upload? (with summary of UNRELEASED stuff)

Reinhard Tartler siretart at debian.org
Fri Jul 20 19:50:48 UTC 2007

Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org> writes:

> We have some non entirely trivial relevant changes in our current
> UNRELEASED python-debian version:
> - embedding of deb822
> - debfile.py
> - one bugfix (my dict wishlist)
> - some new examples
> - two new uploaders :)
> What do you think of an upload?

Currently there are 2 issues blocking the upload:

1. the testcase fails with python2.5
2. deb822.py is licenced gplv2, but we have gplv3 modules using it

for 1: there are changed semantics in Tarball. Since we want to move to
python2.5 in debian soon, and ubuntu has this since quite some time, I
think we should fix the package so it works with both python versions.

for 2: I'm currently not entirely sure if this is really a problem. In
order to avoid confusion and discussion of ftp-masters, can deb822.py be
relicensed as gplv3 or later, and be done with it?

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4
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