[Pkg-postgresql-private] Thoughts about arch layout for new architecture

Martin Pitt mpitt@debian.org
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 16:01:03 +0100

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Hi Oliver!

Oliver Elphick [2004-11-10 13:42 +0000]:
> How can I get rid of an entire section and start again?
> I mistyped a directory name in=20
>   tla add <directory>/*
> which had the unexpected effect of creating that directory.
> I want to delete the whole tree postgresql--devel--8.0 and start again.
> I have also managed, as far as I can see, to create
> postgresql--devel--8.0 and postgresql--devel--7.4 at a different level
> from postgresql-common--devel--1, but I don't see why it was different.

It was different because --8.0 is a branch version, whereas
postgresql-common is an entirely different category (aka project).

If branch versions are confusing, we can also organize everyrhing as a
project. So can you please do (on arch.debian.org):

cd /arch/pkg-postgresql/pkg-postgresql-private@lists.alioth.debian.org--200=
rm -rf postgresql--devel--7.4 postgresql--devel--8.0

This will delete both trees. You also have to delete the {arch} and
all .arch-ids directories from your working tree.

If you organize the tree as follows:

postgresql-common--devel--1 (already exists)

Then we have a more homogeneous structure.

Happy commiting!


Martin Pitt                       http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer            http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian GNU/Linux Developer       http://www.debian.org

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