Bug#422567: [php-maint] Bug#422567: strip_tags() does not handle single quotes correctly

Sean W. Mahan sean at paragoogle.com
Mon May 7 07:55:29 UTC 2007

> so if you are willing to take the time to dig up the fix we can consider
> whether it warrants an update to the stable branch of php.

Thanks for getting back to me, Sean,

The fix is in ext/standard/string.c - here's the PHP.net diff to the
previous version:


I must admit I don't know anything about C or your preferred method . 
The line numbers are different, but I downloaded the php5 source package
and pasted the changes in on the appropriate lines.  Pasted below is a
diff of the Debian-provided php5-5.2.0/ext/standard/string.c for
5.2.0-8+etch3, and a copy with the affected lines added.

Please let me know if there's a more appropriate way to submit this. 
Thanks for your work on Debian!


<                                               state = 0;
>                                               in_q = state = 0;
<                                                       state = 0;
>                                                       in_q = state = 0;
<                                               state = 0;
>                                               in_q = state = 0;
<                                                       state = 0;
>                                                       in_q = state = 0;
>                               if (state && p != buf && *(p-1) != '\\'
&& (!in_q || *p == in_q)) {
>                                       if (in_q) {
>                                               in_q = 0;
>                                       } else {
>                                               in_q = *p;
>                                       }
>                               }

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