[php-maint] RFH: Removals - PHP4
Martin Michlmayr
tbm at cyrius.com
Wed Jul 18 08:05:33 UTC 2007
libapache-mod-php4: 301824 317577 319398 321460 330419 419714
301824: normal: libapache-mod-php4: Please Depend on 'apache | apache-ssl | apache-perl'
317577: important: libapache-mod-php4: php_value specified in within a virtualhost-section may spread to other v-hosts
319398: wishlist: php4.conf: use Files directive to deny unintentional filenames
321460: normal: php4 gc_probability default is breaking custom GC handlers
330419: important: php4: Random open basedir restrictions as described in PHP bug #19292
419714: normal: libapache-mod-php4: Apache doesn't use the right php.ini when starting
libapache2-mod-php4: 264806 271856 298052 323585 341346 370375 386041 392839 402735 410549 424937
264806: normal: Segfault on alpha
271856: normal: MultiViews makes PHP pages inaccessible by Googlebot [config patch]
298052: normal: libapache2-mod-php4: apache2/php.ini : invalid memory_limit
323585: normal: libapache2-mod-php4 - open_basedir bug - security
341346: normal: libapache2-mod-php4: mod-php should be configured to use a Apache handler
370375: normal: libapache2-mod-php4: Apache2 "hangs" with 100% CPU usage in malloc_consolidate()
386041: normal: libapache2-mod-php4: segmentation faults in shutdown_memory_manager()
392839: important: libapache2-mod-php4: PHP sites do not load
402735: important: libapache2-mod-php4: Segmentation fault in php4 double free bug?
410549: normal: Apache children segfault after Wordpress 2.1 upgrade
424937: important: libapache2-mod-php4: CVE-2006-4625 not fixed on old stable
php4: 99254 110368 117110 135543 142178 147107 147626 151498 153671 154475 159220 169248 183784 234980 246586 247287 266917 268267 278044 302125 305217 305302 308050 311773 329548 338086 346145 349978 351032 379243 394644 399259 401065 411112 418268 418598 424340 429086 429982
99254: wishlist: php4: No roxen support
110368: wishlist: php4: *printf does not support variable width/precision
117110: wishlist: Please enable mnogosearch
135543: normal: gettext() leaves spurious translations in memory(?) after removing .mo file
142178: wishlist: php4: short_open_tag should default to off
147107: wishlist: php4: an icon for /usr/share/apache/icons/ would be nice
147626: normal: php4 corrupts some apache environment variables
151498: wishlist: php4: tempnam callback extension on script shutdown.
153671: wishlist: php4: fsockopen cannot bind to a specific interface/ip address
154475: normal: php4: func_get_arg() can not be used more than once in function calls
159220: wishlist: error messages with T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM are misleading
169248: wishlist: php4: Compile using --with-crack
183784: wishlist: PEAR packages
234980: normal: php4: $GLOBALS array is not available
246586: wishlist: php4: Including mnogosearch extension
247287: wishlist: Libgmp3
266917: wishlist: enable mssql extension
268267: normal: websvn: errors in utf-8 - html_entity_decode() error
278044: important: php4: mb_ereg fails to compile regex with \x80-\xF7 characters
302125: wishlist: php4: move xmlrpc extension to seperate package
305217: normal: PHP's bug#32330 causes issues with session handling
305302: normal: apache2: segfaults when a websvn repository URL is accessed
308050: normal: ibwebadmin: Failed to initialize storage module
311773: wishlist: php4: Please backport ftp_raw from PHP5. (Patch included)
329548: minor: php4: ext/informix fails to link $INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql/checkapi.o
338086: normal: php4: PHP's mime_content_type() function no longer identifies AVI files.
346145: normal: php4: Curly braces and brackets are treated equally
349978: normal: php4: Regression bug in ctype_digit() function
351032: minor: php4: Please remove reference to Java and Perl from PHP description.
