[Pkg-postgresql-public] Dropping postgresql 8.3 for squeeze
Gerfried Fuchs
rhonda at deb.at
Mon Dec 28 11:32:53 UTC 2009
* Dimitri Fontaine <dfontaine at hi-media.com> [2009-12-28 12:14:25 CET]:
> This might look strange for the debian project itself but please
> consider that switching a production server from stable to next stable
> seldom means upgrading PostgreSQL alongside. So we *need* to have the
> extensions available for old-major somewhere too, like backports or some
> other volunteer provided hosting.
Erm, the extensions need only to be available for the same set of
postgres versions we release. Why do we *need* to have the extensions
available for postgres versions we never released? If you don't mean
that, why would you upgrade the extensions then when you don't upgrade
postgres? I'm sorry but I can't clearly follow you, can you please
explain this more deeply, maybe with actual examples to ease
> Providing the extensions for 8.3 for stable when this version is no more
> the official one should not require volunteers to edit or remake the
> packaging.
If the extension for 8.3 for stable is in stable, what is the issue? If
it isn't, backports.org is there to host such an addition, given that
the extension is testing.
On the other hand, offering it through backports for 8.3 will make it
more complicated to also offer it for 8.4 through backports - the
package should be able to build both flavors (or the more practical one
should be chosen).
> PS: I surely do not intend to fix my packages by desuporting 8.3, even
> if that means they don't get into squeeze when it's labelled
> stable. Having them hosted outside of debian will be less work and
> maintenance.
That's an unfortunate step you want to take. I hope the extension you
maintain isn't an important one, otherwise I really would wish you
rethink your standing.
So long!
P.S.: I think it would be really needed for companies that have interest
in having better postgres support within Debian to combined-hire a
person to specifically work on that task. The benefit would be
enormous, IMNSHO, and reduce the same kind of discussions on every
new postgres version or Debian release.
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