[libdbd-pg-perl] 34/35: Remove files contained in git but not in the tarball

Christoph Berg myon at debian.org
Wed Sep 27 17:41:05 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

myon pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libdbd-pg-perl.

commit 55c13069865bf086e878e9c458d32513c4c4977f
Author: Christoph Berg <myon at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Sep 27 18:26:59 2017 +0200

    Remove files contained in git but not in the tarball
 .gitignore             |   23 --
 t/00_release.t         |   96 -----
 t/40replication.t      |  141 -------
 t/99_lint.t            |  161 --------
 t/99_perlcritic.t      |  163 --------
 t/99_pod.t             |  261 -------------
 t/99_spellcheck.t      | 1001 ------------------------------------------------
 t/99_yaml.t            |   34 --
 testallversions.tmp.pl |   45 ---
 9 files changed, 1925 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c15cf02..0000000
--- a/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/t/00_release.t b/t/00_release.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 553a41c..0000000
--- a/t/00_release.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-## Make sure the version number is consistent in all places
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Test::More;
-use lib 't','.';
-	plan (skip_all =>  'Test skipped unless environment variable RELEASE_TESTING is set');
-plan tests => 2;
-my $vre = qr{(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\_?\d*)};
-my %filelist = (
-	'dbdimp.c'             => [1, [ qr{ping test v$vre},        ]],
-	'META.yml'             => [3, [ qr{version\s*:\s*$vre},     ]],
-	'Pg.pm'                => [3, [ qr{VERSION = qv\('$vre'},
-			                        qr{documents version $vre},
-                                    qr{ping test v$vre},        ]],
-	'lib/Bundle/DBD/Pg.pm' => [1, [ qr{VERSION = '$vre'},       ]],
-	'Makefile.PL'          => [1, [ qr{VERSION = '$vre'},       ]],
-	'README'               => [1, [ qr{is version $vre},
-                                    qr{TEST VERSION \($vre},    ]],
-	'Changes'              => [1, [ qr{^(?:Version )*$vre},     ]],
-my %v;
-my $goodversion = 1;
-my $goodcopies = 1;
-my $lastversion = '?';
-## Walk through each file and slurp out the version numbers
-## Make sure that the version number matches
-## Verify the total number of version instances in each file as well
-for my $file (sort keys %filelist) {
-	my ($expected,$regexlist) = @{ $filelist{$file} };
-	my $instances = 0;
-	open my $fh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
-  SLURP: while (<$fh>) {
-		for my $regex (@{ $regexlist }) {
-			if (/$regex/) {
-				my $foundversion = $1;
-				push @{$v{$file}} => [$foundversion, $.];
-				if ($lastversion =~ /\d/ and $foundversion ne $lastversion) {
-					$goodversion = 0;
-				}
-				$lastversion = $foundversion;
-				$instances++;
-				last SLURP if $file eq 'Changes'; ## Only the top version please
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	close $fh or warn qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
-    if ($file eq 'README' and $lastversion =~ /_/) {
-        ## Beta gets two mentions in README
-        $expected++;
-    }
-	if ($instances != $expected) {
-		$goodcopies = 0;
-		diag "Version instance mismatch for $file: expected $expected, found $instances";
