[libcatalyst-authentication-credential-http-perl] 02/08: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.018'

Damyan Ivanov dmn at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Oct 23 20:07:09 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dmn pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libcatalyst-authentication-credential-http-perl.

commit a6a1295ed2736ea8305cdca7b7fcdcecb3e85d3b
Merge: 0a64e2a 1b48bbf
Author: Damyan Ivanov <dmn at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Oct 23 19:51:40 2017 +0000

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.018'
    Update to upstream version '1.018'
    with Debian dir a6e5b22cce470af859e826014b5717d15236ddcc

 .gitignore                                     |    1 -
 Build.PL                                       |  150 +++
 CONTRIBUTING                                   |  100 ++
 Changes                                        |    8 +
 INSTALL                                        |   43 +
 LICENCE                                        |  379 ++++++++
 MANIFEST                                       |   47 +-
 META.json                                      | 1239 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 META.yml                                       |  861 +++++++++++++++-
 Makefile.PL                                    |  155 ++-
 README                                         |  141 +--
 dist.ini                                       |   33 +
 inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm                      |  930 ------------------
 inc/Module/Install.pm                          |  470 ---------
 inc/Module/Install/AuthorRequires.pm           |   38 -
 inc/Module/Install/AuthorTests.pm              |   59 --
 inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm              |   93 --
 inc/Module/Install/Base.pm                     |   83 --
 inc/Module/Install/Can.pm                      |  154 ---
 inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm                    |   93 --
 inc/Module/Install/Include.pm                  |   34 -
 inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm                 |  418 --------
 inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm                 |  722 --------------
 inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm                    |   64 --
 inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm                 |   63 --
 lib/Catalyst/Authentication/Credential/HTTP.pm |  111 ++-
 t/00-report-prereqs.dd                         |  146 +++
 t/00-report-prereqs.t                          |  197 ++++
 t/author/pod.t                                 |    5 -
 t/author/pod_spelling.t                        |   35 -
 t/author/podcoverage.t                         |    5 -
 t/basic.t                                      |    3 +-
 t/live_app.t                                   |   13 +-
 t/live_app_digest.t                            |   28 +-
 t/live_app_digest_dotnet.t                     |   27 +-
 xt/author/00-compile.t                         |   60 ++
 xt/author/clean-namespaces.t                   |   11 +
 xt/author/kwalitee.t                           |    9 +
 xt/author/mojibake.t                           |    9 +
 xt/author/pod-coverage.t                       |    7 +
 xt/author/pod-no404s.t                         |   21 +
 xt/author/pod-spell.t                          |   53 +
 xt/author/pod-syntax.t                         |    7 +
 xt/author/portability.t                        |   10 +
 xt/release/changes_has_content.t               |   41 +
 xt/release/cpan-changes.t                      |   10 +
 xt/release/distmeta.t                          |    6 +
 xt/release/minimum-version.t                   |    8 +
 48 files changed, 3653 insertions(+), 3547 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libcatalyst-authentication-credential-http-perl.git

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