[php-maint] mssql issues?

Steve Langasek vorlon at debian.org
Sat Jul 21 11:26:01 UTC 2007

On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 10:45:27PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Sure.  I'm familiar with other limitations, myself; I don't object to
> *switching* to the mssql extension, I just object to shipping *both*
> extensions.  I.e., I would be perfectly happy with rigging the php5-sybase
> package so that it contains the mssql.so extension, and focus all
> improvements on that extension (and recommend to upstream that the other
> "sybase" extensions be dropped/merged).

> Indeed, now that we have the /etc/php5/conf.d mechanism, this seems quite
> practical for us to do.

> I'd even be more than happy to do the work and test it if there's a
> consensus that this is the correct solution, because it would save me the
> trouble of patching the sybase_ct extension to support everything that I
> need it to. ;)

So it looks like this was the general idea of what you'd committed, but
there are a few problems with the implementation.

The name of the pdo extension in PHP 5.2.3 isn't pdo_mssql, it's pdo_dblib;
I'm not sure how this built for you, it FTBFS quite clearly for me?  (And
AFAICS, the PDO option is completely independent of the --with-mssql or
--with-sybase-ct options, so could be enabled even if we didn't switch to
the mssql extension...)

The package is set up to build both php5-sybase and php5-mssql modules. 
First of all, there is no good reason to rename the package here; either
package name is going to be confusing to some, but the php5-sybase package
name is established, so it's better to keep the package name the same for
purposes of smooth upgrades.  Also, the package description mentions both
MSSQL and Sybase (deliberately), but the new php5-mssql package description
does *not* mention Sybase, which would be a regression.

Second, the sybase_ct and mssql extensions provide conflicting symbols.
They shouldn't be provided as two separate packages at all, and they
*definitely* should not be provided in a configuration where one package
depends on the other.  If you are concerned about the name 'php5-mssql' not
being available, we can always make this a virtual package provided by
php5-sybase (indeed, I think this is a good idea).

I'm still working out appropriate upgrade handling for the package, so that
/etc/php5/conf.d/sybase_ct.ini will be dealt with silently and correctly; in
the meantime, I've attached a patch which gets us 90% of the way there, in
terms of shipping mssql.so within php5-sybase.  If there are no objections,
I would like to go ahead with committing this.

That would still leave the question of regression-testing the module for all
use cases currently supported by sybase_ct, but I think we can safely leave
that until after the upload to unstable anyway.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon at debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/
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