[Pkg-php-pecl] Bug#739789: causes Apache segfaults
Marc Dequènes (Duck)
duck at duckcorp.org
Sat Feb 22 13:47:22 UTC 2014
Package: php5-xcache
Version: 3.1.0-1
Severity: grave
Justification: package partially unusable, breaking (related) softwares
Tags: upstream
Recently i experienced blank pages on Horde on specific pages, and
went down to find an Apache segfault. After some investigation, it
appears xache is the culprit (see below).
Deactivating the following Horde specific xcache features did not help:
$conf['cache']['driver'] = 'Xcache';
$conf['cache']['use_memorycache'] = 'Xcache';
The only way to fix it was to disable xcache completely.
On another machine i also experienced such kind of crashes when using
other softwares (dotclear for examples) and deactivating xache fixed
the problem.
I made a trace on the machine where i found the problem first, which
is attached.
-- System Information:
Debian Release: jessie/sid
APT prefers testing
APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Kernel: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Versions of packages php5-xcache depends on:
ii dpkg 1.17.6
ii libc6 2.17-97
ii php5-common [phpapi-20121212] 5.5.8+dfsg-3
php5-xcache recommends no packages.
php5-xcache suggests no packages.
-- Configuration Files:
/etc/php5/mods-available/xcache.ini changed:
; configuration for php Xcache module
;; non-Windows example:
extension = xcache.so
;; Windows example:
; extension = php_xcache.dll
; Duck: conflicts with vhost access control
xcache.admin.enable_auth = Off
; Configure this to use admin pages
xcache.admin.user = "<user>"
xcache.admin.pass = "<password>"
; xcache.admin.pass = md5($your_password)
; xcache.admin.pass = ""
; ini only settings, all the values here is default unless explained
; select low level shm implemenation
xcache.shm_scheme = "mmap"
; to disable: xcache.size=0
; to enable : xcache.size=64M etc (any size > 0) and your system mmap allows
xcache.size = 64M
; set to cpu count (cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -c processor)
xcache.count = 2
; just a hash hints, you can always store count(items) > slots
xcache.slots = 8K
; ttl of the cache item, 0=forever
xcache.ttl = 0
; interval of gc scanning expired items, 0=no scan, other values is in seconds
xcache.gc_interval = 0
; same as aboves but for variable cache
xcache.var_size = 2M
xcache.var_count = 2
xcache.var_slots = 8K
; default value for $ttl parameter of xcache_*() functions
xcache.var_ttl = 0
; hard limit ttl that cannot be exceed by xcache_*() functions. 0=unlimited
xcache.var_maxttl = 0
xcache.var_gc_interval = 300
; mode:0, const string specified by xcache.var_namespace
; mode:1, $_SERVER[xcache.var_namespace]
; mode:2, uid or gid (specified by xcache.var_namespace)
xcache.var_namespace_mode = 0
xcache.var_namespace = ""
; N/A for /dev/zero
xcache.readonly_protection = Off
; for *nix, xcache.mmap_path is a file path, not directory. (auto
; Use something like "/tmp/xcache" instead of "/dev/*" if you want to
turn on ReadonlyProtecti$
; different process group of php won't share the same /tmp/xcache
; for win32, xcache.mmap_path=anonymous map name, not file path
xcache.mmap_path = "/dev/zero"
; Useful when XCache crash. leave it blank(disabled) or
"/tmp/phpcore/" (writable by php)
xcache.coredump_directory = ""
; Windows only. leave it as 0 (default) until you're told by XCache dev
xcache.coredump_type = 0
; disable cache after crash
xcache.disable_on_crash = Off
; enable experimental documented features for each release if available
xcache.experimental = Off
; per request settings. can ini_set, .htaccess etc
xcache.cacher = On
xcache.stat = On
xcache.optimizer = On
; enabling this feature will impact performance
; enabled only if xcache.coverager == On &&
xcache.coveragedump_directory == "non-empty-value"
; per request settings. can ini_set, .htaccess etc
; enable coverage data collecting and
xcache_coverager_start/stop/get/clean() functions
xcache.coverager = Off
xcache.coverager_autostart = On
; set in php ini file only
; make sure it's readable (open_basedir is checked) by coverage viewer script
xcache.coveragedump_directory = ""
-- no debconf information
Marc Dequènes (Duck)
-------------- next part --------------
#0 0x00007f37b8d5007a in zend_hash_find (ht=0x7fff08010128, arKey=0x7f37a1506570 "init", nKeyLength=5, pData=0x7fff14826a70)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_hash.c:924
h = 210716142681
nIndex = <error reading variable nIndex (Cannot access memory at address 0x7fff0801012c)>
p = <optimized out>
#1 0x00007f37a800f4ec in xc_restore_zend_op_array (processor=0x7fff14826c20, dst=0x7f37c22dff60, src=0x7f37a1562038)
at ./xc_processor.c.h:31213
parent = 0x1
op_array_info = 0x7f37a1561a68
need_early_binding = 0 '\000'
shallow_copy = 1 '\001'
#2 0x00007f37a800df45 in xc_restore_zend_function (processor=0x7fff14826c20, dst=0x7f37c22dff60, src=0x7f37a1562038)
at ./xc_processor.c.h:26066
No locals.
