[php-maint] Ubuntu users and suhosin patched PHP5

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Jul 20 07:41:26 UTC 2009

hi jan,

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 08:17:48PM +0200, Jan Wagner wrote:
> normaly I don't care about problems popping up within Ubuntu. But there is a 
> bug against php5 open since 6 months, which sucks me a lot.
> They are throwing FUD on the suhosin patch without any specific (logs or 
> script examples):
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-suhosin/+bug/315507
> Anybody of you wants me to enlight?

can't really say, since there aren't any concrete examples/information.

however, i've seen a similar "false positive" issue reported recently
against 5.2.10.  it could be some kind of subtle bug with specific
extensions combined with the patch, or a threading/SMP issue, or a
webserver issue, i could only guess.

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