[php-maint] Team updates

Raphael Geissert geissert at debian.org
Wed Jun 30 18:44:29 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,

It's been more than two months since the last upload and some bugs have been 
accumulated. So, first things first: is there any change anyone would like to 
include in the next upload?

I'm going to commit some patches cherry-picked from upstream's svn and make 
the changes to close a few wish reports.

I'm going to release a DSA too, but I think there are pending changes for 
stable (except for those security-related.) Probably on Friday.

Release plans:

We are getting closer and closer to the freeze and some bits are still 
missing, one of them is the extensions manager (shame on me.)

I have a few ideas that we could turn into a plan, if everyone agrees:

* Update current 5.3.2 package with bug fixes and other changes to stabilize 

* Upload 5.3.3 RC1 to experimental, building the FPM SAPI and including the 
extensions manager. In the hope that users test both and report bugs.

If everything goes well, at least for the extensions manager, we would then 
notify the release team about the minor transition that would be needed.
I'm basically thinking about writing cdbs and debhelper 
snippets/modules/whatever that use the extensions manager automatically and 
include it in php5-dev (Joey never responded to my request for including it in 

* If 5.3.3 is released by the end of July, as (tentatively) planned by 
upstream, we could release squeeze with that version. That would reduce our 
delta _a lot_.

We also need to send an update to d-d-a for which I'm going to write a draft 
after the upload to unstable and the DSA, really, promised.

Btw, any helping hand to cleanup and forward the remaining patches to upstream 
would be appreciated (Sean, you also mentioned an idea for the tz patch -- 
please talk to Derick about it.)

Comments, suggestions, objections, or any other kind of feedback?

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net
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