#3 0x00007f37a800d94a in xc_restore_HashTable_zend_function (processor=0x7fff14826c20, dst=0x7f37c234c8e8, src=0x7f37a1561b90)
at ./xc_processor.c.h:24232
pnew = 0x7f37c23741e8
srcBucket = 0x7f37a1561fe8
prev = 0x0
first = 1 '\001'
n = 9
bucketsize = 77
#4 0x00007f37a800e80d in xc_restore_zend_class_entry (processor=0x7fff14826c20, dst=0x7f37c234c8c0, src=0x7f37a1561b68)
at ./xc_processor.c.h:28657
No locals.
#5 0x00007f37a800f71c in xc_restore_xc_classinfo_t (processor=0x7fff14826c20, dst=0x7f37c237d038, src=0x7f37a1504aa0)
at ./xc_processor.c.h:31662
No locals.
#6 0x00007f37a800f90e in xc_restore_xc_entry_data_php_t (processor=0x7fff14826c20, dst=0x7fff14826f00, src=0x7f37a1502888)
at ./xc_processor.c.h:32202
No locals.
#7 0x00007f37a8007f67 in xc_processor_restore_xc_entry_data_php_t (entry_php=0x7f37a1611f20, dst=0x7fff14826f00, src=0x7f37a1502888,
readonly_protection=0 '\000') at ./xc_processor.c.h:1258
processor = {p = 0x0, size = 0, strings = {nTableSize = 0, nTableMask = 0, nNumOfElements = 0, nNextFreeElement = 0,
pInternalPointer = 0x0, pListHead = 0x0, pListTail = 0x0, arBuckets = 0x0, pDestructor = 0x0, persistent = 0 '\000',
nApplyCount = 0 '\000', bApplyProtection = 0 '\000'}, zvalptrs = {nTableSize = 64, nTableMask = 63, nNumOfElements = 61,
nNextFreeElement = 0, pInternalPointer = 0x7f37c231fca0, pListHead = 0x7f37c231fca0, pListTail = 0x7f37c2374188,
arBuckets = 0x7f37c22dc038, pDestructor = 0x0, persistent = 0 '\000', nApplyCount = 0 '\000',
bApplyProtection = 1 '\001'}, reference = 1 '\001', have_references = 0 '\000', entry_php_src = 0x7f37a1611f20,
entry_php_dst = 0x0, php_src = 0x7f37a1502888, php_dst = 0x7fff14826f00, shm = 0x0, allocator = 0x0, cache_ce = 0x0,
cache_class_index = 0, active_op_array_src = 0x7f37a1562038, active_op_array_dst = 0x7f37c22dff60,
active_class_entry_src = 0x7f37a1561b68, active_class_entry_dst = 0x7f37c234c8c0, active_class_index = 22,
active_op_array_index = 1, active_op_array_infos_src = 0x7f37a1561a68, readonly_protection = 0 '\000'}
#8 0x00007f37a8015e7d in xc_compile_restore (stored_entry=0x7f37a1611f20, stored_php=0x7f37a1502888)
at /build/xcache-JNFzT9/xcache-3.1.0/mod_cacher/xc_cacher.c:1888
op_array = 0x7f37a14e26e8
restored_entry = {entry = {next = 0x0, size = 187, ctime = 1392311543, atime = 1392311543, dtime = 139877308607616, hits = 0,
ttl = 139877300561565, name = {lval = 139876907425720, dval = 6.9108374605564606e-310, str = {
val = 0x7f37a1611fb8 "/usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Type.php", len = 34}, ht = 0x7f37a1611fb8, obj = {handle = 2707496888,
handlers = 0x7f3700000022}}}, php = 0x7f37a1502888, refcount = 1, file_mtime = 1383070874, file_size = 117654,
file_device = 2065, file_inode = 394558, filepath_len = 34, filepath = 0x7f37a1611fb8 "/usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Type.php",
dirpath_len = 0, dirpath = 0x0}
restored_php = {next = 0x0, hvalue = 7722, md5 = {
digest = "3\261\271\376\270c\256\016\062\231\355\372\267\357", <incomplete sequence \372\241>}, refcount = 1, hits = 0,
size = 1111693, op_array_info = {literalinfo_cnt = 0, literalinfos = 0x0}, op_array = 0x7f37c2364f60, funcinfo_cnt = 0,
funcinfos = 0x0, classinfo_cnt = 57, classinfos = 0x7f37c237cc18, autoglobal_cnt = 5, autoglobals = 0x7f37a1611660,
compilererror_cnt = 16, compilererrors = 0x7f37a16116f8, have_references = 1 '\001'}
catched = 194 '\302'
i = 1
#9 0x00007f37a801698a in xc_compile_file_cached (compiler=0x7fff14827110, h=0x7fff148282e0, type=8)
at /build/xcache-JNFzT9/xcache-3.1.0/mod_cacher/xc_cacher.c:2166
stored_entry = 0x0
stored_php = 0x0
gaveup = 0 '\000'
catched = 0 '\000'
op_array = 0x0
cache = 0x7f37c0d56fe0
