[php-maint] Bug#576412: Bug#576412: Bug#576412: php5: Please add MySQL native driver "mysqlnd" support for PHP 5.3.x

Alexander Schories alexander at schories.com
Mon Apr 5 09:54:42 UTC 2010

Hello Ondrej,

i understand that compression and SSL for MySQL are yet missing.
However, they might not be used widely on most debian installations -
but they are still very important features, i agree.

Every project includes marketing. And not only some people see
advantages in mysqlnd.

I also haven't expected to see this feature in the upcoming debian
release, but in the experimental/unstable trees.

But if the majority of all maintainers chose to wait with an
implementation even there, i understand it's for a serious reason and
completely accept this decision. :)

Thank you once again

Alexander Schories
Tuebingen, Germany

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