[php-maint] configure: error: recode extension can not be configured together with: mysql

Peter Padberg pp at padberg-it.com
Sun Nov 19 20:00:24 CET 2006

before opening a bugreport
(http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=php5;dist=unstable) I
want to ask someone.

I download php5:
apt-get source php5-mysql
cd php5-5.2.0
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us  

But I cannot compile php5.

It always stops with:
checking for XSL support... yes, shared
checking for EXSLT support... found
checking for zip archive read/writesupport... yes
checking for the location of zlib... /usr
configure: error: recode extension can not be configured together with:
make: *** [configure-apache2-stamp] Fehler 1

I try to compile with debs:

but it always stops with the given error.

Do you have any ideas, what I make wrong?

Thank you,
Peter Padberg
Padberg-IT                                 D-31785 Hameln
Am Schoet 3a                               Germany

fon: +49-5151 60 99 70-0                   pp at padberg-it.com
fax: +49-5151 60 99 70-1                   http://padberg-it.com
Skype: padberg-it
icq: 540954

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