayapura.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Jerusalem.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Jerusalem.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kabul.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kabul.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kamchatka.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kamchatka.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Karachi.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Karachi.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {4}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kathmandu.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kathmandu.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Khandyga.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Khandyga.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kolkata.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kolkata.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,29 +25,47 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-59295521192, #      utc_end 1879-12-31 18:06:32 (Wed)
++58490445992, #      utc_end 1854-06-27 18:06:32 (Tue)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-59295542400, #    local_end 1880-01-01 00:00:00 (Thu)
++58490467200, #    local_end 1854-06-28 00:00:00 (Wed)
+ 21208,
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-59295521192, #    utc_start 1879-12-31 18:06:32 (Wed)
+-61244100400, #      utc_end 1941-09-30 18:06:40 (Tue)
+-59295542392, #  local_start 1879-12-31 23:59:52 (Wed)
+-61244121600, #    local_end 1941-10-01 00:00:00 (Wed)
++58490445992, #    utc_start 1854-06-27 18:06:32 (Tue)
++58979988400, #      utc_end 1869-12-31 18:06:40 (Fri)
++58490467192, #  local_start 1854-06-27 23:59:52 (Tue)
++58980009600, #    local_end 1870-01-01 00:00:00 (Sat)
+ 21200,
+ 0,
+ 'HMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-61244100400, #    utc_start 1941-09-30 18:06:40 (Tue)
++58979988400, #    utc_start 1869-12-31 18:06:40 (Fri)
++60115977530, #      utc_end 1905-12-31 18:38:50 (Sun)
++58980007670, #  local_start 1869-12-31 23:27:50 (Fri)
++60115996800, #    local_end 1906-01-01 00:00:00 (Mon)
++    ],
++    [
++60115977530, #    utc_start 1905-12-31 18:38:50 (Sun)
++61244101800, #      utc_end 1941-09-30 18:30:00 (Tue)
++60115997330, #  local_start 1906-01-01 00:08:50 (Mon)
++61244121600, #    local_end 1941-10-01 00:00:00 (Wed)
++    ],
++    [
++61244101800, #    utc_start 1941-09-30 18:30:00 (Tue)
+ 61263624600, #      utc_end 1942-05-14 17:30:00 (Thu)
+-61244123800, #  local_start 1941-10-01 00:36:40 (Wed)
++61244125200, #  local_start 1941-10-01 01:00:00 (Wed)
+ 61263648000, #    local_end 1942-05-15 00:00:00 (Fri)
+ 23400,
+ '+0630',
+     ],
+     [
+@@ -79,9 +97,9 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+-sub has_dst_changes {1}
++sub has_dst_changes {2}
+ sub _max_year {2027}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Krasnoyarsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Krasnoyarsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kuala_Lumpur.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kuala_Lumpur.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kuching.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Kuching.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {7}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Macau.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Macau.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {20}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Magadan.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Magadan.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Makassar.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Makassar.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Manila.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Manila.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {3}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Nicosia.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Nicosia.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {55}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Novokuznetsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Novokuznetsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Novosibirsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Novosibirsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {31}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Omsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Omsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Oral.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Oral.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {24}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Pontianak.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Pontianak.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Pyongyang.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Pyongyang.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Qatar.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Qatar.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Qyzylorda.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Qyzylorda.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {24}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Riyadh.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Riyadh.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Sakhalin.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Sakhalin.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Samarkand.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Samarkand.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {11}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Seoul.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Seoul.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {8}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Shanghai.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Shanghai.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {8}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Singapore.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Singapore.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Srednekolymsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Srednekolymsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Taipei.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Taipei.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {19}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tashkent.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tashkent.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {11}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tbilisi.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tbilisi.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {26}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tehran.