sandboxed_compiler = {compiler = 0x7fff14827110, h = 0x7fff148282e0, type = 8, stored_entry = 0x7f37a1611f20,
stored_php = 0x7f37a1502888}
#10 0x00007f37a8016aaa in xc_compile_file (h=0x7fff148282e0, type=8) at /build/xcache-JNFzT9/xcache-3.1.0/mod_cacher/xc_cacher.c:2200
compiler = {filename = 0x7f37c21d06e8 "/usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Type.php", filename_len = 34,
opened_path = 0x7f37c21d06e8 "/usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Type.php",
opened_path_buffer = "m/Type.php\000e.php\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\342f\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\000\000\000\000\000\000\070\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\035\336\374R", '\000' <repeats 12 times>, "\232\374oR", '\000' <repeats 12 times>, "\373ܓR", '\000' <repeats 28 times>, "\370\201\202\024\377\177\000\000@\203\202\024\377\177\000\000\306j\001\250\067\177\000\000P\203\202\024\002\000\000\000\300\203\202\024\377\177\000\000p\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\230\270\035\302\067\177\000\000\250\225\033\302\067\177\000\000\035\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\350q\202\024\377\177\000\000/usr/shar"..., entry_hash = {cacheid = 1, entryslotid = 3415},
new_entry = {entry = {next = 0x7f37c21c2410, size = 187, ctime = 1392311543, atime = 1392311543, dtime = 139877308607616,
hits = 0, ttl = 139877300561565, name = {lval = 139877456611048, dval = 6.9108645939168371e-310, str = {
val = 0x7f37c21d06e8 "/usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Type.php", len = 34}, ht = 0x7f37c21d06e8, obj = {
handle = 3256682216, handlers = 0x7f3700000022}}}, php = 0x7f37a1502888, refcount = 9, file_mtime = 1383070874,
file_size = 117654, file_device = 2065, file_inode = 394558, filepath_len = 34,
filepath = 0x7f37c21d06e8 "/usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Type.php", dirpath_len = 0, dirpath = 0x0}, new_php = {next = 0x0,
hvalue = 7722, md5 = {digest = "3\261\271\376\270c\256\016\062\231\355\372\267\357", <incomplete sequence \372\241>},
refcount = 0, hits = 0, size = 1111693, op_array_info = {literalinfo_cnt = 0, literalinfos = 0x0}, op_array = 0x0,
funcinfo_cnt = 0, funcinfos = 0x0, classinfo_cnt = 57, classinfos = 0x7f37c21de2b0, autoglobal_cnt = 5,
autoglobals = 0x7f37c21d5dd0, compilererror_cnt = 16, compilererrors = 0x7f37c2380ae0, have_references = 1 '\001'}}
op_array = 0x52ca42df3570653f
#11 0x00007f37a801d1ea in xc_compile_file_for_coverage (h=0x7fff148282e0, type=8)
at /build/xcache-JNFzT9/xcache-3.1.0/mod_coverager/xc_coverager.c:457
op_array = 0x1
#12 0x00007f37b8df1633 in ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER (execute_data=0x7f37c090bc60)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:2689
file_handle = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_MAPPED, filename = 0x7f37c21b7360 "/usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Type.php",
opened_path = 0x7f37c21d06e8 "/usr/share/php/Horde/Form/Type.php", handle = {fd = -1040309312, fp = 0x7f37c1fe23c0,
stream = {handle = 0x7f37c1fe23c0, isatty = 0, mmap = {len = 117654, pos = 0, map = 0x0,
buf = 0x7f37b641f000 <Address 0x7f37b641f000 out of bounds>, old_handle = 0x0, old_closer = 0x0},
reader = 0x7f37b8cf9610 <_php_stream_read>, fsizer = 0x7f37b8cdfe20 <php_zend_stream_fsizer>,
closer = 0x7f37b8cdfe00 <php_zend_stream_mmap_closer>}}, free_filename = 0 '\000'}
resolved_path = <optimized out>
opline = 0x7f37c21e6800
new_op_array = 0x0
inc_filename = 0x7f37a14e26e8
tmp_inc_filename = 0x0
failure_retval = <optimized out>
