[php-maint] Bug#823954: php5: Binary package "php5" does not need the whole build process to be created

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Tue May 10 17:19:12 UTC 2016

Package: src:php5
Version: 5.6.21+dfsg-1

Dear maintainer:

The "php5" binary package is "Architecture: all" and it does not
really contain any file which is generated by compiling C source code.

So, it would make sense if "dpkg-buildpackage -A" generated this
package directly without "building" anything.

Briefly, the attached patch does this:

* The old "build" target is renamed to "build-arch".

* The old "install" target is renamed to "install-arch".

* A new "build-indep" target is created which does nothing
  (because there is really nothing to build).

* A new "install-indep" target is created which just puts
  /usr/share/bug/php5/control in place. This is removed from
  the old install target.

* The /usr/share/bug/php5/script symlink is handled by dh_link
  and "debian/php5.links".

I've checked that "dpkg-buildpackage -A" generates exactly the same
"php5" package as before. I believe "dpkg-buildpackage -B" should also
work, but in either case, I am confindent that it would be easy to
fix if it does not.

In my i3 at home, the patch reduces build time for "dpkg-buildpackage -A"
from 85 minutes to a few seconds.

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