[Pkg-postgresql-private] Source separation now complete
Martin Pitt
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 16:21:00 +0100
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I just uploaded psqlodbc to the cvs which was the last missing
package to be separated out of the postgresql source tree.
I fixed a bug here and there, but otherwise the debs are similar to
the old ones (see detailed dump below).
Oliver, can we then remove the auxillary packages from the source tree
and also avoid putting the postgresql source tarball into it?
Since all four new source packages will need some time to get into
unstable (they will land in NEW I suppose), I would like to upload
them soon. But as soon as they are in, a new postgresql upload must be
done to provide plperl.so that was removed from pgperl. Since the
current CVS version fixes 13 bugs (I hope to get even some more
fixed), this would not be bad anyway, wouldn't it? However, the last
RC bug should also be fixed by it. Oliver, you had some Ideas about
this libkrb stuff, are there any news?
Another thing: Who should be the eventual maintainer of the new source
packages? I'm inclined to orphan odbc and plr since nobody of us can
test them, so I would like to set the maintainer of them to the QA
group. I don't care about the other two (pgperl and pgeasy), if nobody
wants them I would be able to maintain them (they are not exactly
Thank you and have a nice day!
Here are the debdiffs:
martin@donald:/mm/pg/psqlodbc$ debdiff ../odbc-postgresql_7.4.1-2_i386.deb =
Files in first .deb but not in second
The following lines in the control files differ (wdiff output format):
Version: [-7.4.1-2-] {+1:07.03.0200-1+}
Depends: {+postgresql,+} libc6 (>=3D 2.3.2.ds1-4), odbcinst1
Installed-Size: [-368-] {+331+}
Maintainer: [-Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>-] {+Martin Pitt <m=
Source: [-postgresql-] {+psqlodbc+}
[-PostgreSQL is the foremost open source SQL database server-]
[- .-]
Windows clients and from Linux applications such as [-OpenOffice.org-] {+O=
{+ .+}
{+ PostgreSQL is an open source SQL database server.+}
[Please consider that there is now a dummy package libpgperl depending
on libpg-perl.]
martin@donald:/mm/pg/pgperl$ debdiff ../libpgperl_7.4.1-2_i386.deb libpg-p=
Files in second .deb but not in first
Files in first .deb but not in second
The following lines in the control files differ (wdiff output format):
Package: [-libpgperl-] {+libpg-perl+}
Version: [-7.4.1-2-] {+1:2.0.2-1+}
Depends: [-libpq3 (>=3D 7.4),-] {+libpq3,+} perlapi-5.8.2, perl (>=3D 5.8.2=
-2), libc6 (>=3D [-2.3.2.ds1-4)-] {+2.3.2.ds1-4), libpq3 (>=3D 7.3.1)+}
Installed-Size: [-243-] {+227+}
Maintainer: [-Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>-] {+Martin Pitt <m=
Source: [-postgresql-] {+pgperl+}
{+This+} library [-to enable-] {+enables+} Perl scripts to communicate wit=
h the
[-PostgreSQL is the foremost open source SQL database server-]
[- .-]
martin@donald:/mm/pg/pgeasy$ debdiff ../libpgeasy_7.4.1-2_i386.deb libpgeas=
Files in second .deb but not in first
Files in first .deb but not in second
The following lines in the control files differ (wdiff output format):
Version: [-7.4.1-2-] {+1:3.0.1-1+}
Depends: [-libpq3 (>=3D 7.4),-] libc6 (>=3D [-2.3.2.ds1-4)-] {+2.3.2.ds1-4)=
, libpq3 (>=3D 7.3.1)+}
Installed-Size: [-56-] {+36+}
Maintainer: [-Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>-] {+Martin Pitt <m=
Source: [-postgresql-] {+pgeasy+}
pgeasy allows you to interface cleanly to {+a PostgreSQL database through+=
} the
libpq library, {+but+} more like a 4GL SQL interface.
functionality of libpq. [-This package contains-]
{+ Install+} the [-shared library. You do-]
[- not need to select it for installation; apt will install it automaticall=
y-] {+development package libpgeasy-dev+} if you [-install a package that d=
epends on
[- .-]
[- PostgreSQL is the foremost open source SQL database server-] {+want to d=
evelop own+}
{+ programs using this library.+}
martin@donald:/mm/pg/pgeasy$ debdiff ../libpgeasy-dev_7.4.1-2_i386.deb libp=
Files in second .deb but not in first
The following lines in the control files differ (wdiff output format):
Version: [-7.4.1-2-] {+1:3.0.1-1+}
Depends: [-libpgeasy,-] {+libpgeasy (=3D 1:3.0.1-1),+} postgresql-dev (>=3D=
Installed-Size: [-53-] {+58+}
Maintainer: [-Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>-] {+Martin Pitt <m=
Source: [-postgresql-] {+pgeasy+}
pgeasy allows you to interface cleanly to {+a PostgreSQL databse through+}=
libpq library, {+but+} more like a 4GL SQL interface.
functionality of libpq. This package contains {+development files: headers=
the [-header files and-] static [-library.-]
[- .-]
[- PostgreSQL is the foremost open-] {+library, documentation and example p=
rogram+} source [-SQL database server-] {+code.+}
martin@donald:/mm/pg/plr$ debdiff ../postgresql-plr_7.4.1-2_i386.deb
Files in second .deb but not in first
The following lines in the control files differ (wdiff output format):
Version: [-7.4.1-2-] {+1:0.5.3+0.5.4alpha-1+}
Depends: r-base-core, {+postgresql,+} libc6 (>=3D 2.3.2.ds1-4)
Installed-Size: [-190-] {+166+}
Maintainer: [-Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>-] {+Martin
Pitt <mpitt@debian.org>+}
Source: [-postgresql-] {+plr+}
Description: Procedural [-Language-] {+language+} interface between
PostgreSQL and R
PostgreSQL is [-the foremost-] {+an+} open source SQL database
[-server-] {+server.+}
Martin Pitt Debian GNU/Linux Developer
martin@piware.de mpitt@debian.org
http://www.piware.de http://www.debian.org
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