#13 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090bc60) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#14 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#15 0x00007f37b8df04bc in ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL_SPEC_CV_HANDLER (execute_data=0x7f37c090bbb0)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:30964
opline = 0x7f37c093db40
new_op_array = 0x7f37c21db898
inc_filename = 0x7f37c21b9548
tmp_inc_filename = 0x0
failure_retval = 0 '\000'
#16 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090bbb0) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#17 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#18 0x00007f37b8df21bc in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0x7f37c090baa0)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:584
opline = 0x7f37c0e26938
should_change_scope = 1 '\001'
fbc = 0x7f37c0e2a290
#19 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090baa0) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#20 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#21 0x00007f37b8d33d18 in zend_call_function (fci=fci at entry=0x7fff14828940, fci_cache=<optimized out>, fci_cache at entry=0x7fff14828910)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:939
i = <optimized out>
original_return_value = 0x0
calling_symbol_table = 0x7f37c0e30820
original_op_array = 0x7f37c20ca370
original_opline_ptr = 0x7f37c090b8e0
current_scope = 0x0
current_called_scope = 0x7f37c15be8a8
calling_scope = <optimized out>
called_scope = 0x7f37c0e253c8
current_this = 0x0
execute_data = {opline = 0x0, function_state = {function = 0x7f37c0e25e60, arguments = 0x7f37c090ba58}, op_array = 0x0,
object = 0x7f37c0e2a508, symbol_table = 0x7f37c0e30820, prev_execute_data = 0x7fff14828b50, old_error_reporting = 0x0,
nested = 0 '\000', original_return_value = 0x0, current_scope = 0x7f37c15be8a8, current_called_scope = 0x7f37c15be8a8,
current_this = 0x7f37c161b978, fast_ret = 0x7f37c21e8a08, call_slots = 0x7f37c090b9d0, call = 0x7f37c090b9d0}
fci_cache_local = {initialized = 216 '\330', function_handler = 0x7f37c090bdd8, calling_scope = 0x7f3700000000,
called_scope = 0x0, object_ptr = 0x1}
#22 0x00007f37b8d58be5 in zend_call_method (object_pp=0x7f37c0e2a830, obj_ce=<optimized out>, fn_proxy=0x7f37c0e2a828,
function_name=0x7f37c0e2ac40 "horde_autoloader_default::loadclass\001", function_name_len=<optimized out>,
retval_ptr_ptr=retval_ptr_ptr at entry=0x7fff14828a28, param_count=param_count at entry=1, arg1=0x7f37c21e8cd8, arg2=arg2 at entry=0x0)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_interfaces.c:97
fcic = {initialized = 1 '\001', function_handler = 0x7f37c0e25e60, calling_scope = 0x7f37c0e253c8,
called_scope = 0x7f37c0e253c8, object_ptr = 0x7f37c0e2a508}
result = <optimized out>
fci = {size = 72, function_table = 0x7f37c090bcb0, function_name = 0x7fff148288f0, symbol_table = 0x0,
retval_ptr_ptr = 0x7fff14828a28, param_count = 1, params = 0x7fff148288e0, object_ptr = 0x7f37c0e2a508,
no_separation = 1 '\001'}
z_fname = {value = {lval = 140733537487312, dval = 6.9531606090192085e-310, str = {val = 0x7fff148289d0 "\001",
len = 344099072}, ht = 0x7fff148289d0, obj = {handle = 344099280, handlers = 0x7fff14828900}}, refcount__gc = 344099296,
type = 255 '\377', is_ref__gc = 127 '\177'}
retval = 0x7f37b8d4bc18 <zend_parse_parameters+152>
function_table = <optimized out>
params = {0x7fff148289d8, 0x7fff148289e0}
#23 0x00007f37b8c31d06 in zif_spl_autoload_call (ht=<optimized out>, return_value=<optimized out>, return_value_ptr=<optimized out>,
this_ptr=<optimized out>, return_value_used=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/ext/spl/php_spl.c:436
l_autoload_running = 0
class_name = 0x7f37c21e8cd8
retval = 0x0
