Fwd: Re: [Pkg-postgresql-private] PostgreSQL co-maintenance
Oliver Elphick
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 16:35:55 +0100
On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 15:30, Martin Pit21
> Hi Oliver!
> One problem chases the other... I sent the mail below over an hour ago
> and it didn't come through yet (I also didn't bounce).
> Thus, I cannot checkout the CVS (see below), the ML is not working for
> me... I'm not sure whether I'm the one who messed up something, but if
> so, I would appreciate any help.
It's not letting me in either. Something seems to have happened to sshd
on Alioth.
> On 2003-10-13 18:34 +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> > The version I'm actively working on is 7.4beta4, currently in
> > experimental as
> Will you upload this into unstable eventually or do you wait for the
> final 7.4? Any chance that 7.4 makes it into sarge, i. e. does
> upstream estimate when the final version will be ready?
> I'm asking because if sarge will contain the current unstable version,
> then bugs should certainly be fixed there as well.
The first release candidate of 7.4 should be very soon. I would expect
the final version within a month and there's not even a whisper of a
freeze on sarge yet.
> > What I would like would be to get a lot of the bug list cleared. If
> > anyone intends to tackle a bug, please announce it here. Perhaps we
> > should copy bugs to the Alioth tracker system, to make it easy to see
> > who is dealing with what. It would be a good idea to send a message to
> > xxx-maintonly@bugs.debian.org as well so that there is a record on bug
> > xxx to say that it is in the system.
> IMHO managing a second BTS in alioth is error-prone and much
> overhead.
Maybe it would be enough to log the bug number and title in Alioth's
BTS; it seems to me that Alioth's BTS is more flexible for multiple
maintainers. The _only_ facility the Debian BTS offers is the
capability of setting the owner; the bug tags are preset and we cannot
add new ones. Alioth's tracking gives us the ability to categorise bugs
according to our needs, to set priorites and so on.
> What about using the "owner" tag for stating that someone
> wants to take care of a bug
That would be sensible
> and a second tag when the bug is fixed in
> alioth? I'm not sure which tag should be used for the latter; patch
> would match best, although it is quite an abuse... Maybe we could
> use "fixed-upstream"?
But fixed-upstream can only be for bugs fixed by the upstream package.
I don't think it should be used for this.
> Using tags in the BTS would greatly help to get
> a better overview over the bugs.
You are probably correct, but that is only good within the preset
categories of the BTS.
> I will checkout the current version and look into its guts now. I will
> certainly start to fix some easy bugs, to get warm first.
> Can you give me some hints how to do the checkout?
> I did:
> ---------------- snip ------------------
> martin@donald:~/src/Debian/pg$ export CVS_RSH=ssh
> martin@donald:~/src/Debian/pg$ cvs -z3 -d:ext:mpitt-guest@cvs.alioth.debian.org:/cvsroot/pkg-postgresql co 7.4
That should have worked. I guess we can't do anything until ssh service
is restored.
I have emailed admin@alioth.debian.org to report the problem.
Oliver Elphick Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight, UK http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
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"I delight to do thy will, O my God; yea, thy law is
within my heart." Psalms 40:8