[php-maint] Bug#535888: Bug#540611: php5: exif buffer overread

Don Armstrong don at debian.org
Mon Aug 10 18:35:35 UTC 2009

# if it's the same bug, merge it; don't just close it.
forcemerge 535888 540611

On Mon, 10 Aug 2009, Michael S. Gilbert wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 18:05:57 +0200, Nico Golde wrote:
> > > maybe it's just me, but dealing with issues in multiple releases
> > > with the debian bts is non-obvious and a major pain. is the
> > > "*right*" way to do this documented somewhere?
> > 
> > http://wiki.debian.org/BugsVersionTracking maybe helps you.
> thanks for the link. this makes it clear how the system is supposed
> to work, but it also makes it clear that the system is rather broken
> -- at least from the standpoint that bugs get closed on the first
> fix, rather than when all releases are either fixed or marked as not
> affected.

Bugs are marked as -done when someone has taken action that fixes the
problem somewhere. The "-done"-ness of a bug is orthogonal to whether
a bug is fixed, absent, or present at a particular version. [It's
included primarily because it's needed for bugs which don't have any
versioning information and because it provides information as to
whether some fix has been found and uploaded for the issue.]

Assuming you've done your job properly, and documented in a changelog
when you've fixed a particular bug, and marked the appropriate
versions as found, everything should be handled correctly.

If you want to know about outstanding issues for a particular
distribution, append the appropriate dist= option for that

If you have particular questions about how the BTS works, or you're
unsure as to the proper way to do something, feel free to ask on
debian-debbugs at lists.debian.org or on #debbugs or #debian-bugs on IRC,
or you can track me down if necessary. [But the former three options
almost invariably result in me responding anyway.]

Don Armstrong

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended
up where I needed to be.
 -- Douglas Adams _The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul_

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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