-	}
-if ($goodcopies) {
-	pass ('All files had the expected number of version strings');
-else {
-	fail ('All files did not have the expected number of version strings');
-if ($goodversion) {
-	pass ("All version numbers are the same ($lastversion)");
-else {
-	fail ('All version numbers were not the same!');
-	for my $filename (sort keys %v) {
-		for my $glob (@{$v{$filename}}) {
-			my ($ver,$line) = @$glob;
-			diag "File: $filename. Line: $line. Version: $ver\n";
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/t/40replication.t b/t/40replication.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d4dab1..0000000
--- a/t/40replication.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-## Test the COPY functionality
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-##use Data::HexDump;
-use DBD::Pg ':async';
-use Test::More;
-use lib 't','.';
-require 'dbdpg_test_setup.pl';
-pass 'This test is not ready yet';
-use constant {
-    DUP_OBJ => '42710',
-    USECS   => 1_000_000,
-    PG_TO_UNIX_EPOCH_DELTA => 946_684_800,
-my $slot = 'dbd_pg_test';
-my $plugin = 'test_decoding';
-my $dbh = connect_database();
-my $repl_dbh;
-if ($dbh) {
-    if ($dbh->{pg_server_version} >= 9.4) {
-        $repl_dbh = DBI->connect("$ENV{DBI_DSN};replication=database", $ENV{DBI_USER}, '',
-                                 {RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1});
-        $repl_dbh->{pg_enable_utf8} = 0;
-    } else {
-        plan skip_all => 'Cannot test logical replication on Postgres < 9.4';
-    }
-else {
-	plan skip_all => 'Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing';
-ok defined $repl_dbh, 'Connect to database for logical replication testing';
-my ($systemid, $timeline, $xlogpos, $dbname) = $repl_dbh->selectrow_array('IDENTIFY_SYSTEM');
-ok $dbname, "connected to specific dbname=$dbname";
-my $rv;
-eval {
-    $rv = $repl_dbh->do(sprintf 'CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT %s LOGICAL %s',
-                        $repl_dbh->quote_identifier($slot), $repl_dbh->quote_identifier($plugin));
-if ($@) {
-    unless ($repl_dbh->state eq DUP_OBJ) {
-        die sprintf 'err: %s; errstr: %s; state: %s', $repl_dbh->err, $repl_dbh->errstr, $repl_dbh->state;
-    } else {
-        $rv = 1;
-    }
-ok $rv, 'replication slot created';
-$rv = $repl_dbh->do(sprintf 'START_REPLICATION SLOT %s LOGICAL 0/0', $repl_dbh->quote_identifier($slot));
-ok $rv, 'replication started';
-my $lastlsn = 0;
-my $tx_watch;
-while (1) {
-    my @status = ('r', $lastlsn, $lastlsn, 0, ((time - PG_TO_UNIX_EPOCH_DELTA) * USECS), 0);
-    my $status = pack 'Aq>4b', @status;
-    $repl_dbh->pg_putcopydata($status)
-        or die sprintf 'err: %s; errstr: %s; state: %s', $repl_dbh->err, $repl_dbh->errstr, $repl_dbh->state;
-    unless ($tx_watch) {
-        $dbh->do('set client_min_messages to ERROR');
-        $dbh->do('drop table if exists dbd_pg_repltest');
-        $dbh->do('create table dbd_pg_repltest (id int)');
-        $dbh->do('insert into dbd_pg_repltest (id) values (1)');
-        $tx_watch = $dbh->selectrow_array('select txid_current()');
-        $dbh->commit;
-    }
-    my $n = $repl_dbh->pg_getcopydata_async(my $msg);
-    if ($n == 0) {
-        # nothing ready
-        sleep 1;
-        next;
-    }
-    if ($n == -1) {
-        # COPY closed
-        last;
-    }
