[Pkg-postgresql-private] virtual packages for Sarge?
Martin Pitt
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 10:13:19 +0100
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I'd like to upload 7.4.6-3 soon, but before I do that I would like to
make sure that the current package is in shape for Sarge and, in
particular, will allow us to switch to the multiversion architecture
in Sarge + 1.
When upgrading to Sarge+1 we can assume that 7.4 is present (in
package postgresql), so we want to keep that version by default. It
should be possible to install 8.0 in parallel.
To make this upgrading smooth, we probably have to introduce some
virtual package names in the Sarge version (like Provides:
postgresql-74). Oliver, do you already have a concrete idea for this?
BTW, if your multiversion architecture is half-working, would you mind
to upload it to experimental? Then it can already pass the NEW queue
and we can play with it.
Thanks for ideas and have a nice day!
Martin Pitt http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian GNU/Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
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