[Pkg-postgresql-private] A new upload seems appropriate

Martin Pitt martin@piware.de
Mon, 29 Mar 2004 13:22:14 +0200

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Hi everybody!

postgresql kept me busy during the last days, but now I'm quite
satisfied with the current CVS package. Upgrades from stable now run
smoothly and new installations don't print irritating bogus any more

Since this beast now fixes 11 bugs (amongst them an RC bug in sarge) I
feel we should do a new upload now. What do you think?

There's another change I would like to do, but want to discuss first:
Personally I would prefer if the automatic upgrade question defaulted
to 'yes'. What do you think?

Oliver, when you upload this thing, can you please export the CVS to a
new directory and build it there? This will avoid putting the CVS/
directory into the source package and gets rid of four lintian

Thanks and have a nice day!


For reference I quote the current changelog:

postgresql (7.4.2-2) unstable; urgency=3Dmedium

  * Urgency medium since this fixes an RC bug also present in testing and t=
    is no new upstream version
  * Deleted superfluous space in postgresql.conf. It works also with space,
    but comment says the opposite. Closes: #237359 [Martin Pitt]
  * pkgIndex.tcl cannot be generated on autobuilders since this would requi=
    a build-dependency on libpq3; this file is now kept in the source packa=
    and is regenerated if deleted. Closes: #226486 [Martin Pitt]
  * Changed libpgtcl dependency from 'tcl8.4|tclsh' to 'tcl8.4' since the
    library is linked against libtcl8.4.so (which is not provided by earlier
    tcl versions). Closes: #238722 [Martin Pitt]
  * p-contrib now rotates /var/log/postgresql/autovacuum_log. Closes: #2388=
    [Martin Pitt]
  * Protected all necessary 'cmd && cmd' in 'set -e' scripts with '|| true'=
    avoid script failures. Closes: #240008 [Martin Pitt]
  * Corrected postgresql-doc.doc-base title and author. Closes: #240097
    [Martin Pitt]
  * Modified 24autovacuum patch to detach from stdin, stdout, stderr.
    Closes: #225680 [Martin Pitt]
  * Fixed postinst script to not sending bogus error mails when the automat=
    upgrade succeeded. Closes: #225668 [Martin Pitt]
  * Fixed trap in postinst: status mails now have correct subject
    [Martin Pitt]
  * Added postgresql-dump option '-n' to convert from DEFAULT 'now' to
    DEFAULT now() and use this parameter in the postinst for upgrading.
    Closes: #226294 [Martin Pitt]
  * postinst: separated out actual database upgrading into function
    do_upgrade(); it is much easier to read now
  * postinst now explicitly checks whether postmaster startup failed because
    of an old database; it may fail because of other reasons. Closes: #1612=
    [Martin Pitt]
  * preinst: check for presence of /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postgres to deci=
    whether to save old binaries; merely checking the directory existence
    always succeeds since postgresql depends on postgresql-client.
    Closes: #219487 [Martin Pitt]

Martin Pitt                 Debian GNU/Linux Developer
martin@piware.de                      mpitt@debian.org
http://www.piware.de             http://www.debian.org

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