[php-maint] Qualification numbers (N-222-6747,E-900-56)
The Vittorio Di Foundazion Award
info_0111 at adelphia.net
Fri Jul 13 19:00:43 UTC 2007
Corso Ercole I d'Este 44,
Ferrara 44100 - Italy
Concern Winner.
The Foundazion di Vittorio, would like to notify you that you have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for your own personal,educational,and business development. The Fondazione Di Vittorio, established 1977 by the Multi-Million groups and now supported by the Economic Community for West African State (ECOWAS),UnitedNationsOrganization (UNO) and the European Union (EU) was conceived with the objective of human growth, educational, and community development. To celebrate the 28th anniversary program, The Vittorio Foundation in conjunction with the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS),United Nations Organization (UNO) and the European Union (EU) is giving out a yearly donation of US$2,500, 000.00 (Two Million ,Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) to 100 lucky recipients.You are required to fill the form below and email it to our Executive Secretary below for qualification documentation and processing of your claims. After contacting our office with the requested data, you will be given your donation pin number, which you will use in collecting the funds. Please endeavor to quote your Qualification numbers (N-222-6747,E-900-56) in all discussions.
FULL NAMES:__________________________________
STATE:__________________________________ ZIP:______________
MARITAL STATUS:_________________
ANNUAL INCOME:_____________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS:_____________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER:_____________________
Executive Secretary- Mr Luise Gray
Email:claimsagt_mrluise_donationsdepat at hotmail.com
All information is strictly confidential and will only be used for the purpose to which it is been requested.
Mrs Rose Wood.
(Foundation Officer)
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