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tehran.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {48}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Thimphu.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Thimphu.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tokyo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tokyo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {4}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tomsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Tomsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {31}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Ulaanbaatar.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Ulaanbaatar.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {24}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Urumqi.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Urumqi.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Ust_Nera.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Ust_Nera.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Vladivostok.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Vladivostok.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Yakutsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Yakutsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Yangon.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Yangon.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,26 +25,26 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-59295519320, #      utc_end 1879-12-31 17:35:20 (Wed)
++59295519313, #      utc_end 1879-12-31 17:35:13 (Wed)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+ 59295542400, #    local_end 1880-01-01 00:00:00 (Thu)
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-59295519320, #    utc_start 1879-12-31 17:35:20 (Wed)
+-60557736920, #      utc_end 1919-12-31 17:35:20 (Wed)
++59295519313, #    utc_start 1879-12-31 17:35:13 (Wed)
++60557736913, #      utc_end 1919-12-31 17:35:13 (Wed)
+ 59295542400, #  local_start 1880-01-01 00:00:00 (Thu)
+ 60557760000, #    local_end 1920-01-01 00:00:00 (Thu)
+ 0,
+ 'RMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-60557736920, #    utc_start 1919-12-31 17:35:20 (Wed)
++60557736913, #    utc_start 1919-12-31 17:35:13 (Wed)
+ 61262415000, #      utc_end 1942-04-30 17:30:00 (Thu)
+-60557760320, #  local_start 1920-01-01 00:05:20 (Thu)
++60557760313, #  local_start 1920-01-01 00:05:13 (Thu)
+ 61262438400, #    local_end 1942-05-01 00:00:00 (Fri)
+ 23400,
+ 0,
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Yekaterinburg.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Yekaterinburg.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Yerevan.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Asia/Yerevan.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -574,8 +574,17 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 63424159200, #    utc_start 2010-10-30 22:00:00 (Sat)
+-63436860000, #      utc_end 2011-03-26 22:00:00 (Sat)
++63429508800, #      utc_end 2010-12-31 20:00:00 (Fri)
+ 63424173600, #  local_start 2010-10-31 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63429523200, #    local_end 2011-01-01 00:00:00 (Sat)
++    ],
++    [
++63429508800, #    utc_start 2010-12-31 20:00:00 (Fri)
++63436860000, #      utc_end 2011-03-26 22:00:00 (Sat)
++63429523200, #  local_start 2011-01-01 00:00:00 (Sat)
+ 63436874400, #    local_end 2011-03-27 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 14400,
+ 0,
+@@ -601,7 +610,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Azores.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Azores.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1852,7 +1852,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {104}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Bermuda.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Bermuda.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {55}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Canary.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Canary.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {49}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Cape_Verde.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Cape_Verde.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Faroe.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Faroe.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {48}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Madeira.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Madeira.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1852,7 +1852,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {104}
+@@ -1905,24 +1905,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Reykjavik.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Reykjavik.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {33}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/South_Georgia.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/South_Georgia.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Stanley.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Atlantic/Stanley.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {33}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Adelaide.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Adelaide.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Brisbane.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Brisbane.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {8}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Broken_Hill.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Broken_Hill.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {63}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Currie.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Currie.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {63}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Darwin.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Darwin.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {4}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Eucla.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Eucla.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {9}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Hobart.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Hobart.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {67}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Lindeman.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Lindeman.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {10}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Lord_Howe.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Lord_Howe.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {48}
