The state of the package, and where we go from here

James Westby jw+debian at
Thu Nov 23 22:00:41 CET 2006

Hi all,

So, it's a day late, but here's some thoughts on pkg-python-debian.

The 0.1.0 version is sitting in NEW on it's way to experimental. I have
branched this off on alioth so that we have it if we need it, and until
bzr supports tags.

John is keen to merge deb822 in to the package, which I am pleased
about. However this raises a few questions.

  1) As there is already python-deb822 do we need to handle that when
     the import happens?
  2) It seems deb822 might make it in to etch if it wants, but what
     impact would it have on this package?
  3) What namespace should it use when it is in python-debian?

At the moment all of the stuff is under the debian_bundle namespace, but
deb822 in the package is not. When it is merged does it want to move, or
stay out there on its own? I don't think it is important but it raises a
larger question.

I think the above are things for John to decide as it is his module.

As for namespaces one possibility is that we keep debian_bundle as a
namespace that implies "experimental module with a perhaps unstable
API". Then modules could start in there and move out to their own
namespace as they mature, or even in to their own package.

I think this also questions what the purpose of the package is. Is it a
collection of modules that are too small to go anywhere else? Is it an
incubator for new modules? Is it to become a full library for every
format of data in Debian?

I think dato had some ideas on this, and I am reluctant to do too much
with the package in his absence, but we can at least do something useful
with this code that we have.

As for infrastructure/colloboration type things I would like to know
what you think.

We have 3 lists discuss, maint and commits, I think the purposes are
pretty clear. I'll see about setting up the commits list at some point.

We have a shared bzr repository for the package ar If
you are not sure how to deal with all of that then let me know. The idea
is for the package to be built by bzr-builddeb, also let me know if you
don't know what that is.

As for collaboration I am happy for you to change whatever you want
really. I would really appreciate people updating debian/copyright (and
the files themselves) if you make a significant contribution to someone
elses work (including the packaging).

My is only used by bzr-builddeb as far as I know. So I
would at least like a notice if you change the API so that I can update
it. I would also like if big changes were discussed on the mailing list
first, and a consensus could be reached on where to go. It's probably
not that important with a small code base, but I think it's good to get
in to good habits. 

I would really like your opinion on the comments above (if you can
decipher them, it's a bit of a stream of consciousness) and any other
thoughts that you might have.



  James Westby   --    GPG Key ID: B577FE13    --
  seccure key - (3+)k7|M*edCX/.A:n*N!>|&7U.L#9E)Tu)T0>AM - secp256r1/nistp256

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