The state of the package, and where we go from here

Enrico Zini enrico at
Tue Nov 28 14:00:59 CET 2006


I arrived late in the thread and I don't know where to pick it up.  I'll
reply to bits here and there.

On Thu, Nov 23, 2006 at 09:00:41PM +0000, James Westby wrote:

> John is keen to merge deb822 in to the package, which I am pleased
> about. However this raises a few questions.
>   1) As there is already python-deb822 do we need to handle that when
>      the import happens?

Instinctively I would think of using the Conflicts + Replaces headers as
one finds in the policy at "7.5.2. Replacing whole packages, forcing
their removal".

>   2) It seems deb822 might make it in to etch if it wants, but what
>      impact would it have on this package?

I think none, as soon as conflicts/replaces are set correctly: one could
keep the version in etch, or replace it with deb822 when it becomes

>   3) What namespace should it use when it is in python-debian?

I feel like eventually putting everything in a debian namespace,
providing a cool collection of modules with everything needed to play
with Debian.  I don't know enough of Python practices to know if this
could be done at anytime, or if things are best kept in debian_bundle
until their api stabilises, and then move them to debian once they are

> I think the above are things for John to decide as it is his module.

100% agree.

> I think this also questions what the purpose of the package is. Is it a
> collection of modules that are too small to go anywhere else? Is it an
> incubator for new modules? Is it to become a full library for every
> format of data in Debian?

To me, there's no reason it couldn't be all of them.

> I think dato had some ideas on this, and I am reluctant to do too much
> with the package in his absence, but we can at least do something useful
> with this code that we have.

I have a very hight consideration of dato's contributions and I'm sure
he has good ideas on this; however, since we can't know when he'll be
active again, we can just go on doing our best, and hear how he thinks
we've done when he comes back :)

> I would really like your opinion on the comments above (if you can
> decipher them, it's a bit of a stream of consciousness) and any other
> thoughts that you might have.

Thanks James, I think they're all pretty good and sane ideas.



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