[Pkg-php-commits] r1227 - php5/trunk/debian/patches

Sean Finney seanius at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jan 20 23:10:50 UTC 2009

Author: seanius
Date: 2009-01-20 23:10:50 +0000 (Tue, 20 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 1227

more work on CVE-2008-5658

Modified: php5/trunk/debian/patches/CVE-2008-5658.patch
--- php5/trunk/debian/patches/CVE-2008-5658.patch	2009-01-20 18:10:12 UTC (rev 1226)
+++ php5/trunk/debian/patches/CVE-2008-5658.patch	2009-01-20 23:10:50 UTC (rev 1227)
@@ -164,3 +164,375 @@
  	if (n<0) {
  		return 0;
+--- php5-5.2.6.dfsg.1.orig/TSRM/tsrm_virtual_cwd.c
++++ php5-5.2.6.dfsg.1/TSRM/tsrm_virtual_cwd.c
+@@ -654,24 +654,17 @@ static inline realpath_cache_bucket* rea
+ CWD_API int virtual_file_ex(cwd_state *state, const char *path, verify_path_func verify_path, int use_realpath) /* {{{ */
+ {
+ 	int path_length = strlen(path);
+-	cwd_state old_state;
+-	char orig_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+-	realpath_cache_bucket *bucket;
+-	time_t t = 0;
++	char resolved_path[MAXPATHLEN];
++	int start = 1;
++	int ll = 0;
++	time_t t;
+ 	int ret;
+-	int use_cache;
+-	int use_relative_path = 0;
+-#ifdef TSRM_WIN32
+-	int is_unc;
++	int add_slash;
+-	use_cache = ((use_realpath != CWD_EXPAND) && CWDG(realpath_cache_size_limit));
+-	if (path_length == 0) 
+-		return (1);
+-	if (path_length >= MAXPATHLEN)
+-		return (1);
++	if (path_length == 0 || path_length >= MAXPATHLEN-1) {
++		return 1;
++	}
+ 		fprintf(stderr,"cwd = %s path = %s\n", state->cwd, path);
+@@ -682,10 +675,10 @@ CWD_API int virtual_file_ex(cwd_state *s
+ 	 * but *does* have execute permissions */
+ 	if (!IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(path, path_length)) {
+ 		if (state->cwd_length == 0) {
+-			use_cache = 0;
+-			use_relative_path = 1;
++			/* resolve relative path */
++			start = 0;
++			memcpy(resolved_path , path, path_length + 1);
+ 		} else {
+-			int orig_path_len;
+ 			int state_cwd_length = state->cwd_length;
+ #ifdef TSRM_WIN32
+@@ -693,240 +686,109 @@ CWD_API int virtual_file_ex(cwd_state *s
+ 				state_cwd_length = 2;
+ 			}
+ #endif
+-			orig_path_len = path_length + state_cwd_length + 1;
+-			if (orig_path_len >= MAXPATHLEN) {
++			if (path_length + state_cwd_length + 1 >= MAXPATHLEN-1) {
+ 				return 1;
+ 			}
+-			memcpy(orig_path, state->cwd, state_cwd_length);
+-			orig_path[state_cwd_length] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+-			memcpy(orig_path + state_cwd_length + 1, path, path_length + 1);
+-			path = orig_path;
+-			path_length = orig_path_len; 
++			memcpy(resolved_path, state->cwd, state_cwd_length);
++			resolved_path[state_cwd_length] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
++			memcpy(resolved_path + state_cwd_length + 1, path, path_length + 1);
++			path_length += state_cwd_length + 1;
+ 		}
+-	}
++	} else {		
++		memcpy(resolved_path , path, path_length + 1);
++	} 
+-	if (use_cache) {
+-		t = CWDG(realpath_cache_ttl)?time(0):0;
+-		if ((bucket = realpath_cache_find(path, path_length, t TSRMLS_CC)) != NULL) {		
+-			int len = bucket->realpath_len;
+-			CWD_STATE_COPY(&old_state, state);
+-			state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, len+1);
+-			memcpy(state->cwd, bucket->realpath, len+1);
+-			state->cwd_length = len;
+-			if (verify_path && verify_path(state)) {
+-				CWD_STATE_FREE(state);
+-				*state = old_state;
+-				return 1;
+-			} else {
+-				CWD_STATE_FREE(&old_state);
+-				return 0;
+-			}
+-		}
++#ifdef TSRM_WIN32
++	if (memchr(resolved_path, '*', path_length) ||
++	    memchr(resolved_path, '?', path_length)) {
++		return 1;
+ 	}
+-	if (use_realpath != CWD_EXPAND) {
+-#if !defined(TSRM_WIN32) && !defined(NETWARE)
+-		char resolved_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+-		if (!realpath(path, resolved_path)) {  /* Note: Not threadsafe on older *BSD's */
+-			if (use_realpath == CWD_REALPATH) {
+-				return 1;
+-			}
+-			goto no_realpath;
+-		}
+-		use_realpath = CWD_REALPATH;
+-		CWD_STATE_COPY(&old_state, state);
+-		state->cwd_length = strlen(resolved_path);
+-		state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, state->cwd_length+1);
+-		memcpy(state->cwd, resolved_path, state->cwd_length+1);
+-		goto no_realpath;
+ #endif
+-	} else {