-    if ($n == -2) {
-        die 'could not read COPY data: ' . $repl_dbh->errstr;
-    }
-    if ('k' eq substr $msg, 0, 1) {
-        my ($type, $lsnpos, $ts, $reply) = unpack 'Aq>2b', $msg;
-        $ts = ($ts / USECS) + PG_TO_UNIX_EPOCH_DELTA;
-        next;
-    }
-    if ('w' ne substr $msg, 0, 1) {
-        die sprintf 'unrecognized streaming header: "%s"', substr($msg, 0, 1);
-    }
-    my ($type, $startpos, $lsnpos, $ts, $record) = unpack 'Aq>3a*', $msg;
-    $ts = ($ts / USECS) + PG_TO_UNIX_EPOCH_DELTA;
-    if ($record eq 'table dbd_pg_testschema.dbd_pg_repltest: INSERT: id[integer]:1') {
-        pass 'saw insert event';
-        last;
-    } elsif ($tx_watch and my ($tx) = $record =~ /^COMMIT (\d+)$/) {
-        if ($tx > $tx_watch) {
-            fail 'saw insert event';
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    $lastlsn = $lsnpos;
-# cleanup the replication slot and test table
-$dbh->do('select pg_drop_replication_slot(?)', undef, $slot);
-$dbh->do('drop table if exists dbd_pg_repltest');
diff --git a/t/99_lint.t b/t/99_lint.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d552ee..0000000
--- a/t/99_lint.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-## Minor code cleanup checks
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use autodie;
-my (@testfiles,%fileslurp,$t);
-	plan (skip_all =>  'Test skipped unless environment variable AUTHOR_TESTING is set');
-my @cfiles = (qw/ dbdimp.c Pg.c quote.c types.c /);
-$ENV{LANG} = 'C';
-opendir my $dir, 't' or die qq{Could not open directory 't': $!\n};
- at testfiles = map { "t/$_" } grep { /^.+\.(t|pl)$/ } readdir $dir;
-closedir $dir or die qq{Could not closedir "$dir": $!\n};
-## Load all Test::More calls into memory
-my $testmore = 0;
-for my $file (@testfiles) {
-    open my $fh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
-    my $line;
-    while (defined($line = <$fh>)) {
-        last if $line =~ /__DATA__/; ## perlcritic.t
-        for my $func (qw/ok isnt pass fail cmp cmp_ok is_deeply unlike like/) { ## no skip
-            next if $line !~ /\b$func\b/;
-            next if $line =~ /$func \w/; ## e.g. 'skip these tests'
-            next if $line =~ /[\$\%]$func/; ## e.g. $ok %ok
-            $fileslurp{$file}{$.}{$func} = $line;
-            $testmore++;
-        }
-    }
-    close $fh or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
-ok (@testfiles, 'Found files in test directory');
-## Make sure the README.dev mentions all files used, and jives with the MANIFEST
-my $file = 'README.dev';
-open my $fh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
-my $point = 1;
-my %devfile;
-while (<$fh>) {
-	chomp;
-	if (1 == $point) {
-		next unless /File List/;
-		$point = 2;
-		next;
-	}
-	last if /= Compiling/;
-	if (m{^([\w\./-]+) \- }) {
-		$devfile{$1} = $.;
-		next;
-	}
-	if (m{^(t/.+)}) {
-		$devfile{$1} = $.;
-	}
-close $fh or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
-$file = 'MANIFEST';
-my %manfile;
-open $fh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
-while (<$fh>) {
-	next unless /^(\S.+)/;
-	$manfile{$1} = $.;
-close $fh or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
-$file = 'MANIFEST.SKIP';
-open $fh, '<', $file or die qq{Could not open "$file": $!\n};
-while (<$fh>) {
-	next unless m{^(t/.*)};
-	$manfile{$1} = $.;
-close $fh or die qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
