[php-maint] Bug#534621: php-xml-util should be removed

Raphael Geissert geissert at debian.org
Wed Jul 8 22:58:54 UTC 2009

clone 534621 -1 -2
reassign 534621 php5
reassign -1 php-xml-util
retitle -1 php-xml-util is uninstallable
reassign -2 ftp.debian.org
severity -2 normal
retitle -2 RM: php-xml-util -- RoQA; integrated into php-pear

Since it looks like upstream's plan is to continue shipping XML_UTIL in the 
standard PEAR distribution the php-xml-util package should removed.

After a php5 package is uploaded containing the commit I just pushed  
php-xml-util won't be installable as it depends on php-pear, so am requesting 
its removal right away.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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