+-		char *ptr, *path_copy, *free_path;
+-		char *tok;
+-		int ptr_length;
+ #ifdef TSRM_WIN32
+-		if (memchr(path, '*', path_length) ||
+-		    memchr(path, '?', path_length)) {
+-			return 1;
++	if (IS_UNC_PATH(resolved_path, path_length)) {
++		/* skip UNC name */
++		resolved_path[0] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
++		resolved_path[1] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
++		start = 2;
++		while (!IS_SLASH(resolved_path[start])) {
++			if (resolved_path[start] == 0) {
++				goto verify;
++			}
++			resolved_path[start] = toupper(resolved_path[start]);
++			start++;
+ 		}
+-		free_path = path_copy = tsrm_strndup(path, path_length);
+-		CWD_STATE_COPY(&old_state, state);
+-#ifdef TSRM_WIN32
+-		ret = 0;
+-		is_unc = 0;
+-		if (path_length >= 2 && path[1] == ':') {			
+-			state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, 2 + 1);
+-			state->cwd[0] = toupper(path[0]);
+-			state->cwd[1] = ':';
+-			state->cwd[2] = '\0';
+-			state->cwd_length = 2;
+-			path_copy += 2;
+-		} else if (IS_UNC_PATH(path, path_length)) {
+-			state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, 1 + 1);
+-			state->cwd[0] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+-			state->cwd[1] = '\0';
+-			state->cwd_length = 1;
+-			path_copy += 2;
+-			is_unc = 2;
+-		} else {
+-			state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, 1);
+-			state->cwd[0] = '\0';
+-			state->cwd_length = 0;
+-#ifdef TSRM_WIN32
++		resolved_path[start++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
++		while (!IS_SLASH(resolved_path[start])) {
++			if (resolved_path[start] == 0) {
++				goto verify;
++			}
++			resolved_path[start] = toupper(resolved_path[start]);
++			start++;
+ 		}
+-		tok = NULL;
+-		ptr = tsrm_strtok_r(path_copy, TOKENIZER_STRING, &tok);
+-		while (ptr) {
+-			ptr_length = strlen(ptr);
+-			if (IS_DIRECTORY_UP(ptr, ptr_length)) {
+-				char save;
+-				if (use_relative_path) {
+-					CWD_STATE_FREE(state);
+-					*state = old_state;
+-					return 1;
+-				}
+-				save = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+-#define PREVIOUS state->cwd[state->cwd_length - 1]
+-				while (IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(state->cwd, state->cwd_length) &&
+-						!IS_SLASH(PREVIOUS)) {
+-					save = PREVIOUS;
+-					PREVIOUS = '\0';
+-					state->cwd_length--;
+-				}
+-				if (!IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(state->cwd, state->cwd_length)) {
+-					state->cwd[state->cwd_length++] = save;
+-					state->cwd[state->cwd_length] = '\0';
+-				} else {
+-					PREVIOUS = '\0';
+-					state->cwd_length--;
+-				}
+-			} else if (!IS_DIRECTORY_CURRENT(ptr, ptr_length)) {
+-				if (use_relative_path) {
+-					state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, state->cwd_length+ptr_length+1);
+-					use_relative_path = 0;
+-				} else {
+-					state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, state->cwd_length+ptr_length+1+1);
+-#ifdef TSRM_WIN32
+-					/* Windows 9x will consider C:\\Foo as a network path. Avoid it. */
+-					if (state->cwd_length < 2 ||
+-					    (state->cwd[state->cwd_length-1]!='\\' && state->cwd[state->cwd_length-1]!='/') ||
+-							IsDBCSLeadByte(state->cwd[state->cwd_length-2])) {
+-						state->cwd[state->cwd_length++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+-					}
++		resolved_path[start++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
++	} else if (IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(resolved_path, path_length)) {
++		/* skip DRIVE name */
++		resolved_path[0] = toupper(resolved_path[0]);
++		resolved_path[2] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
++		start = 3;
++	}
+ #elif defined(NETWARE)
+-					/* 
+-					Below code keeps appending to state->cwd a File system seperator
+-					cases where this appending should not happen is given below,
+-					a) sys: should just be left as it is
+-					b) sys:system should just be left as it is,
+-						Colon is allowed only in the first token as volume names alone can have the : in their names.
+-						Files and Directories cannot have : in their names
+-						So the check goes like this,
+-						For second token and above simply append the DEFAULT_SLASH to the state->cwd.