+@@ -961,23 +961,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2008',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'LH',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 1800,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '0:30',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2008',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Apr',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'LH',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 1800,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0:30',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Melbourne.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Melbourne.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+@@ -1204,23 +1204,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00s',
+     'from' => '2008',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'AV',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00s',
+     'from' => '2008',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Apr',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'AV',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Perth.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Perth.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {9}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Sydney.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Australia/Sydney.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {62}
+@@ -1204,23 +1204,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00s',
+     'from' => '2008',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'AN',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00s',
+     'from' => '2008',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Apr',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'AN',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/CET.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/CET.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {59}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/CST6CDT.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/CST6CDT.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+@@ -1232,23 +1232,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Catalog.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Catalog.pm
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+   Africa/Ceuta
+   Africa/El_Aaiun
+   Africa/Johannesburg
++  Africa/Juba
+   Africa/Khartoum
+   Africa/Lagos
+   Africa/Maputo
+@@ -399,6 +400,7 @@
+     Ceuta
+     El_Aaiun
+     Johannesburg
++    Juba
+     Khartoum
+     Lagos
+     Maputo
+@@ -1701,7 +1703,6 @@
+   'Africa/Freetown' => 'Africa/Abidjan',
+   'Africa/Gaborone' => 'Africa/Maputo',
+   'Africa/Harare' => 'Africa/Maputo',
+-  'Africa/Juba' => 'Africa/Khartoum',
+   'Africa/Kampala' => 'Africa/Nairobi',
+   'Africa/Kigali' => 'Africa/Maputo',
+   'Africa/Kinshasa' => 'Africa/Lagos',
+@@ -1801,7 +1802,6 @@
+   'Brazil/West' => 'America/Manaus',
+   'Canada/Atlantic' => 'America/Halifax',
+   'Canada/Central' => 'America/Winnipeg',
+-  'Canada/East-Saskatchewan' => 'America/Regina',
+   'Canada/Eastern' => 'America/Toronto',
+   'Canada/Mountain' => 'America/Edmonton',
+   'Canada/Newfoundland' => 'America/St_Johns',
+@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@
+ ;
+-sub OlsonVersion { '2017b' }
++sub OlsonVersion { '2017c' }
+ 1;
+@@ -1928,6 +1928,7 @@
+   Africa/Casablanca
+   Africa/El_Aaiun
+   Africa/Johannesburg
++  Africa/Juba
+   Africa/Khartoum
+   Africa/Lagos
+   Africa/Maputo
+@@ -2603,7 +2604,7 @@
+   Asia/Nicosia - Cyprus (most areas)
+   Asia/Famagusta - Northern Cyprus
+-=head3 Czech Republic (CZ)
++=head3 Czechia (CZ)
+   Europe/Prague
+@@ -3479,7 +3480,6 @@
+   Africa/Freetown => Africa/Abidjan
+   Africa/Gaborone => Africa/Maputo
+   Africa/Harare => Africa/Maputo
+-  Africa/Juba => Africa/Khartoum
+   Africa/Kampala => Africa/Nairobi
+   Africa/Kigali => Africa/Maputo
+   Africa/Kinshasa => Africa/Lagos
+@@ -3579,7 +3579,6 @@
+   Brazil/West => America/Manaus
+   Canada/Atlantic => America/Halifax
+   Canada/Central => America/Winnipeg
+-  Canada/East-Saskatchewan => America/Regina
+   Canada/Eastern => America/Toronto
+   Canada/Mountain => America/Edmonton
+   Canada/Newfoundland => America/St_Johns
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/EET.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/EET.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {52}
+@@ -988,24 +988,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/EST.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/EST.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/EST5EDT.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/EST5EDT.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+@@ -1232,23 +1232,23 @@
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
++    'in' => 'Nov',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '2007',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'D',
+     'name' => 'US',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=8',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Amsterdam.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Amsterdam.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {81}
+@@ -1545,24 +1545,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Andorra.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Andorra.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {44}
+@@ -888,24 +888,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Astrakhan.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Astrakhan.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Athens.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Athens.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {59}
+@@ -1167,24 +1167,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Belgrade.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Belgrade.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Berlin.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Berlin.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {64}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Brussels.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Brussels.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {83}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Bucharest.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Bucharest.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {58}
+@@ -1167,24 +1167,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Budapest.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Budapest.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+@@ -1293,24 +1293,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Chisinau.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Chisinau.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {61}
+@@ -1202,25 +1202,25 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+-    'at' => '3:00',
++    'at' => '2:00',
