[php-maint] An automatic script to build PEAR packages

Thomas Goirand thomas at goirand.fr
Fri Dec 25 17:34:15 UTC 2009

Hi there,

As I have, over the years, managed to write many debian packages out of
PEAR packages from pear.php.net, I have noticed that many things could
be automated. Doing the same boring work all the time is useless.
Resulting is the idea of making a shell script to do a big part of the
work (not ALL, but a fair part) automatically.

This script is not particularly well written or clean, there's nothing
to be proud of, it just does its job as intended: save a lot of time
when writing a debian source package for a PEAR package.

I have attached my script to this email so that you guys can give your
comments. If you like the idea, then I might have this uploaded as a
Debian package into SID, together with a man page. I believe that his is
quite a time saver. With a little bit more work, we could make it so
that a majority of what's in pear.php.net be uploaded into Debian.

To use it, simply do something like this, respecting the case for the
PEAR package:

./pear2deb Image_Text

and it will download the Image_Text tgz, make the orig.tar.gz, create
the php-image-text-0.6.0beta with the content Image_Text-0.6.0beta.tgz,
create the watch, control, copyright, rules and compat file as templates
to check and correct.

Please let me know what you think,

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