class_name_len = 10
func_name = 0x7f37c0e2ac40 "horde_autoloader_default::loadclass\001"
lc_name = 0x7f37c21b7658 "horde_form"
func_name_len = 40
dummy = 0
function_pos = 0x7f37c0e2abf8
alfi = 0x7f37c0e2a828
#24 0x00007f37b8d31b1b in dtrace_execute_internal (execute_data_ptr=<optimized out>, fci=<optimized out>,
return_value_used=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:97
lineno = <optimized out>
filename = <optimized out>
#25 0x00007f37b8d33e6b in zend_call_function (fci=fci at entry=0x7fff14828cd0, fci_cache=fci_cache at entry=0x7fff14828ca0)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:959
call_via_handler = 0
i = <optimized out>
original_return_value = <optimized out>
calling_symbol_table = <optimized out>
original_op_array = <optimized out>
original_opline_ptr = <optimized out>
current_scope = 0x7f37c15be8a8
current_called_scope = 0x7f37c15be8a8
calling_scope = <optimized out>
called_scope = 0x0
current_this = 0x7f37c161b978
execute_data = {opline = 0x0, function_state = {function = 0x7f37c0973640, arguments = 0x7f37c090ba48}, op_array = 0x0,
object = 0x0, symbol_table = 0x7f37c0e30820, prev_execute_data = 0x7f37c090b8e0, old_error_reporting = 0x0,
nested = 0 '\000', original_return_value = 0x0, current_scope = 0x7f37c15be8a8, current_called_scope = 0x7f37c15be8a8,
current_this = 0x7f37c161b978, fast_ret = 0x7f37c21e8a08, call_slots = 0x7f37c090b9d0, call = 0x7f37c090b9d0}
fci_cache_local = {initialized = 0 '\000', function_handler = 0x0, calling_scope = 0x0, called_scope = 0x3736353433323130,
object_ptr = 0x3938}
#26 0x00007f37b8d345e2 in zend_lookup_class_ex (name=name at entry=0x7f37a14ddad8 "Horde_Form", name_length=<optimized out>,
key=0x7f37a14dcde8, use_autoload=use_autoload at entry=1, ce=ce at entry=0x7fff14828d68)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:1115
args = {0x7fff14828c70}
autoload_function = {value = {lval = 139877305095994, dval = 6.9108571080785362e-310, str = {
val = 0x7f37b915173a "__autoload", len = 10}, ht = 0x7f37b915173a, obj = {handle = 3105167162,
handlers = 0x7f370000000a}}, refcount__gc = 3105167162, type = 6 '\006', is_ref__gc = 127 '\177'}
class_name_ptr = 0x7f37c21e8cd8
retval_ptr = 0x7f37c21b9458
retval = <optimized out>
lc_length = <optimized out>
lc_name = 0x7f37a14ddae8 "horde_form"
lc_free = <optimized out>
fcall_info = {size = 72, function_table = 0x7f37c0948960, function_name = 0x7fff14828c80, symbol_table = 0x0,
retval_ptr_ptr = 0x7fff14828c78, param_count = 1, params = 0x7fff14828c60, object_ptr = 0x0, no_separation = 1 '\001'}
fcall_cache = {initialized = 1 '\001', function_handler = 0x7f37c0973640, calling_scope = 0x0, called_scope = 0x0,
object_ptr = 0x0}
dummy = 1 '\001'
hash = 13877258734374384202
use_heap = <optimized out>
#27 0x00007f37b8d34cc2 in zend_fetch_class_by_name (class_name=0x7f37a14ddad8 "Horde_Form", class_name_len=<optimized out>,
key=<optimized out>, fetch_type=0) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:1595
pce = 0x7f37c21c0f68
use_autoload = 1
#28 0x00007f37b8d8cdf4 in ZEND_INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL_SPEC_CONST_CONST_HANDLER (execute_data=0x7f37c090b8e0)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:3539
opline = 0x7f37c21c0fc8
ce = <optimized out>
call = 0x7f37c090b9f0
#29 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090b8e0) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#30 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#31 0x00007f37b8df1171 in ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL_SPEC_TMP_HANDLER (execute_data=0x7f37c090b710)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:8053
opline = 0x7f37c15d6000
