[Pkg-ROX-devel] directory of american chiropractors

amnesia Hobbs Cummins_Ali at jpittman.com
Mon Jul 9 07:56:19 UTC 2007

For this week we have the following package deal in effect:

promo code: uD23B9D

Physicians in the USA 
788k in total – 17k emails
34 specialties – many sortable fields

American Hospitals 
23k Admins in more than 7k hospitals

Dentists in the USA
597k dentists and dental services

American Chiropractor Directory
100K chiropractor’s offices in the USA

All 4 above complete directories: $379

This offer is good until July 13th.  

Please email: medpack at hotmail.com or call 206-339-6160 for more details

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