[php-maint] Team updates

Raphael Geissert geissert at debian.org
Wed Jun 30 23:32:34 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 30 June 2010 15:21:32 sean finney wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 01:44:29PM -0500, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> > * Upload 5.3.3 RC1 to experimental, building the FPM SAPI and including
> > the extensions manager. In the hope that users test both and report
> > bugs.
> > 
> > If everything goes well, at least for the extensions manager, we would
> > then notify the release team about the minor transition that would be
> > needed. I'm basically thinking about writing cdbs and debhelper
> > snippets/modules/whatever that use the extensions manager automatically
> > and include it in php5-dev (Joey never responded to my request for
> > including it in debhelper.)
> sure, i think experimental makes a lot of sense here for both of those
> things.

I mentioned the transition on #debian-release and there were some jokes about 
the freeze date, but no objection.

> > * If 5.3.3 is released by the end of July, as (tentatively) planned by
> > upstream, we could release squeeze with that version. That would reduce
> > our delta _a lot_.
> yeah.  i think that the RM'ing has gotten pretty good on the upstream side
> too, so i don't think 5.3.2->3 should be too much to worry about.

I've been following the commits and so far they look good. A couple of minor 
features were introduced here and there, in addition to the FPM SAPI, but 
there's nothing I consider worrisome.

> > would be appreciated (Sean, you also mentioned an idea for the tz patch
> > -- please talk to Derick about it.)
> now i just have to remember what it was :)

heh :)

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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