[php-maint] Re: php5_5.2.0-7~bpo.1_i386.changes is NEW

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Fri Dec 8 13:53:20 CET 2006

On Friday 08 December 2006 13:05, Martijn Grendelman wrote:
> Jan Wagner wrote:
> > It did a bit. I got the stuff working by disableing LFS. Need to clean up
> > things first, befor coming out with anything.
> Indeed, disabling LFS worked for me too. I have built mine using
> libapr1-dev 1.2.7-7 from Bpo. The version in unstable is now 1.2.7-8,
> which has a changelog entry that reads:
> For the brave and crazy, I have put my PHP 5.2.0 packages for Apache 2.2
> on http://www.grendelman.net/debian/. Please note this is NOT a plain
> backport from testing, this is my own highly customized,
> pimped-to-the-max build, which does have some small but solveable issues.

Okay .. I've packages ready which really[tm] work (tested on 3 boxes).

The complete changes are:

   * rebuild for sarge
   * Built against libapr0-dev, libdb4.2-dev, libmysqlclient14-dev,
     libsqlite3-dev, libsqlite0-dev and libsnmp5-dev.
   * Removed libcurl3-openssl-dev and libpq-dev from build-dependencies.
   * changed depencies for libapache2-mod-php5 to apache2-common
   * changed build depency from libsnmp9-dev to libsnmp5-dev
   * changed build depency from libmysqlclient15-dev to libmysqlclient14-dev
   * disabled LFSs, caused segfaults:
     - modified rules
     - modified 053-extension_api.patch and 006-debian_quirks.patch
     - removed 019-z_off_t_as_long.patch

You can obtain them by using:

deb ftp://ftp.cyconet.org/debian sarge-backports main non-free contrib

or fetching directly from 

Your feedback is appreciated.

With kind regards, Jan.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
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