new_op_array = 0x7f37c20ca370
free_op1 = {var = 0x7f37c090b6f0}
inc_filename = 0x7f37c090b6f0
tmp_inc_filename = <optimized out>
failure_retval = 0 '\000'
#32 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090b710) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#33 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#34 0x00007f37b8df21bc in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0x7f37c090b5b0)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:584
opline = 0x7f37c154c210
should_change_scope = 1 '\001'
fbc = 0x7f37c1615910
#35 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090b5b0) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#36 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#37 0x00007f37b8df21bc in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0x7f37c090b2b8)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:584
opline = 0x7f37c15ead30
should_change_scope = 1 '\001'
fbc = 0x7f37c15c9398
#38 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090b2b8) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#39 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#40 0x00007f37b8df21bc in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0x7f37c090af10)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:584
opline = 0x7f37c155bbc0
should_change_scope = 1 '\001'
fbc = 0x7f37c15c16a8
#41 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090af10) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#42 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#43 0x00007f37b8df21bc in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (execute_data=0x7f37c090ad30)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:584
opline = 0x7f37c093b868
should_change_scope = 1 '\001'
fbc = 0x7f37c1549f50
#44 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090ad30) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 1 '\001'
#45 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#46 0x00007f37b8df1171 in ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL_SPEC_TMP_HANDLER (execute_data=0x7f37c090ac18)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:8053
opline = 0x7f37c093ea28
new_op_array = 0x7f37c11a3818
free_op1 = {var = 0x7f37c090abd8}
inc_filename = 0x7f37c090abd8
tmp_inc_filename = <optimized out>
failure_retval = 0 '\000'
#47 0x00007f37b8d6b768 in execute_ex (execute_data=0x7f37c090ac18) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:363
ret = <optimized out>
original_in_execution = 0 '\000'
#48 0x00007f37b8d31a19 in dtrace_execute_ex (execute_data=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend_dtrace.c:73
lineno = <optimized out>
scope = 0x0
filename = <optimized out>
funcname = <optimized out>
classname = <optimized out>
#49 0x00007f37b8d43400 in zend_execute_scripts (type=type at entry=8, retval=retval at entry=0x0, file_count=file_count at entry=3)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/Zend/zend.c:1316
files = {{gp_offset = 40, fp_offset = 0, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fff148298b0, reg_save_area = 0x7fff14829840}}
i = 1
file_handle = 0x7fff1482bb20
orig_op_array = 0x0
orig_retval_ptr_ptr = 0x0
orig_interactive = 0
#50 0x00007f37b8ce3615 in php_execute_script (primary_file=primary_file at entry=0x7fff1482bb20)
at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/main/main.c:2506
realfile = "\n\000\311\300\067\177\000\000@\006\276\276\067\177\000\000 \027:\275\067\177\000\000\220\002\000\000\000\000\000\000<?php\n/**\n * Turba index page.\n *\n * Copyright 2000-2013 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)\n *\n * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (ASL). If you di"...