+     'from' => '1997',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Moldova',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+-    'at' => '2:00',
++    'at' => '3:00',
+     'from' => '1997',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'Moldova',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Copenhagen.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Copenhagen.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {57}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Dublin.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Dublin.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -484,17 +484,17 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 61193671200, #    utc_start 1940-02-25 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-61402323600, #      utc_end 1946-10-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
++61402327200, #      utc_end 1946-10-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 61193674800, #  local_start 1940-02-25 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-61402327200, #    local_end 1946-10-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
++61402330800, #    local_end 1946-10-06 03:00:00 (Sun)
+ 3600,
+ 1,
+ 'IST',
+     ],
+     [
+-61402323600, #    utc_start 1946-10-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
++61402327200, #    utc_start 1946-10-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 61416237600, #      utc_end 1947-03-16 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-61402323600, #  local_start 1946-10-06 01:00:00 (Sun)
++61402327200, #  local_start 1946-10-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 61416237600, #    local_end 1947-03-16 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 0,
+ 0,
+@@ -502,17 +502,17 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 61416237600, #    utc_start 1947-03-16 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-61436192400, #      utc_end 1947-11-02 01:00:00 (Sun)
++61436196000, #      utc_end 1947-11-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 61416241200, #  local_start 1947-03-16 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-61436196000, #    local_end 1947-11-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
++61436199600, #    local_end 1947-11-02 03:00:00 (Sun)
+ 3600,
+ 1,
+ 'IST',
+     ],
+     [
+-61436192400, #    utc_start 1947-11-02 01:00:00 (Sun)
++61436196000, #    utc_start 1947-11-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 61450711200, #      utc_end 1948-04-18 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-61436192400, #  local_start 1947-11-02 01:00:00 (Sun)
++61436196000, #  local_start 1947-11-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 61450711200, #    local_end 1948-04-18 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 0,
+ 0,
+@@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {104}
+@@ -1986,24 +1986,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Gibraltar.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Gibraltar.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {95}
+@@ -1707,24 +1707,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Helsinki.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Helsinki.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {49}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Istanbul.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Istanbul.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Kaliningrad.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Kaliningrad.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {37}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Kiev.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Kiev.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+@@ -1014,24 +1014,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Kirov.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Kirov.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Lisbon.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Lisbon.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {104}
+@@ -1914,24 +1914,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/London.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/London.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {117}
+@@ -2103,24 +2103,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Luxembourg.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Luxembourg.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1519,7 +1519,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {82}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Madrid.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Madrid.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {72}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Malta.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Malta.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {75}
+@@ -1446,24 +1446,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Minsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Minsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {32}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Monaco.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Monaco.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {87}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Moscow.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Moscow.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {38}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Oslo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Oslo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {61}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Paris.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Paris.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {84}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Prague.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Prague.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {61}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Riga.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Riga.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {52}
+@@ -1077,24 +1077,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Rome.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Rome.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1420,7 +1420,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {77}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Samara.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Samara.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Saratov.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Saratov.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Simferopol.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Simferopol.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {35}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Sofia.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Sofia.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {52}