-## Everything in MANIFEST[.SKIP] should also be in README.dev
-for my $file (sort keys %manfile) {
-	if (!exists $devfile{$file}) {
-		fail qq{File "$file" is in MANIFEST but not in README.dev\n};
-	}
-## Everything in README.dev should also be in MANIFEST, except derived files
-my %derived = map { $_, 1 } qw/Makefile Pg.c README.testdatabase dbdpg_test_database/;
-for my $file (sort keys %devfile) {
-	if (!exists $manfile{$file} and !exists $derived{$file}) {
-		fail qq{File "$file" is in README.dev but not in MANIFEST\n};
-	}
-	if (exists $manfile{$file} and exists $derived{$file}) {
-		fail qq{File "$file" is derived and should not be in MANIFEST\n};
-	}
-## Make sure all Test::More function calls are standardized
-for my $file (sort keys %fileslurp) {
-	for my $linenum (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$fileslurp{$file}}) {
-		for my $func (sort keys %{$fileslurp{$file}{$linenum}}) {
-			$t=qq{Test::More method "$func" is in standard format inside $file at line $linenum};
-            my $line = $fileslurp{$file}{$linenum}{$func};
-			## Must be at start of line (optional whitespace and comment), a space, a paren, and something interesting
-            next if $line =~ /\w+ fail/;
-			like ($line, qr{^\s*#?$func \(['\S]}, $t);
-		}
-	}
-## Check C files for consistent whitespace
-for my $file (@cfiles) {
-    my $tabfail = 0;
-    open my $fh, '<', $file;
-    my $inquote = 0;
-    while (<$fh>) {
-        if ($inquote) {
-            if (m{^\Q*/}) {
-                $inquote = 0;
-            }
-            next;
-        }
-        if (m{^\Q/*}) {
-            $inquote = 1;
-            next;
-        }
-        ## Special exception for types.c:
-        next if $file eq 'types.c' and /^ \{/;
-        $tabfail++ if /^ /;
-        warn $_ if /^ /;
-    }
-    close $fh;
-    if ($tabfail) {
-        fail (qq{File "$file" contains leading tabs, not spaces: $tabfail});
-    }
-    else {
-        pass (qq{File "$file" has no leading spaces});
-    }
diff --git a/t/99_perlcritic.t b/t/99_perlcritic.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 9672bf2..0000000
--- a/t/99_perlcritic.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-## Run Perl::Critic against the source code and the tests
-## This is highly customized, so take with a grain of salt
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use Data::Dumper;
-my (@testfiles,%fileslurp,$t);
-	plan (skip_all =>  'Test skipped unless environment variable AUTHOR_TESTING is set');
-elsif (!eval { require Perl::Critic; 1 }) {
-	plan skip_all => 'Could not find Perl::Critic';
-elsif ($Perl::Critic::VERSION < 0.23) {
-	plan skip_all => 'Perl::Critic must be version 0.23 or higher';
-$ENV{LANG} = 'C';
-opendir my $dir, 't' or die qq{Could not open directory 't': $!\n};
- at testfiles = map { "t/$_" } grep { /^.+\.(t|pl)$/ } readdir $dir;
-closedir $dir or die qq{Could not closedir "$dir": $!\n};
-## Check some non-test files
-my $critic = Perl::Critic->new(-severity => 1);
-for my $filename (qw{Pg.pm Makefile.PL lib/Bundle/DBD/Pg.pm }) {
-		pass (qq{Skipping non-test file "$filename"});
-		next;
-	}
-	-e $filename or die qq{Could not find "$filename"!};
-	open my $oldstderr, '>&', \*STDERR or die 'Could not dupe STDERR';
-	close STDERR or die qq{Could not close STDERR: $!};
-	my @vio = $critic->critique($filename);