__orig_bailout = 0x7fff1482bba0
__bailout = {{__jmpbuf = {139877294579872, 6006460329258149183, 139877294579872, 139877414182784, 0, 139877374648976,
6006460330388514111, 5965689789752436031}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {3328210909095013936,
3330744183885409841, 3328492414136757808, 3328210934865276515, 3328773859048435249, 7021237580783317097,
139877313003008, 0, 139877400134793, 0, 139877374623904, 0, 140733537495776, 656, 139877313010765, 0}}}}
prepend_file_p = <optimized out>
append_file_p = 0x0
prepend_file = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME, filename = 0x0, opened_path = 0x0, handle = {fd = 0, fp = 0x0, stream = {
handle = 0x0, isatty = 0, mmap = {len = 0, pos = 0, map = 0x0, buf = 0x0, old_handle = 0x0, old_closer = 0x0},
reader = 0x0, fsizer = 0x0, closer = 0x0}}, free_filename = 0 '\000'}
append_file = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME, filename = 0x0, opened_path = 0x0, handle = {fd = 0, fp = 0x0, stream = {
handle = 0x0, isatty = 0, mmap = {len = 0, pos = 0, map = 0x0, buf = 0x0, old_handle = 0x0, old_closer = 0x0},
reader = 0x0, fsizer = 0x0, closer = 0x0}}, free_filename = 0 '\000'}
old_cwd = 0x7fff148298c0 "/"
retval = 0
#51 0x00007f37b8df383a in php_handler (r=<optimized out>) at /tmp/buildd/php5-5.5.8+dfsg/sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c:667
zfd = {type = ZEND_HANDLE_MAPPED, filename = 0x7f37bd3a1270 "/usr/share/horde/turba/index.php", opened_path = 0x0, handle = {
fd = -1064051744, fp = 0x7f37c093dbe0, stream = {handle = 0x7f37c093dbe0, isatty = 0, mmap = {len = 655, pos = 0,
map = 0x0, buf = 0x7f37b75f8000 <Address 0x7f37b75f8000 out of bounds>, old_handle = 0x0, old_closer = 0x0},
reader = 0x7f37b8cf9610 <_php_stream_read>, fsizer = 0x7f37b8cdfe20 <php_zend_stream_fsizer>,
closer = 0x7f37b8cdfe00 <php_zend_stream_mmap_closer>}}, free_filename = 0 '\000'}
__orig_bailout = 0x0
__bailout = {{__jmpbuf = {139877294579872, -6006373783351171777, 139877294579872, 139877414182784, 0, 139877374648976,
6006460329256052031, 5965689935845811519}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {139877411046360,
139877410401776, 139877294566976, 1, 139877410401776, 139877294566984, 0, 139877414182784, 18446744069414584320,
139877374648976, 15215622664210557184, 139877410022552, 139877409981288, 2, 139877294579872, 139877409981368}}}}
ctx = 0x7f37b8746e88
conf = <optimized out>
brigade = 0x7f37b75f94a0
bucket = <optimized out>
rv = <optimized out>
parent_req = 0x0
#52 0x00007f37bf7155a0 in ap_run_handler (r=0x7f37b874a0a0) at config.c:169
pHook = 0x7f37bf5583e0
n = 5
rv = 0
#53 0x00007f37bf715ae9 in ap_invoke_handler (r=r at entry=0x7f37b874a0a0) at config.c:439
handler = <optimized out>
p = <optimized out>
result = <optimized out>
old_handler = 0x7f37bf5b8640 "application/x-httpd-php"
ignore = <optimized out>
#54 0x00007f37bf72b09a in ap_process_async_request (r=0x7f37b874a0a0) at http_request.c:317
access_status = 0
#55 0x00007f37bf72b374 in ap_process_request (r=r at entry=0x7f37b874a0a0) at http_request.c:363
bb = <optimized out>
b = <optimized out>
c = 0x7f37bd3a6290
rv = <optimized out>
#56 0x00007f37bf727e32 in ap_process_http_sync_connection (c=0x7f37bd3a6290) at http_core.c:190
r = 0x7f37b874a0a0
cs = 0x0
csd = 0x0
mpm_state = 0
#57 ap_process_http_connection (c=0x7f37bd3a6290) at http_core.c:231
No locals.