+-						For first token check for the existence of : 
+-						if it exists don't append the DEFAULT_SLASH to the state->cwd.
+-					*/
+-					if(((state->cwd_length == 0) && (strchr(ptr, ':') == NULL)) || (state->cwd_length > 0)) {
+-						state->cwd[state->cwd_length++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+-					}
+-					state->cwd[state->cwd_length++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+-				}
+-				memcpy(&state->cwd[state->cwd_length], ptr, ptr_length+1);
+-#ifdef TSRM_WIN32
+-				if (use_realpath != CWD_EXPAND) {
+-					WIN32_FIND_DATA data;
+-					HANDLE hFind;
+-					if ((hFind = FindFirstFile(state->cwd, &data)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+-						int length = strlen(data.cFileName);
+-						if (length != ptr_length) {
+-							state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, state->cwd_length+length+1);
+-						}
+-						memcpy(&state->cwd[state->cwd_length], data.cFileName, length+1);
+-						ptr_length = length;
+-						FindClose(hFind);
+-						ret = 0;
+-					} else if (use_realpath == CWD_REALPATH) {
+-						if (is_unc) {
+-							/* skip share name */
+-							is_unc--;
+-							ret = 0;
+-						} else {
+-							ret = 1;
+-						}
+-					}
+-				}
+-				state->cwd_length += ptr_length;
+-			}
+-			ptr = tsrm_strtok_r(NULL, TOKENIZER_STRING, &tok);
++	if (IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(resolved_path, path_length)) {
++		/* skip VOLUME name */
++		start = 0;
++		while (start != ':') {
++			if (resolved_path[start] == 0) return -1;
++			start++;
+ 		}
+-		free(free_path);
++		start++;
++		if (!IS_SLASH(resolved_path[start])) return -1;
++		resolved_path[start++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
++	}
+-		if (use_realpath == CWD_REALPATH) {
+-			if (ret) {
+-				CWD_STATE_FREE(state);
+-				*state = old_state;					
+-				return 1;
+-			}
+-		} else {
+-#if defined(TSRM_WIN32) || defined(NETWARE)
+-			if (path[path_length-1] == '\\' || path[path_length-1] == '/') {
+-			if (path[path_length-1] == '/') {
+-				state->cwd = (char*)realloc(state->cwd, state->cwd_length + 2);
+-				state->cwd[state->cwd_length++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+-				state->cwd[state->cwd_length] = 0;
+-			}
+-		}
+-		if (state->cwd_length == COPY_WHEN_ABSOLUTE(state->cwd)) {
+-			state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, state->cwd_length+1+1);
+-			state->cwd[state->cwd_length] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+-			state->cwd[state->cwd_length+1] = '\0';
+-			state->cwd_length++;
++	add_slash = (use_realpath != CWD_REALPATH) && path_length > 0 && IS_SLASH(resolved_path[path_length-1]);	
++	t = CWDG(realpath_cache_ttl) ? 0 : -1;
++	path_length = tsrm_realpath_r(resolved_path, start, path_length, &ll, &t, use_realpath, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
++	if (path_length < 0) {
++		return 1;
++	}
++	if (!start && !path_length) {
++		resolved_path[path_length++] = '.';
++	}
++	if (add_slash && path_length && !IS_SLASH(resolved_path[path_length-1])) {
++		if (path_length >= MAXPATHLEN-1) {
++			return -1;
+ 		}
++		resolved_path[path_length++] = DEFAULT_SLASH;
+ 	}
++	resolved_path[path_length] = 0;
+-	/* Store existent file in realpath cache. */
+ #ifdef TSRM_WIN32
+-	if (use_cache && !is_unc) {
+-	if (use_cache && (use_realpath == CWD_REALPATH)) {
+ #endif
+-		realpath_cache_add(path, path_length, state->cwd, state->cwd_length, t TSRMLS_CC);
+-	}
++	if (verify_path) {
++		cwd_state old_state;
+-	if (verify_path && verify_path(state)) {
+-		CWD_STATE_FREE(state);
+-		*state = old_state;
+-		ret = 1;
++		CWD_STATE_COPY(&old_state, state);
++		state->cwd_length = path_length;
++		state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, state->cwd_length+1);
++		memcpy(state->cwd, resolved_path, state->cwd_length+1);
++		if (verify_path(state)) {
++			CWD_STATE_FREE(state);
++			*state = old_state;
++			ret = 1;
++		} else {
++			CWD_STATE_FREE(&old_state);
++			ret = 0;
++		}
+ 	} else {
+-		CWD_STATE_FREE(&old_state);
++		state->cwd_length = path_length;
++		state->cwd = (char *) realloc(state->cwd, state->cwd_length+1);
++		memcpy(state->cwd, resolved_path, state->cwd_length+1);
+ 		ret = 0;
+ 	}

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