-	open STDERR, '>&', $oldstderr or die 'Could not recreate STDERR'; ## no critic
-	close $oldstderr or die qq{Could not close STDERR copy: $!};
-	my $vios = 0;
-  VIO: for my $v (@vio) {
-		my $d = $v->description();
-		(my $policy = $v->policy()) =~ s/Perl::Critic::Policy:://;
-		my $source = $v->source();
-		next if $policy =~ /ProhibitInterpolationOfLiterals/; ## For now
-		## Export problems that really aren't:
-		next if $d =~ /Subroutine "SQL_\w+" (?:not exported|is neither)/;
-		next if $d =~ /Subroutine "pg_\w+" not exported/;
-		next if $d =~ /Subroutine "looks_like_number" not exported/;
-		## These are mostly artifacts of P::C being confused by multiple package layout:
-		next if $policy =~ /ProhibitCallsToUndeclaredSubs/;
-		next if $policy =~ /ProhibitCallsToUnexportedSubs/;
-		next if $policy =~ /RequireExplicitPackage/;
-		next if $policy =~ /RequireUseStrict/;
-		next if $policy =~ /RequireUseWarnings/;
-		next if $policy =~ /RequireExplicitPackage/;
-		## Allow our sql and qw blocks to have tabs:
-		next if $policy =~ /ProhibitHardTabs/ and ($source =~ /sql = qq/i or $source =~ /qw[\(\/]/);
-		$vios++;
-		my $f = $v->filename();
-		my $l = $v->location();
-		my $line = $l->[0];
-		diag "\nFile: $f (line $line)\n";
-		diag "Vio: $d\n";
-		diag "Policy: $policy\n";
-		diag "Source: $source\n\n";
-	}
-	if ($vios) {
-		fail (qq{Failed Perl::Critic tests for file "$filename": $vios});
-	}
-	else {
-		pass (qq{File "$filename" passed all Perl::Critic tests});
-	}
-## Specific exclusions for test scripts:
-my %ok =
-	(yaml => {
-			  sub => 'meta_spec_ok',
-			  },
-	 pod => {
-			 sub => 'pod_file_ok pod_coverage_ok',
-			 },
-	 signature => {
-			 sub => 'verify SIGNATURE_OK',
-			 },
-for my $f (keys %ok) {
-	for my $ex (keys %{$ok{$f}}) {
-		if ($ex eq 'sub') {
-			for my $foo (split /\s+/ => $ok{$f}{sub}) {
-				push @{$ok{$f}{OK}} => qr{Subroutine "$foo" (?:is neither|not exported)};
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			die "Unknown exception '$ex'\n";
-		}
-	}
-## Allow Test::More subroutines
-my $tm = join '|' => (qw/skip plan pass fail is ok diag BAIL_OUT/);
-my $testmoreok = qr{Subroutine "$tm" is neither};
-## Create a new critic for the tests
-$critic = Perl::Critic->new(-severity => 1);
-my $count = 1;
-for my $filename (sort @testfiles) {
-	-e $filename or die qq{Could not find "$filename"!};
-	my @vio = $critic->critique($filename);
-	my $vios = 0;
-  VIO: for my $v (@vio) {
-		my $d = $v->description();
-		(my $policy = $v->policy()) =~ s/Perl::Critic::Policy:://;
-		my $source = $v->source();
-		my $f = $v->filename();
-		## Skip common Test::More subroutines:
-		next if $d =~ $testmoreok;
-		## Skip other specific items:
-		for my $k (sort keys %ok) {
-			next unless $f =~ /$k/;
-			for (@{$ok{$k}{OK}}) {
-				next VIO if $d =~ $_;
-			}
-		}
-		## Skip included file package warning
-		next if $policy =~ /RequireExplicitPackage/ and $filename =~ /setup/;
-		$vios++;
-		my $l = $v->location();
-		my $line = $l->[0];
-		diag "\nFile: $f (line $line)\n";
-		diag "Vio: $d\n";
-		diag "Policy: $policy\n";
-		diag "Source: $source\n\n";
-	}
-	if ($vios) {
-		fail (qq{Failed Perl::Critic tests for file "$filename": $vios});
-	}
-	else {
-		pass (qq{File "$filename" passed all Perl::Critic tests});
-	}
-pass ('Finished Perl::Critic testing');