#58 0x00007f37bf71ec00 in ap_run_process_connection (c=0x7f37bd3a6290) at connection.c:41
pHook = 0x7f37bf558a40
n = 1
rv = 0
#59 0x00007f37bf71efe8 in ap_process_connection (c=c at entry=0x7f37bd3a6290, csd=<optimized out>) at connection.c:202
rc = <optimized out>
#60 0x00007f37b96d5767 in child_main (child_num_arg=child_num_arg at entry=12) at prefork.c:704
current_conn = 0x7f37bd3a6290
csd = 0x7f37bd3a60a0
thd = 0x7f37bd3a80a0
osthd = 139877411354432
ptrans = 0x7f37bd3a6028
allocator = 0x7f37c0d570d0
status = <optimized out>
i = <optimized out>
lr = <optimized out>
pollset = 0x7f37bd3a8158
sbh = 0x7f37bd3a8150
bucket_alloc = 0x7f37bd3a2028
last_poll_idx = 1
lockfile = <optimized out>
#61 0x00007f37b96d5996 in make_child (s=0x7f37bf683de0, slot=12) at prefork.c:800
pid = 0
#62 0x00007f37b96d65fe in perform_idle_server_maintenance (p=<optimized out>) at prefork.c:902
i = <optimized out>
idle_count = <optimized out>
ws = <optimized out>
free_length = <optimized out>
free_slots = {9, 10, 11, 12, 0 <repeats 28 times>}
last_non_dead = <optimized out>
total_non_dead = <optimized out>
#63 prefork_run (_pconf=<optimized out>, plog=<optimized out>, s=<optimized out>) at prefork.c:1090
status = 32567
pid = {pid = -1, in = 0x7f37bf735ee8, out = 0xa, err = 0x7f37bee14c96}
child_slot = <optimized out>
exitwhy = (APR_PROC_SIGNAL | APR_PROC_SIGNAL_CORE | unknown: 3202436240)
processed_status = <optimized out>
index = <optimized out>
remaining_children_to_start = 0
rv = <optimized out>
#64 0x00007f37bf6fc67e in ap_run_mpm (pconf=0x7f37bf6b2028, plog=0x7f37bf67f028, s=0x7f37bf683de0) at mpm_common.c:96
pHook = 0x7f37bf558f50
n = 0
rv = 0
#65 0x00007f37bf6f5da7 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7fff1482c228) at main.c:777
c = 0 '\000'
showcompile = 0
showdirectives = 0
confname = 0x7f37bf7354a7 "apache2.conf"
def_server_root = 0x7f37bf73549a "/etc/apache2"
temp_error_log = 0x0
error = <optimized out>
process = 0x7f37bf6b4118
pconf = 0x7f37bf6b2028
plog = 0x7f37bf67f028
ptemp = 0x7f37bf681028
pcommands = 0x7f37bf689028
opt = 0x7f37bf689118
rv = <optimized out>
mod = 0x7f37bf957160 <ap_prelinked_modules+64>
opt_arg = 0x7f37bf6b4028 "(\200k\277\067\177"
signal_server = <optimized out>
-------------- next part --------------
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