Bug#397690: [Pkg-qof-maintainers] Bug#397690: gnotime: GnoTime is dying silently several times a day

Goedson Teixeira Paixao goedson at debian.org
Fri Nov 10 20:08:26 CET 2006

tags 397690 +moreinfo

Em Qua, 2006-11-08 às 22:15 +0100, Jerome Warnier escreveu:
> Package: gnotime
> Version: 2.2.2-7
> Severity: normal
> GnoTime is dying silently several times a day on my up-to-date Etch.
> As my brother is experiencing the same on another computer, I thought it
> could be a good idea to at least report this bug.
> I tried to start it from a terminal in case it was spitting messages
> out, read my .xsession-errors, but nothing...
> I also tried to start it under strace hoping I would find myself the problem,
> but there are just too many messages and I have no idea what to look for.
> I'm aware of the little-usefulness of this report as-is, but I'm willing
> to provide more information as requested.

Could you please send me a core dump of such a crash? Be aware that such
core dump may include data from your projects, so you may not want to
have them published in the web if there's some sensitive data on them.

Thank you.

Goedson Teixeira Paixao    http://mundolivre.wordpress.com/
Jabber ID: goedson at jabber.org        http://www.jabber.org/
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