diff --git a/t/99_pod.t b/t/99_pod.t
deleted file mode 100644
index b89f561..0000000
--- a/t/99_pod.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-## Check our Pod, requires Test::Pod
-## Also done if available: Test::Pod::Coverage
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-	plan (skip_all =>  'Test skipped unless environment variable AUTHOR_TESTING is set');
-plan tests => 19;
-my $PODVERSION = '0.95';
-eval {
-	require Test::Pod;
-	Test::Pod->import;
-my @pm_files = qw{
-SKIP: {
-	if ($@ or $Test::Pod::VERSION < $PODVERSION) {
-		skip ("Test::Pod $PODVERSION is required", 9);
-	}
-	for my $filename (@pm_files) {
-		pod_file_ok($filename);
-	}
-## We won't require everyone to have this, so silently move on if not found
-my $PODCOVERVERSION = '1.04';
-eval {
-	require Test::Pod::Coverage;
-	Test::Pod::Coverage->import;
-SKIP: {
-	if ($@ or $Test::Pod::Coverage::VERSION < $PODCOVERVERSION) {
-		skip ("Test::Pod::Coverage $PODCOVERVERSION is required", 1);
-	}
-	my $trusted_names  =
-		[
-		 qr{^CLONE$},
-		 qr{^driver$},
-		 qr{^constant$},
-		 ## Auto-generated from types.c:
-		 qr{PG_ABSTIME},
-		 qr{PG_ACLITEM},
-		 qr{PG_ANY},
-		 qr{PG_ANYARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_ANYENUM},
-		 qr{PG_ANYRANGE},
-		 qr{PG_BIT},
-		 qr{PG_BITARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_BOOL},
-		 qr{PG_BOX},
-		 qr{PG_BOXARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_BPCHAR},
-		 qr{PG_BYTEA},
-		 qr{PG_CHAR},
-		 qr{PG_CID},
-		 qr{PG_CIDARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_CIDR},
-		 qr{PG_CIRCLE},
-		 qr{PG_CSTRING},
-		 qr{PG_DATE},
-		 qr{PG_FLOAT4},
-		 qr{PG_FLOAT8},
-		 qr{PG_INET},
-		 qr{PG_INT2},
-		 qr{PG_INT2ARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_INT2VECTOR},
-		 qr{PG_INT4},
-		 qr{PG_INT4ARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_INT4RANGE},
-		 qr{PG_INT8},
-		 qr{PG_INT8ARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_INT8RANGE},
-		 qr{PG_INTERNAL},
-		 qr{PG_INTERVAL},
-		 qr{PG_JSON},
-		 qr{PG_JSONB},
-		 qr{PG_LINE},
-		 qr{PG_LSEG},
-		 qr{PG_MACADDR},
-		 qr{PG_MACADDR8},
-		 qr{PG_MONEY},
-		 qr{PG_NAME},
-		 qr{PG_NUMERIC},
-		 qr{PG_NUMRANGE},
-		 qr{PG_OID},
-		 qr{PG_OIDARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_OPAQUE},
-		 qr{PG_PATH},
-		 qr{PG_PG_CLASS},
-		 qr{PG_PG_LSN},
-		 qr{PG_PG_NODE_TREE},
-		 qr{PG_PG_PROC},
-		 qr{PG_PG_TYPE},
-		 qr{PG_POINT},
-		 qr{PG_POLYGON},
-		 qr{PG_RECORD},
-		 qr{PG_REGCLASS},
-		 qr{PG_REGOPER},
-		 qr{PG_REGPROC},
-		 qr{PG_REGROLE},
-		 qr{PG_REGTYPE},
-		 qr{PG_RELTIME},
-		 qr{PG_SMGR},
-		 qr{PG_TEXT},
-		 qr{PG_TID},
-		 qr{PG_TIDARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_TIME},
-		 qr{PG_TIMETZ},
-		 qr{PG_TRIGGER},
-		 qr{PG_TSQUERY},
-		 qr{PG_TSRANGE},
-		 qr{PG_TSVECTOR},
-		 qr{PG_UNKNOWN},
-		 qr{PG_UUID},
-		 qr{PG_VARBIT},
-		 qr{PG_VARCHAR},
-		 qr{PG_VOID},
-		 qr{PG_XID},
-		 qr{PG_XIDARRAY},
-		 qr{PG_XML},
-		 qr{PG_XMLARRAY},
-		];
-	my $t='DBD::Pg pod coverage okay';
-	pod_coverage_ok ('DBD::Pg', {trustme => $trusted_names}, $t);
-## Now some things that are not covered by the above tests
-for my $filename (@pm_files) {
-	open my $fh, '<', $filename or die qq{Could not open "$filename": $!\n};
-	while (<$fh>) {
-		last if /^=/;
-	}
-	next if ! defined $_; ## no critic
-	## Assume the rest is POD.