+@@ -1077,24 +1077,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Stockholm.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Stockholm.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+@@ -1005,24 +1005,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Tallinn.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Tallinn.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {51}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Tirane.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Tirane.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {58}
+@@ -1122,24 +1122,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Ulyanovsk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Ulyanovsk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {30}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Uzhgorod.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Uzhgorod.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Vienna.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Vienna.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {60}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Vilnius.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Vilnius.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {48}
+@@ -1014,24 +1014,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Volgograd.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Volgograd.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {29}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Warsaw.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Warsaw.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {73}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Zaporozhye.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Zaporozhye.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+@@ -1023,24 +1023,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '1:00u',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'EU',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Zurich.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Europe/Zurich.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {50}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/HST.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/HST.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Chagos.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Chagos.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Christmas.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Christmas.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Cocos.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Cocos.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Kerguelen.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Kerguelen.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/antarctica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Mahe.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Mahe.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Maldives.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Maldives.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/asia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Mauritius.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Mauritius.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {2}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Reunion.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Indian/Reunion.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/africa.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/MET.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/MET.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {59}
+@@ -1114,24 +1114,24 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00s',
+-    'from' => '1996',
+-    'in' => 'Oct',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'from' => '1981',
++    'in' => 'Mar',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'C-Eur',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:00s',
+-    'from' => '1981',
+-    'in' => 'Mar',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'from' => '1996',
++    'in' => 'Oct',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'C-Eur',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/MST.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/MST.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/MST7MDT.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/MST7MDT.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/PST8PDT.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/PST8PDT.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {66}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Apia.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Apia.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-59279945216, #      utc_end 1879-07-04 11:26:56 (Fri)
++59690258816, #      utc_end 1892-07-04 11:26:56 (Mon)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-59279990400, #    local_end 1879-07-05 00:00:00 (Sat)
++59690304000, #    local_end 1892-07-05 00:00:00 (Tue)
+ 45184,
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-59279945216, #    utc_start 1879-07-04 11:26:56 (Fri)
++59690258816, #    utc_start 1892-07-04 11:26:56 (Mon)
+ 60273804416, #      utc_end 1911-01-01 11:26:56 (Sun)
+-59279904000, #  local_start 1879-07-04 00:00:00 (Fri)
++59690217600, #  local_start 1892-07-04 00:00:00 (Mon)
+ 60273763200, #    local_end 1911-01-01 00:00:00 (Sun)
+ -41216,
+ 0,
+@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {20}
+@@ -446,17 +446,6 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+-    'at' => '3:00',
+-    'from' => '2012',
+-    'in' => 'Sep',
+-    'letter' => 'D',
+-    'name' => 'WS',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'lastSun',
+-    'save' => '1',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+-  bless( {
+     'at' => '4:00',
+     'from' => '2012',
+     'in' => 'Apr',
+@@ -466,6 +455,17 @@
+     'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+     'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '3:00',
++    'from' => '2012',
++    'in' => 'Sep',
++    'letter' => 'D',
++    'name' => 'WS',
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'on' => 'lastSun',
++    'save' => '1',
++    'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+ ;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Auckland.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Auckland.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {69}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Bougainville.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Bougainville.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Chatham.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Chatham.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {55}
