Bug#338315: [php-maint] Bug#338315: php5: Please improve handling of patches (use dpatch?)

Adam Conrad adconrad at 0c3.net
Wed Nov 9 14:28:01 UTC 2005

Sven Mueller wrote:
> I have been trying to backport your php5 package to sarge...

To the best of my knowlege, it should "backport" with nothing more than
a recompile.  It certainly has for me in the past.  If that's not the
case for you, I'd like to hear about it.

> Then replace your previous patch handling (patch, patch-stamp and
> unpatch targets) by including the dpatch makefile snippet...

I have no intention to switch to dpatch, as I much prefer the simple
patch system we're using right now.  Give that its biggest problem
(patching configure.in and running autoconf) means that the clean target
doesn't always work right anyway, dpatch won't really fix anything for
us, and adds complexity.  A tarball-in-tarball scheme would fix it, but
is far too much hassle, so I have no real motivation to change the
status quo.

... Adam

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