[Pkg-ROX-devel] First ideas
Francesco P. Lovergine
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 14:24:33 +0200
Ok, we got it.
The project is on fly at http://pkg-rox.alioth.debian.org/
My basic idea is packaing ASAP rox-session and rox-filer in a decent
way for debian. I'm currently adding both pkgs to Marcin's version
and adding dpatch support for modifications.
We should also add
for C library in the same source.
shared-mime-info is ok and already up-to-date in sid.
We should decide is 2.0.1 is good enough for sarge or we need
to go with 2.1 which is the development series and probably (?)
not adequate for stable.
We have very tight times for sarge: release will be probably
in mid september and there will be a general packages freeze
soon. If we will not be able to release in accordance to
sarge roadmap, there are chances to have an unofficial
archive for sarge and a standard development cycle in sid.
rox-session needs to be in good shape to be usable with
gdm/kdm/xdm and other session manager.
Additional applications (Pager & friends) could be
packaged in different source(s).
What are the priorities?
Francesco P. Lovergine