Splitting off ancillary packages [was: Re: [Pkg-postgresql-private] New packaging system - ancillary packages]]

Martin Pitt martin@piware.de
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 14:15:08 +0100

Hi Oliver!

On 2004-01-14 13:07 +0000, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> > What do you think about splitting off all ancillary packages (pgeasy,
> > pgperl, plr and psqlodbc) to separate source packages? They could get
> > their own maintainer, wouldn't clutter up the main postgresql
> > package and separating the dbs patches would clean up a little bit.
> > This would also solve #206761.
> Do you want to look and see if it can be done?  ODBC can be built
> separately, but the others may need fairly extensive tweaks since they
> are (were) designed to be built in the PostgreSDQL source tree.

I will try pgeasy and pgperl for a start.


Martin Pitt                 Debian GNU/Linux Developer
martin@piware.de                      mpitt@debian.org
http://www.piware.de             http://www.debian.org