[libmodule-extract-use-perl] annotated tag upstream/1.043 created (now 5b1b13c)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Jan 2 22:11:51 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.043
in repository libmodule-extract-use-perl.

        at  5b1b13c   (tag)
   tagging  e0aff87f355a47d5ddce4ef57cf43c48446508a7 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.04
 tagged by  gregor herrmann
        on  Tue Jan 2 22:59:40 2018 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.043

David Steinbrunner (1):
      fix repo metadata

brian d foy (106):
      Initial import of module
      * Now it's tested and fully covered
      * add release info
      * tell git to ignore some files
      * for version 0.10_01
      * bump to release version
      * ignore .bak files
      * for version 0.11
      Don't carp, just set error.
      * Remove the prereq test. Do that in release
      * for version 0.12
      Only return the unique elements
      * Add new files to manifest
      * for version 0.13
      * Don't create the man3 pages
      * Jonathan Yu's example module extractor script
      * Find require-d modules too
      * sort module list, re-write docs
      * Bump version
      * Clean up extract_modules (renamed from extractuse.pl)
      * Update MANIFEST
      * for version 0.14
      * I guess I have to make the man page after all.
      * bumped version to 0.15
      * for version 0.15
      * Goodbye CVS tags, new META_MERGE hotness
      * Bump version from 0.15 to 0.16
      * for version 0.16
      * Fix the keywords
      * Fixed test that PPI broke: it now handles empty files :(
      Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:briandfoy/module--extract--use
      * Bump version
      Update the Github project name, now with single dashes.
      Update copyright date
      Bump version
      Whitespace and formatting fixes
      Implement get_modules_with_details
      * for version 0.18
      Return nothing if there are no modules to find
      Jonathan assigns copyright to me to make packages easier
      Move the module to the conventional path
      Bump to stable version
      Update MANIFEST for new locations
      * for version 1.01
      Add corpus to no_index
      Adjust file pattern in MANIFEST.SKIP
      * for version 1.02
      Ignore MYMETA stuff
      Create a Module::Extract::Use::Item class
      get_module_details returns a reference, not a list
      RT 78728: note the pragma field in the docs
      Update date and version
      * for version 1.03
      Add a test for RT 79273 (parent and base)
      Added /Users/brian/Dev/module-extract-use/.travis.yml
      Merge pull request #2 from dsteinbrunner/patch-1
      Use default MANIFEST.SKIP
      Update Makefile.PL
      Update version and copyright date
      Update expected test data structures
      * for version 1.04
      Clean up Changes
      Expand .travis.yml for coveralls, 5.20, helpers
      ignore these files
      Update copyright statement
      normalize Changes header line according to CPAN::Changes::Spec
      Add author test for Changes file
      Fix changes.t for missing interpolated variable
      Date format for CPAN::Changes::Spec
      Modulino-ize Makefile.PL, Phase 1
      Die if we cannot load correct ExtUtils::MakeMaker
      More modernization of Makefile.PL
      Most of the modernization of Makefile.PL
      Update LICENSE file to include full license
      "Depend on File::Spec::Functions"
      "5.008 does not have // !"
      Dist name from module
      clean up distdir
      set a package
      It's not bugtraker with no c
      The new README.pod, fit for GitHub
      Remove the old README (now README.pod)
      Update MANIFEST
      Add Pod to all the Makefile.PLs
      Escape metachar in skip pattern
      Fix whitespace in YAML: tabs no longer allowed
      Add v5.22 to Travis, and run in container by turning off sudo
      Add v5.22 to Travis, and run in container by turning off sudo
      Add =encoding to all pod files
      Update versions and dates
      Add json and simple list outputs
      * for version 1.041
      Require v5.10 for state()
      Note Getopt::Std prereq
      Handle the -l and -j options for the entire list of all files.
      Update version
      * for version 1.042
      Clarify License (GitHub Issue #3). It's Artistic 2.0
      * for version 1.043

gregor herrmann (1):
      New upstream version 1.043


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmodule-extract-use-perl.git

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