[Pkg-php-commits] r1338 - pear/php-ole/trunk/debian

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Mar 13 06:30:29 UTC 2010

Author: lyz-guest
Date: 2010-03-13 06:30:26 +0000 (Sat, 13 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 1338

Add package.xml to trunk

Added: pear/php-ole/trunk/debian/package.xml
--- pear/php-ole/trunk/debian/package.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ pear/php-ole/trunk/debian/package.xml	2010-03-13 06:30:26 UTC (rev 1338)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<package packagerversion="1.7.0RC1" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd                      http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
+ <name>OLE</name>
+ <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
+ <summary>Package for reading and writing OLE containers</summary>
+ <description>This package allows reading and writing of OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) compound documents. This format is used as container for Excel (.xls), Word (.doc) and other Microsoft file formats.</description>
+ <lead>
+  <name>Christian Schmidt</name>
+  <user>schmidt</user>
+  <email>schmidt at php.net</email>
+  <active>yes</active>
+ </lead>
+ <lead>
+  <name>Xavier Noguer</name>
+  <user>xnoguer</user>
+  <email>xnoguer at php.net</email>
+  <active>no</active>
+ </lead>
+ <date>2007-12-18</date>
+ <time>21:59:50</time>
+ <version>
+  <release>0.6.1</release>
+  <api>0.6.1</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+  <release>beta</release>
+  <api>beta</api>
+ </stability>
+ <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
+ <notes>- fixed bug #12693: wrong order of require_once
+- added missing file to package: ChainedBlockStream.php</notes>
+ <contents>
+  <dir name="/">
+   <file baseinstalldir="OLE" md5sum="8c39cecf030cbeb7ab2a5a5cfb176c59" name="PPS/File.php" role="php" />
+   <file baseinstalldir="OLE" md5sum="f99d297ea00660fe3f7acca5a876da2e" name="PPS/Root.php" role="php" />
+   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="052b569e81c9122f152e10aec952c27f" name="OLE.php" role="php" />
+   <file baseinstalldir="OLE" md5sum="b1f46466b256571cf3d988ff935a79b4" name="PPS.php" role="php" />
+   <file baseinstalldir="OLE" md5sum="780978b418074fb3ccfb17124c28109e" name="ChainedBlockStream.php" role="php" />
+  </dir>
+ </contents>
+ <dependencies>
+  <required>
+   <php>
+    <min>4.0.0</min>
+   </php>
+   <pearinstaller>
+    <min>1.4.0b1</min>
+   </pearinstaller>
+  </required>
+ </dependencies>
+ <phprelease />
+ <changelog>
+  <release>
+   <version>
+    <release>0.6.0</release>
+    <api>0.6.0</api>
+   </version>
+   <stability>
+    <release>beta</release>
+    <api>beta</api>
+   </stability>
+   <date>2007-12-09</date>
+   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
+   <notes>Rewrite of parser (no change to writer):
+- Files inside OLE container are now saved in directory structure.
+- Parser now properly uses Big Block, Small Block and Master Block Allocation Tables.
+- Added stream interface for reading files inside OLE container.
+- Bug #6516. Fix &quot;PPS at 1 has unknown type&quot; errors. (Christian Schmidt)
+- Coding Standard cleanups (by helgi)
+- Bug #3951 OLE_PPS_File::init() does not return true on success (by helgi)
+- Bug #3955 OLE::_readPpsWks() does not return true on success (by helgi)</notes>
+  </release>
+  <release>
+   <version>
+    <release>0.5</release>
+    <api>0.5</api>
+   </version>
+   <stability>
+    <release>beta</release>
+    <api>beta</api>
+   </stability>
+   <date>2003-12-14</date>
+   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
+   <notes>- BC break!!! OLE/OLE.php file moved to OLE.php to comply with PEAR
+  standards. You will have to change your require(&apos;OLE/OLE.php&apos;)&apos;s
+  for require(&apos;OLE.php&apos;)&apos;s
+- If you are using Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, do not upgrade to this
+  version yet. A new version of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer will be
+  released soon so the BC break won&apos;t affect you.
+- allowing setting of temp dir for OLE_PPS_File and OLE_PPS_Root objects
+- fixed problem when reading files (not reading the whole OLE tree)</notes>
+  </release>
+  <release>
+   <version>
+    <release>0.4</release>
+    <api>0.4</api>
+   </version>
+   <stability>
+    <release>beta</release>
+    <api>beta</api>
+   </stability>
+   <date>2003-09-25</date>
+   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
+   <notes>-deleting tmp files (Herman Kuiper).
+-fixed hardcoded tmp dir (Herman Kuiper).
+-fixed pass by reference warning (Herman Kuiper).</notes>
+  </release>
+  <release>
+   <version>
+    <release>0.3</release>
+    <api>0.3</api>
+   </version>
+   <stability>
+    <release>beta</release>
+    <api>beta</api>
+   </stability>
+   <date>2003-08-21</date>
+   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
+   <notes>-added OLE_PPS_File::init() initialization method.
+-better error handling.</notes>
+  </release>
+  <release>
+   <version>
+    <release>0.2.1</release>
+    <api>0.2.1</api>
+   </version>
+   <stability>
+    <release>alpha</release>
+    <api>alpha</api>
+   </stability>
+   <date>2003-05-12</date>
+   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP</license>
+   <notes>Fixing install dir</notes>
+  </release>
+ </changelog>

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