+@@ -1077,17 +1077,6 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+     'at' => '2:45s',
+-    'from' => '2008',
+-    'in' => 'Apr',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
+-    'name' => 'Chatham',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '0',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+-  bless( {
+-    'at' => '2:45s',
+     'from' => '2007',
+     'in' => 'Sep',
+     'letter' => 'D',
+@@ -1096,6 +1085,17 @@
+     'on' => 'lastSun',
+     'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
++  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
++  bless( {
++    'at' => '2:45s',
++    'from' => '2008',
++    'in' => 'Apr',
++    'letter' => 'S',
++    'name' => 'Chatham',
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
++    'save' => '0',
++    'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+ ;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Chuuk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Chuuk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Easter.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Easter.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {60}
+@@ -1166,25 +1166,25 @@
+ my $rules = [
+   bless( {
+-    'at' => '4:00u',
++    'at' => '3:00u',
+     'from' => '2016',
+-    'in' => 'Aug',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
++    'in' => 'May',
++    'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'Chile',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
++    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=9',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
++    'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+   bless( {
+-    'at' => '3:00u',
++    'at' => '4:00u',
+     'from' => '2016',
+-    'in' => 'May',
+-    'letter' => '',
++    'in' => 'Aug',
++    'letter' => 'S',
+     'name' => 'Chile',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
++    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+     'on' => 'Sun>=9',
+-    'save' => '0',
++    'save' => '1:00',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+ ]
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Efate.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Efate.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {10}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Enderbury.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Enderbury.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Fakaofo.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Fakaofo.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Fiji.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Fiji.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -223,17 +223,17 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 63645487200, #    utc_start 2017-11-04 14:00:00 (Sat)
+-63652140000, #      utc_end 2018-01-20 14:00:00 (Sat)
++63651535200, #      utc_end 2018-01-13 14:00:00 (Sat)
+ 63645534000, #  local_start 2017-11-05 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63652186800, #    local_end 2018-01-21 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63651582000, #    local_end 2018-01-14 03:00:00 (Sun)
+ 46800,
+ 1,
+ '+13',
+     ],
+     [
+-63652140000, #    utc_start 2018-01-20 14:00:00 (Sat)
++63651535200, #    utc_start 2018-01-13 14:00:00 (Sat)
+ 63676936800, #      utc_end 2018-11-03 14:00:00 (Sat)
+-63652183200, #  local_start 2018-01-21 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63651578400, #  local_start 2018-01-14 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 63676980000, #    local_end 2018-11-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 43200,
+ 0,
+@@ -331,17 +331,17 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 63834789600, #    utc_start 2023-11-04 14:00:00 (Sat)
+-63841442400, #      utc_end 2024-01-20 14:00:00 (Sat)
++63840837600, #      utc_end 2024-01-13 14:00:00 (Sat)
+ 63834836400, #  local_start 2023-11-05 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63841489200, #    local_end 2024-01-21 03:00:00 (Sun)
++63840884400, #    local_end 2024-01-14 03:00:00 (Sun)
+ 46800,
+ 1,
+ '+13',
+     ],
+     [
+-63841442400, #    utc_start 2024-01-20 14:00:00 (Sat)
++63840837600, #    utc_start 2024-01-13 14:00:00 (Sat)
+ 63866239200, #      utc_end 2024-11-02 14:00:00 (Sat)
+-63841485600, #  local_start 2024-01-21 02:00:00 (Sun)
++63840880800, #  local_start 2024-01-14 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 63866282400, #    local_end 2024-11-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
+ 43200,
+ 0,
+@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {22}
+@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
+     'letter' => '',
+     'name' => 'Fiji',
+     'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=15',
++    'on' => 'Sun>=14',
+     'save' => '0',
+     'to' => 'max'
+   }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Funafuti.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Funafuti.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Galapagos.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Galapagos.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/southamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Gambier.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Gambier.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Guadalcanal.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Guadalcanal.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Guam.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Guam.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Honolulu.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Honolulu.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/northamerica.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {2}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Kiritimati.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Kiritimati.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Kosrae.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Kosrae.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Kwajalein.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Kwajalein.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Majuro.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Majuro.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Marquesas.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Marquesas.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Nauru.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Nauru.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Niue.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Niue.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Norfolk.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Norfolk.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {1}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Noumea.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Noumea.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {3}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Pago_Pago.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Pago_Pago.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
