[libjson-perl] annotated tag debian/2.97001-1 created (now 3d47590)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sun Jan 14 17:36:28 UTC 2018
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to annotated tag debian/2.97001-1
in repository libjson-perl.
at 3d47590 (tag)
tagging 1556cccaa307492a3bb81b9d6ee263bf829a11df (commit)
replaces upstream/2.97001
tagged by gregor herrmann
on Sun Jan 14 18:36:01 2018 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
tagging package libjson-perl version debian/2.97001-1
Alex Muntada (2):
Remove inactive pkg-perl members from Uploaders.
update changelog
Angel Abad (1):
mass updated Angel Abad's email address
Angel Abad Contreras (18):
[svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
Document the takeover
Upstream release 2.12
Pkg perl adopt changes and switch to unstable
Upgrade to debhelper 7 libjson-perl
New copyright format
Don't install README any more (just a text version of the POD documentation). Build-Depends-Indep and Recommends
Upstream version 2.14
New upstream 2.16
New upstream release 2.17
Fix ToDo errors
Switch to unstable
New upstream release 2.19
New upstream release 2.21
* New upstream release
* New upstream release
* New upstream release
Ansgar Burchardt (3):
* New upstream release.
Update my email address.
debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git.
Damyan Ivanov (6):
Merge tag 'upstream/2.61'
Imported Upstream version 2.61
releasing package libjson-perl version 2.61-1
declare conformance with Policy 4.1.2 (no changes needed)
update changelog
declare conformance with Policy 4.1.3 (no changes needed)
Florian Schlichting (1):
remove bug closer, not closed in this version, bug likely bogus
Gregor Herrmann (16):
back to UNRELEASED, NOTES added to changelog
typo in debian/copyright
[mass commit] switch Vcs-Browser from from WebSVN to ViewSVN
debian/control: bump versioned build dependency/recommendation on
debian/control: bump versioned build dependency/recommendation on
s/2.26/2.260/, libjson-xs-perl has 3 digits after the dot
debian/control: bump versioned build dependency/recommendation on
back to UNRELEASED, TODO added to changelog
New upstream release.
Add /me to Uploaders.
releasing version 2.20-1
New upstream release.
* debian/copyright: update license stanzas.
releasing version 2.22-1
Remove version from libtest-pod-perl build dependency, already satisfied
Jonathan Yu (6):
I'm not sure about all this backportPP junk...
NOTE: not sure if libjson-pp-perl needs to be available before
looks good, dch -r
WAITS-FOR: libjson-pp-perl
* New upstream release
builds clean, dch -r
Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (4):
new upstream version
update debian/copyright
s/3.0 quilt/3.0 (quilt)/
Nathan Handler (6):
* New upstream release
[mass-commit] debian/watch: Update to ignore development releases.
Undo failed [mass-commit]
[mass-commit] debian/watch: Modify to ignore development releases.
Email change: nhandler -> nhandler at debian.org
Fix nhandler email change changelog entry to use full name instead of nickname to make dh-make-perl happy
Salvatore Bonaccorso (9):
[packagecheck] fixed Vcs-(Git|Browser)/Homepage field(s) in debian/control and/or URL in debian/watch and/or rmdir /usr/{lib|share}/perl5 in debian/rules.
Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git://anonscm.debian.org)
update changelog
Change search.cpan.org based URIs to metacpan.org based URIs
update changelog
Update Vcs-Browser URL to cgit web frontend
update changelog
debian/control: Use HTTPS transport protocol for Vcs-Git URI
update changelog
Xavier Guimard (12):
Update debian/copyright (years and format)
Bump S-V to 3.9.4 + replace libjson-pp-perl by "perl (>= 5.13.9) | libjson-pp-perl" in suggests
Update d/ch
Merge tag 'upstream/2.57'
Update debian/copyright years
Update d/ch (+version 2.57-1)
Back to UNRELEASED, bugs to close
Proposed to unstable
Merge tag 'upstream/2.58'
Update d/ch (+version 2.58-1)
Merge tag 'upstream/2.59'
Update d/ch (+version 2.59-1)
gregor herrmann (48):
debian/control: update {versioned,alternative} (build) dependencies.
update changelog
merge changelog entries
Make build depencency / recommendation on libjson-xs-perl versioned.
update changelog / add WAITS-FOR
remove WAITS-FOR
Update years of packaging copyright.
releasing package libjson-perl version 2.59-1
Merge tag 'upstream/2.90'
New upstream release.
Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.5.
update changelog / add TODO
Strip trailing slash from metacpan URLs.
update changelog
Add debian/upstream/metadata
Update debian/changelog
add bug closer
Update years of packaging copyright.
Reformat debian/control with cme
Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
Add patch to fix language in documentation.
releasing package libjson-perl version 2.90-1
Rename autopkgtest configuration file(s) as per new pkg-perl-autopkgtest schema.
update changelog
debian/copyright: change Copyright-Format 1.0 URL to HTTPS.
update changelog
Remove Jonathan Yu from Uploaders. Thanks for your work!
update changelog
Remove Nathan Handler from Uploaders. Thanks for your work!
update changelog
add Applied-Upstream field to wording.patch
Updated version 2.94 from 'upstream/2.94'
Update debian/changelog
Remove POD formatting from debian/upstream/metadata.
Drop wording.patch, applied upstream.
Update years of upstream and packaging copyright.
Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.0.0.
Drop unneeded versioned Suggests.
Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
Drop debian/tests/pkg-perl/syntax-skip.
releasing package libjson-perl version 2.94-1
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.97001'
Update debian/changelog
debian/watch: add uversionmangle
Update years of packaging copyright.
Bump debhelper compatibility level to 10.
releasing package libjson-perl version 2.97001-1
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 0ceb6b4 Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.97001'
new 760eb56 Update debian/changelog
new 5040e97 debian/watch: add uversionmangle
new 3b3b625 Update years of packaging copyright.
new 59071cb Bump debhelper compatibility level to 10.
new 1556ccc releasing package libjson-perl version 2.97001-1
The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libjson-perl.git
More information about the Pkg-perl-cvs-commits
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