[php-maint] Bug#620550: Working libphp5.so

Keith Lawson Keith.Lawson at sjhc.london.on.ca
Tue Apr 5 20:40:17 UTC 2011

>I've tested building libphp5.so from the php.net source for php-5.3.3 and 
>the problem still persists with my own compiled library.

Sorry I was wrong there. I actually managed to break my own test script. The shared lib I built *does* work. I've attached the shell script I used to run "configure" and the resulting library can be found at: 


When I replace the Debian copy of libphp5.so with the one above the Perl tie() works.

Hopefully this provides enough information to determine what's not working in the Debian version of the library.
I'm not able to upgrade any of our web servers to squeeze until I get this issue resolved since we use gdbm
databases in mod_perl 2 on all our web servers.

Thank you,


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