-	my $passed = 1;
-	while (<$fh>) {
-		if (/C<[^<].+[<>].+[^>]>\b/) {
-			$passed = 0;
-			diag "Failed POD escaping on line $. of $filename\n";
-			diag $_;
-		}
-	}
-	close $fh or warn qq{Could not close "$filename": $!\n};
-	if ($passed) {
-		pass ("File $filename has no POD errors");
-	}
-	else {
-		fail ("File $filename had at least one POD error");
-	}
diff --git a/t/99_spellcheck.t b/t/99_spellcheck.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e50ba88..0000000
--- a/t/99_spellcheck.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1001 +0,0 @@
-## Spellcheck as much as we can
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-use utf8;
-my (@testfiles, $fh);
-	plan (skip_all =>  'Test skipped unless environment variable AUTHOR_TESTING is set');
-elsif (!eval { require Text::SpellChecker; 1 }) {
-	plan skip_all => 'Could not find Text::SpellChecker';
-else {
-	opendir my $dir, 't' or die qq{Could not open directory 't': $!\n};
-	@testfiles = map { "t/$_" } grep { /^.+\.(t|pl)$/ } readdir $dir;
-	closedir $dir or die qq{Could not closedir "$dir": $!\n};
-	plan tests => 18+ at testfiles;
-my %okword;
-my $file = 'Common';
-while (<DATA>) {
-	if (/^## (.+):/) {
-		$file = $1;
-		next;
-	}
-	next if /^#/ or ! /\w/;
-	for (split) {
-		$okword{$file}{$_}++;
-	}
-sub spellcheck {
-	my ($desc, $text, $filename) = @_;
-	my $check = Text::SpellChecker->new(text => $text, lang => 'en_US');
-	my %badword;
-	while (my $word = $check->next_word) {
-		next if $okword{Common}{$word} or $okword{$filename}{$word};
-		$badword{$word}++;
-	}
-	my $count = keys %badword;
-	if (! $count) {
-		pass ("Spell check passed for $desc");
-		return;
-	}
-	fail ("Spell check failed for $desc. Bad words: $count");
-	for (sort keys %badword) {
-		diag "$_\n";
-	}
-	return;
-## First, the plain ol' textfiles
-for my $file (qw/README Changes TODO README.dev README.win32/) {
-	if (!open $fh, '<', $file) {
-		fail (qq{Could not find the file "$file"!});
-	}
-	else {
-		{ local $/; $_ = <$fh>; }
-		close $fh or warn qq{Could not close "$file": $!\n};
-		if ($file eq 'Changes') {
-			s{\b(?:from|by) [A-Z][\w \.]+[<\[\n]}{}gs;
-			s{\b[Tt]hanks to (?:[A-Z]\w+\W){1,3}}{}gs;
-			s{Abhijit Menon-Sen}{}gs;
-			s{eg/lotest.pl}{};
-			s{\[.+?\]}{}gs;
-			s{\S+\@\S+\.\S+}{}gs;
-			s{git commit [a-f0-9]+}{git commit}gs;
-            s{B.*lint Szilakszi}{}gs;
-		}
-		elsif ($file eq 'README.dev') {
-			s/^\t\$.+//gsm;
-		}
-		spellcheck ($file => $_, $file);
-	}
-## Now the embedded POD
-SKIP: {
-	if (!eval { require Pod::Spell; 1 }) {
-		skip ('Need Pod::Spell to test the spelling of embedded POD', 2);
-	}
-	for my $file (qw{Pg.pm lib/Bundle/DBD/Pg.pm}) {
-		if (! -e $file) {
-			fail (qq{Could not find the file "$file"!});
-		}
-		my $string = qx{podspell $file};
-		spellcheck ("POD from $file" => $string, $file);
-	}
-## Now the comments
-SKIP: {
-	if (!eval { require File::Comments; 1 }) {
-		skip ('Need File::Comments to test the spelling inside comments', 11+ at testfiles);
-	}
-    {
-		## For XS files...