+ [
+     [
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #    utc_start
+-59279944968, #      utc_end 1879-07-04 11:22:48 (Fri)
++59690258568, #      utc_end 1892-07-04 11:22:48 (Mon)
+ DateTime::TimeZone::NEG_INFINITY, #  local_start
+-59279990400, #    local_end 1879-07-05 00:00:00 (Sat)
++59690304000, #    local_end 1892-07-05 00:00:00 (Tue)
+ 45432,
+ 0,
+ 'LMT',
+     ],
+     [
+-59279944968, #    utc_start 1879-07-04 11:22:48 (Fri)
++59690258568, #    utc_start 1892-07-04 11:22:48 (Mon)
+ 60273804168, #      utc_end 1911-01-01 11:22:48 (Sun)
+-59279904000, #  local_start 1879-07-04 00:00:00 (Fri)
++59690217600, #  local_start 1892-07-04 00:00:00 (Mon)
+ 60273763200, #    local_end 1911-01-01 00:00:00 (Sun)
+ -40968,
+ 0,
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Palau.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Palau.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Pitcairn.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Pitcairn.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Pohnpei.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Pohnpei.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Port_Moresby.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Port_Moresby.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Rarotonga.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Rarotonga.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {13}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Tahiti.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Tahiti.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Tarawa.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Tarawa.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Tongatapu.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Tongatapu.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -124,216 +124,18 @@
+     ],
+     [
+ 63620082000, #    utc_start 2017-01-14 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63645483600, #      utc_end 2017-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
++DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #      utc_end
+ 63620128800, #  local_start 2017-01-15 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63645530400, #    local_end 2017-11-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63645483600, #    utc_start 2017-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63652136400, #      utc_end 2018-01-20 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63645534000, #  local_start 2017-11-05 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63652186800, #    local_end 2018-01-21 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63652136400, #    utc_start 2018-01-20 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63676933200, #      utc_end 2018-11-03 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63652183200, #  local_start 2018-01-21 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63676980000, #    local_end 2018-11-04 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63676933200, #    utc_start 2018-11-03 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63683586000, #      utc_end 2019-01-19 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63676983600, #  local_start 2018-11-04 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63683636400, #    local_end 2019-01-20 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63683586000, #    utc_start 2019-01-19 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63708382800, #      utc_end 2019-11-02 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63683632800, #  local_start 2019-01-20 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63708429600, #    local_end 2019-11-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63708382800, #    utc_start 2019-11-02 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63715035600, #      utc_end 2020-01-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63708433200, #  local_start 2019-11-03 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63715086000, #    local_end 2020-01-19 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63715035600, #    utc_start 2020-01-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63739832400, #      utc_end 2020-10-31 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63715082400, #  local_start 2020-01-19 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63739879200, #    local_end 2020-11-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63739832400, #    utc_start 2020-10-31 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63746485200, #      utc_end 2021-01-16 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63739882800, #  local_start 2020-11-01 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63746535600, #    local_end 2021-01-17 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63746485200, #    utc_start 2021-01-16 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63771886800, #      utc_end 2021-11-06 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63746532000, #  local_start 2021-01-17 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63771933600, #    local_end 2021-11-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63771886800, #    utc_start 2021-11-06 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63777934800, #      utc_end 2022-01-15 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63771937200, #  local_start 2021-11-07 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63777985200, #    local_end 2022-01-16 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63777934800, #    utc_start 2022-01-15 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63803336400, #      utc_end 2022-11-05 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63777981600, #  local_start 2022-01-16 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63803383200, #    local_end 2022-11-06 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63803336400, #    utc_start 2022-11-05 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63809384400, #      utc_end 2023-01-14 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63803386800, #  local_start 2022-11-06 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63809434800, #    local_end 2023-01-15 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63809384400, #    utc_start 2023-01-14 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63834786000, #      utc_end 2023-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63809431200, #  local_start 2023-01-15 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63834832800, #    