[php-maint] Bug#535770: Segmentation fault with php 5.3

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Jul 6 06:29:50 UTC 2009

hi there,

On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 07:32:08AM +0800, jidanni at jidanni.org wrote:
> I found the (location of) the problem,
> zif_timezone_identifiers_list! More below.

hrm, just based on the name of this function i wonder if it has anything
to do with the system tzdata patch.  i don't see it touching the code
in question but it could be that it's making some kind of assumption about
the state of the internal php timezone db.

i think i've found a working proof of concept to illustrate the bug:

rangda[/home/sean] php -r 'print timezone_identifiers_list();'               :)
zsh: segmentation fault  php -r 'print timezone_identifiers_list();'
rangda[/home/sean]                                                     [139] :(

i'll poke at it and if i can determine that it's not one of our patches 
causing the problem i will forward the issue upstream.

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