-		package File::Comments::Plugin::Catchall; ## no critic
-		use strict;
-		use warnings;
-		require File::Comments::Plugin;
-		require File::Comments::Plugin::C;
-		our @ISA     = qw(File::Comments::Plugin::C);
-		sub applicable {
-			my($self) = @_;
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	my $fc = File::Comments->new();
-	my @files;
-	for (sort @testfiles) {
-		push @files, "$_";
-	}
-	for my $file (@testfiles, qw{Makefile.PL Pg.xs Pg.pm lib/Bundle/DBD/Pg.pm
-        dbdimp.c dbdimp.h types.c quote.c quote.h Pg.h types.h}) {
-		## Tests as well?
-		if (! -e $file) {
-			fail (qq{Could not find the file "$file"!});
-		}
-		my $string = $fc->comments($file);
-		if (! $string) {
-			fail (qq{Could not get comments from file $file});
-			next;
-		}
-		$string = join "\n" => @$string;
-		$string =~ s/=head1.+//sm;
-		spellcheck ("comments from $file" => $string, $file);
-	}
-## These words are okay
-## Common:
-## TODO:
-## README.dev:
-## Changes:
-## Pg.pm:
-## Pg.xs:
-## dbdimp.c:
-## dbdimp.h:
-## quote.c:
-## types.c:
-## types.h:
-## Pg.h:
-## Makefile.PL:
-## t/07copy.t:
-## t/03dbmethod.t:
-## t/01constants.t:
-## t/99_yaml.t:
-## t/02attribs.t:
-## t/03smethod.t:
-## t/12placeholders.t:
-## t/99_spellcheck.t:
-## README.win32:
diff --git a/t/99_yaml.t b/t/99_yaml.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 34502ad..0000000
--- a/t/99_yaml.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-## Test META.yml for YAMLiciousness, requires Test::YAML::Meta
-use 5.006;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
-	plan (skip_all =>  'Test skipped unless environment variable RELEASE_TESTING is set');
-plan tests => 2;
-my $V = 0.03;
-eval {
-	require Test::YAML::Meta;
-	Test::YAML::Meta->import;
-if ($@) {
-	SKIP: {
-		skip ('Skipping Test::YAML::Meta tests: module not found', 2);
-	}
-elsif ($Test::YAML::Meta::VERSION < $V) {
-	SKIP: {
-		skip ("Skipping Test::YAML::Meta tests: need version $V, but only have $Test::YAML::Meta::VERSION", 2);
-	}
-else {
-	meta_spec_ok ('META.yml', 1.4);
diff --git a/testallversions.tmp.pl b/testallversions.tmp.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index f4da9ea..0000000
--- a/testallversions.tmp.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-## Quick script to test all available combinations of Postgres
-## Usage: $0 <postgresdir>
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $basedir = shift || "$ENV{HOME}/code/postgres";
--d $basedir or die qq{No such directory: $basedir\n};
-my @versions = qw/ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 HEAD /;
-## Sanity check:
-for my $lver (@versions) {
-	my $libdir = "$basedir/$lver/lib";
-	-d $libdir or warn qq{Could not find directory: $libdir\n};
-for my $lver (@versions) {
-	my $libdir = "$basedir/$lver/lib";
-	next if ! -d $libdir;
-	for my $tver (@versions) {
-		my $libdir2 = "$basedir/$tver/lib";
-		next if ! -d $libdir2;
-		my $outfile = "dbdpg.testing.$lver.vs.$tver.log";
-		print "Testing library $lver against $tver: results stored in $outfile\n";
-		open my $fh, '>', $outfile or die qq{Could not open "$outfile": $!\n};
-		my $COM = "POSTGRES_LIB=/home/greg/code/postgres/$lver/lib perl Makefile.PL 2>&1";
-		print "$COM\n";
-		print $fh qx{$COM};
-		(my $port = $tver) =~ s/\.//;
-		$port = "5$port" . 0;
-		$port =~ /HEAD/ and $port = 5999;
-		$COM = "PGPORT=$port make test";
-		print "$COM\n";
-		print $fh qx{$COM};
-	}

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdbd-pg-perl.git

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