local_end 2023-11-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63834786000, #    utc_start 2023-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63841438800, #      utc_end 2024-01-20 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63834836400, #  local_start 2023-11-05 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63841489200, #    local_end 2024-01-21 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63841438800, #    utc_start 2024-01-20 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63866235600, #      utc_end 2024-11-02 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63841485600, #  local_start 2024-01-21 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63866282400, #    local_end 2024-11-03 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63866235600, #    utc_start 2024-11-02 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63872888400, #      utc_end 2025-01-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63866286000, #  local_start 2024-11-03 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63872938800, #    local_end 2025-01-19 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63872888400, #    utc_start 2025-01-18 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63897685200, #      utc_end 2025-11-01 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63872935200, #  local_start 2025-01-19 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63897732000, #    local_end 2025-11-02 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63897685200, #    utc_start 2025-11-01 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63904338000, #      utc_end 2026-01-17 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63897735600, #  local_start 2025-11-02 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63904388400, #    local_end 2026-01-18 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63904338000, #    utc_start 2026-01-17 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63929134800, #      utc_end 2026-10-31 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63904384800, #  local_start 2026-01-18 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63929181600, #    local_end 2026-11-01 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63929134800, #    utc_start 2026-10-31 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63935787600, #      utc_end 2027-01-16 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63929185200, #  local_start 2026-11-01 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63935838000, #    local_end 2027-01-17 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63935787600, #    utc_start 2027-01-16 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63961189200, #      utc_end 2027-11-06 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63935834400, #  local_start 2027-01-17 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63961236000, #    local_end 2027-11-07 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63961189200, #    utc_start 2027-11-06 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63967237200, #      utc_end 2028-01-15 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63961239600, #  local_start 2027-11-07 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-63967287600, #    local_end 2028-01-16 03:00:00 (Sun)
+-    ],
+-    [
+-63967237200, #    utc_start 2028-01-15 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63992638800, #      utc_end 2028-11-04 13:00:00 (Sat)
+-63967284000, #  local_start 2028-01-16 02:00:00 (Sun)
+-63992685600, #    local_end 2028-11-05 02:00:00 (Sun)
++DateTime::TimeZone::INFINITY, #    local_end
+ 46800,
+ 0,
+ '+13',
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+-sub has_dst_changes {16}
++sub has_dst_changes {4}
+ sub _max_year {2027}
+@@ -341,72 +143,6 @@
+     return shift->_init( @_, spans => $spans );
+ }
+-sub _last_offset { 46800 }
+-my $last_observance = bless( {
+-  'format' => '+13/+14',
+-  'gmtoff' => '13:00',
+-  'local_start_datetime' => bless( {
+-    'formatter' => undef,
+-    'local_rd_days' => 729755,
+-    'local_rd_secs' => 0,
+-    'offset_modifier' => 0,
+-    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
+-    'tz' => bless( {
+-      'name' => 'floating',
+-      'offset' => 0
+-    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
+-    'utc_rd_days' => 729755,
+-    'utc_rd_secs' => 0,
+-    'utc_year' => 2000
+-  }, 'DateTime' ),
+-  'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-  'offset_from_utc' => 46800,
+-  'until' => [],
+-  'utc_start_datetime' => bless( {
+-    'formatter' => undef,
+-    'local_rd_days' => 729754,
+-    'local_rd_secs' => 39600,
+-    'offset_modifier' => 0,
+-    'rd_nanosecs' => 0,
+-    'tz' => bless( {
+-      'name' => 'floating',
+-      'offset' => 0
+-    }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' ),
+-    'utc_rd_days' => 729754,
+-    'utc_rd_secs' => 39600,
+-    'utc_year' => 1999
+-  }, 'DateTime' )
+-}, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Observance' )
+-sub _last_observance { $last_observance }
+-my $rules = [
+-  bless( {
+-    'at' => '2:00',
+-    'from' => '2016',
+-    'in' => 'Nov',
+-    'letter' => 'S',
+-    'name' => 'Tonga',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 3600,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=1',
+-    'save' => '1:00',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' ),
+-  bless( {
+-    'at' => '3:00',
+-    'from' => '2017',
+-    'in' => 'Jan',
+-    'letter' => '',
+-    'name' => 'Tonga',
+-    'offset_from_std' => 0,
+-    'on' => 'Sun>=15',
+-    'save' => '0',
+-    'to' => 'max'
+-  }, 'DateTime::TimeZone::OlsonDB::Rule' )
+-sub _rules { $rules }
+ 1;
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Wake.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Wake.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Wallis.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/Pacific/Wallis.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/australasia.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {0}
+--- a/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/WET.pm
++++ b/lib/DateTime/TimeZone/WET.pm
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ # DateTime::TimeZone module distribution in the tools/ directory
+ #
+-# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017b
++# Generated from debian/tzdata/europe.  Olson data version 2017c
+ #
+ # Do not edit this file directly.
+ #
+@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
+     ],
+ ];
+-sub olson_version {'2017b'}
++sub olson_version {'2017c'}
+ sub has_dst_changes {52}
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index bead3fe..d3eac63 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdatetime-timezone-perl.git

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