379243: normal: php4: Please add support to xmlwriter_* functions
394644: important: php4: Should Conflict with imp3 and horde2
399259: wishlist: php4: Turn off allow_url_fopen by default
401065: wishlist: php4: Please patch PHP to add a mail header when sending mail
411112: normal: php4: open_basedir problem
418268: serious: php4: Should not be included in Lenny
418598: important: php4: return by reference of an array element of a class don't work
424340: important: php4: FTBFS if built twice in a row
429086: serious: please update/request removal of your package
429982: wishlist: php4: Please remove postgresql-dev from your build-depends as it doesn't exist in the archive
php4-cgi: 197987 215727 239368 349891 381874
197987: normal: php4-cgi: $PHP_SELF computed from PATH_INFO only?!
215727: normal: BUG: Array initialization
239368: normal: php4-cgi: Odd error message when trying to access a non-existent php document
349891: normal: ``Incomplete headers'' problem caused by bad SIGTERM handling in php4 under FastCGI
381874: normal: incorrect handling of Status: header in CGI/FastCGI mode
php4-cli: 292125 295388 341864 361789 375918 419802
292125: wishlist: php4-cli is missing a php command in readline module
295388: minor: php4-cli: Overly long lines in /etc/php4/cli/php.ini (over 80 chars)
341864: wishlist: php4-cli: missing readline functions
361789: normal: PHP Warning: mime_magic: type regex BEGIN[[:space:]]*[{] application/x-awk invalid in Unknown on line 0
375918: normal: /etc/cron.daily/rkhunter: PHP Warning: mime_magic: type regex...
419802: normal: php4-cli: mime-type warning messages
php4-common: 297866 299773 307479 308793 331729 338294
297866: minor: php4-gd: package install doesn't reload apache
299773: important: php4-common: checkdnsrr returns true allways
307479: normal: php4-common: /etc/cron.d/php4; read session path from php.ini
308793: minor: Web server not restarted after installation
331729: minor: php4-curl: Requires an Apache restart on postinst
338294: normal: php4-common: cron.d message after removal
php4-dev: 364310
364310: normal: php4-dev: phpize4 uses php-config5 if php5-dev is installed
php4-gd: 183726 298061
183726: wishlist: php4-gd: Please provide non-XPM alternative to libgd-xpm dependency
298061: wishlist: php4-gd: Please include bundled version of GD
php4-interbase: 269471
269471: normal: Fw: [Pkg-firebird-general] php4-interbase and classic don't work in combination with IBperl and apache
php4-ldap: 166161
166161: normal: ldap_modify deletes entries
php4-mysql: 225845 248288 286325 337885 346176
225845: normal: php4-mysql doesn't support non-latin1 default charset for mysql
248288: important: php4-mysql: mysql_fetcharray behaves like mysql_fetchrow with using many require_once statements
286325: normal: TR: addslashes appear working badly after upgrade on php4-mysql > 4.3.9
337885: normal: php4-mysql causes apache to segfault if scoop is installed
346176: normal: php4-mysql: Charset trouble
php4-odbc: 173683 423427
173683: normal: php4-odbc: odbc_errormsg
423427: important: php4-odbc *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev)
php4-pear: 130918 152216 243214 262533 311267 329799 331034 331035 336548 340642 397451
130918: normal: php4-pear: pear, pearize and phptar have no manpages
152216: normal: php4-pear: executeMultiple provides vague error when array(val,val) is passed.
243214: minor: php4-pear should suggest rather than depend on php4-cli
262533: wishlist: php4-pear: Packaging convention for PEAR modules
311267: important: php4-pear: Updating deb package overwrites manualy updated PEAR classes
329799: important: php4-pear: Segfault when doing pear upgrade-all
331034: minor: php4-pear: docs shouldn't live under /usr/share/php
331035: minor: php4-pear and .filemap, .lock, and .registry
336548: normal: php4-pear SMTP authentication failure
340642: important: php4-pear: xml-rpc always returns "Invalid request payload: missing top level xmlrpc element"
397451: important: php4-pear: wrong number of parameters for mssql_fetch_array
php4-pgsql: 396734
396734: normal: sarge: mod_php4 and php4-pgsql, broken pg_pconnect()
php4-sybase: 263939
263939: important: php4-sybase: Problems fetching data
Martin Michlmayr
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