[libtype-tiny-perl] 01/16: Updated version 1.002001 from 'upstream/1.002001'
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Thu Sep 14 10:52:33 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libtype-tiny-perl.
commit faf7a3c08cc6746499590d55355ee3b3cd8d0235
Merge: 0c503d0 c031d43
Author: Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
Date: Thu Sep 14 10:24:47 2017 +0200
Updated version 1.002001 from 'upstream/1.002001'
with Debian dir 9d2a9abf9a0db7d78ea6ab51086f568b1d4d6dce
CREDITS | 10 +-
Changes | 224 ++-
MANIFEST | 19 +-
META.json | 97 +-
META.yml | 90 +-
Makefile.PL | 95 +-
NEWS | 29 +-
README | 4 +-
SIGNATURE | 187 +--
TODO | 54 +-
doap.ttl | 1497 ++++++++++++++------
examples/benchmark-param-validation.pl | 229 ---
examples/{ => benchmarking}/benchmark-coercions.pl | 0
.../{ => benchmarking}/benchmark-constraints.pl | 0
.../benchmark-named-param-validation.pl | 117 ++
.../benchmarking/benchmark-param-validation.pl | 115 ++
.../{ => benchmarking}/versus-scalar-validation.pl | 0
examples/nonempty.pl | 65 +
examples/page-numbers.pl | 87 ++
lib/Devel/TypeTiny/Perl56Compat.pm | 9 +-
lib/Devel/TypeTiny/Perl58Compat.pm | 2 +-
lib/Error/TypeTiny.pm | 8 +-
lib/Error/TypeTiny/Assertion.pm | 4 +-
lib/Error/TypeTiny/Compilation.pm | 2 +-
lib/Error/TypeTiny/WrongNumberOfParameters.pm | 2 +-
lib/Eval/TypeTiny.pm | 2 +-
lib/Reply/Plugin/TypeTiny.pm | 2 +-
lib/Test/TypeTiny.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Coercion.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Coercion/FromMoose.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Coercion/Union.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Library.pm | 15 +-
lib/Type/Params.pm | 403 +++++-
lib/Type/Parser.pm | 11 +-
lib/Type/Registry.pm | 36 +-
lib/Type/Tiny.pm | 116 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Class.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Duck.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Enum.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Intersection.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual.pod | 4 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/UsingWithMoo.pod | 31 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/UsingWithMoose.pod | 12 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/UsingWithMouse.pod | 12 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Role.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Union.pm | 71 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/_HalfOp.pm | 2 +-
lib/Type/Utils.pm | 153 +-
lib/Types/Common/Numeric.pm | 2 +-
lib/Types/Common/String.pm | 4 +-
lib/Types/Standard.pm | 151 +-
lib/Types/Standard/ArrayRef.pm | 8 +-
lib/Types/Standard/CycleTuple.pm | 259 ++++
lib/Types/Standard/Dict.pm | 14 +-
lib/Types/Standard/HashRef.pm | 5 +-
lib/Types/Standard/Map.pm | 5 +-
lib/Types/Standard/ScalarRef.pm | 2 +-
lib/Types/Standard/Tuple.pm | 43 +-
lib/Types/TypeTiny.pm | 4 +-
t/00-begin.t | 12 +
t/02-api.t | 8 +-
t/20-unit/Error-TypeTiny-Assertion/basic.t | 6 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Coercion-FromMoose/basic.t | 4 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Coercion-FromMoose/errors.t | 4 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Params/compile-named.t | 311 ++++
t/20-unit/Type-Params/hashorder.t | 69 +
t/20-unit/Type-Params/multisig.t | 30 +
t/20-unit/Type-Parser/moosextypes.t | 10 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Registry/moosextypes.t | 4 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny-Intersection/errors.t | 2 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny-Union/basic.t | 10 +
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny-Union/errors.t | 2 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny-_HalfOp/double-union.t | 42 +
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny/constraint-strings.t | 69 +
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny/parameterization.t | 7 +
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny/to-moose.t | 6 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Utils/dwim-both.t | 4 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Utils/dwim-moose.t | 7 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Utils/dwim-mouse.t | 5 +
t/20-unit/Type-Utils/warnings.t | 2 +-
t/20-unit/Types-Common-String/coerce.t | 1 +
t/20-unit/Types-Standard/cycletuple.t | 74 +
t/20-unit/Types-Standard/deep-coercions.t | 30 +
t/20-unit/Types-TypeTiny/basic.t | 4 +-
t/20-unit/Types-TypeTiny/coercion.t | 4 +-
t/30-integration/Moo/basic.t | 4 +-
t/30-integration/Moo/coercion.t | 4 +-
t/30-integration/Moo/exceptions.t | 2 +
t/30-integration/Moo/inflation.t | 4 +-
t/30-integration/Moose/basic.t | 1 +
t/30-integration/Moose/coercion-more.t | 62 +
t/30-integration/Moose/coercion.t | 18 +-
t/30-integration/Moose/inflate-then-inline.t | 4 +-
t/30-integration/Moose/native-attribute-traits.t | 7 +-
t/40-regression/gh14.t | 75 +
t/99-moose-std-types-test.t | 6 +-
97 files changed, 4078 insertions(+), 1266 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtype-tiny-perl.git
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