Bug#321283: [php-maint] Bug#321283: php5: SAPIs packages should provide zendmoduleapi-NN than phpapi-NN

Piotr Roszatycki Piotr_Roszatycki at netia.net.pl
Fri Aug 5 07:43:38 UTC 2005

On Friday 05 of August 2005 03:09, Adam Conrad wrote:
> > The zendmoduleapi_version defines API for PHP extension modules, the
> > zendextensionapi_version defines API for Zend extension modules.
> >
> > The zendextensionapi_version is not important for PHP extensions. The
> > change of this value shouldn't force to recompile PHP extension package.
> >
> > phpapi_version is used only internally and doesn't matter.
> We've seen upstream rev this number on ABI breakage, so I'm not sure
> that it "doesn't matter" from a practical standpoint.  They may INTEND
> to use things the way you describe, but the reality is that the current
> situation is the most robust and least likely to blow up in our faces as
> previous schemes have.

Yes, you're right. PHP_API_VERSION value is checked by some modules:

i.e.: ext/pdo/pdo_dbh.c:
#if PHP_API_VERSION >= 20041225
        zval *object = *object_pp;

So, I see the php5-pdo package have to depend on phpapi-NN _and_ 
zendmoduleapi-NN. I belive that Zend extension package should depend on 
phpapi-NN and zendextensionapi-NN. Probably one value is not enough and the 
packages should check two ABIs versions.

I think we should rely on real values that are shown by PHP itself (phpinfo 
and phpize), not the internally computed by Debian package.

 .''`.    Piotr Roszatycki, Netia SA
: :' :    mailto:Piotr_Roszatycki at netia.net.pl
`. `'     mailto:dexter at debian.org

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