[DRE-commits] r1366 - in packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk: . debian
Arnaud Cornet
nohar-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Apr 15 09:11:43 UTC 2007
Author: nohar-guest
Date: 2007-04-15 09:11:42 +0000 (Sun, 15 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 1366
Do not use the uploaders rule anymore.
Remove old file that should never have been there.
Modified: packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/changelog 2007-04-15 08:07:22 UTC (rev 1365)
+++ packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/changelog 2007-04-15 09:11:42 UTC (rev 1366)
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
libcmdparse2-ruby (2.0.2-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ [ Paul van Tilburg ]
- -- Paul van Tilburg <paulvt at debian.org> Thu, 27 Jul 2006 22:09:32 +0200
+ [ Arnaud Cornet ]
+ * Do not use the Uploaders rule anymore.
+ -- Arnaud Cornet <arnaud.cornet at gmail.com> Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:01:04 +0200
libcmdparse2-ruby (2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Arnaud Cornet ]
Modified: packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/control 2007-04-15 08:07:22 UTC (rev 1365)
+++ packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/control 2007-04-15 09:11:42 UTC (rev 1366)
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
Section: interpreters
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Arnaud Cornet <arnaud.cornet at gmail.com>
-Uploaders: @RUBY_EXTRAS_TEAM@
-Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 4.0.0)
-Build-Depends-Indep: ruby-pkg-tools (>= 0.8), ruby
+Uploaders: Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers <pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 4.0.0), ruby-pkg-tools (>= 0.8), ruby
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Package: libcmdparse2-ruby
Deleted: packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/control.in
--- packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/control.in 2007-04-15 08:07:22 UTC (rev 1365)
+++ packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/control.in 2007-04-15 09:11:42 UTC (rev 1366)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Source: libcmdparse2-ruby
-Section: interpreters
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Arnaud Cornet <arnaud.cornet at gmail.com>
-Uploaders: @RUBY_EXTRAS_TEAM@
-Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 4.0.0), ruby-pkg-tools (>= 0.8), ruby
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
-Package: libcmdparse2-ruby
-Architecture: all
-Depends: libcmdparse2-ruby1.8
-Description: Advanced command line parsing module supporting sub-commands
- Flexible library simplifying creation of shell commands using sub-commands,
- ie a la apt-get.
- Uses optparse, part of ruby standard library.
- .
- This package is part of the Ruby library extras, a supplement to Ruby's
- standard library.
- .
-Package: libcmdparse2-ruby1.8
-Architecture: all
-Depends: ruby1.8
-Replaces: libcmdparse2-ruby (<= 2.0.0-1)
-Description: Advanced command line parsing module supporting sub-commands
- Flexible library simplifying creation of shell commands using sub-commands,
- ie a la apt-get.
- Uses optparse, part of ruby standard library.
Modified: packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/rules 2007-04-15 08:07:22 UTC (rev 1365)
+++ packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/debian/rules 2007-04-15 09:11:42 UTC (rev 1366)
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
include /usr/share/ruby-pkg-tools/1/class/ruby-setup-rb.mk
-include /usr/share/ruby-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk
DEB_RUBY_CONFIG_ARGS = --prefix=/usr --site-ruby=/usr/lib/ruby/1.8
Deleted: packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/net.rb
--- packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/net.rb 2007-04-15 08:07:22 UTC (rev 1365)
+++ packages/libcmdparse2-ruby/trunk/net.rb 2007-04-15 09:11:42 UTC (rev 1366)
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# if something is changed here -> change line numbers in doc/src/documentation.page
-$:.unshift "lib"
-require 'cmdparse2'
-require 'ostruct'
-require 'yaml'
-class NetStatCommand < CmdParse::Command
- def initialize
- super( 'stat', false )
- self.short_desc = "Show network statistics"
- self.description = "This command shows very useful network statistics - eye catching!!!"
- end
- def execute( args )
- puts "Showing network statistics" if $verbose
- puts
- puts "Yeah, I will do something now..."
- puts
- 1.upto(10) do |row|
- puts " "*(20-row) + "#"*(row*2 - 1)
- end
- puts
- end
-cmd = CmdParse::CommandParser.new( true )
-cmd.program_name = "net"
-cmd.program_version = [0, 1, 1]
-cmd.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opt|
- opt.separator "Global options:"
- opt.on("--verbose", "Be verbose when outputting info") {|t| $verbose = true }
-cmd.add_command( CmdParse::HelpCommand.new )
-cmd.add_command( CmdParse::VersionCommand.new )
-cmd.add_command( NetStatCommand.new )
-# ipaddr
-ipaddr = CmdParse::Command.new( 'ipaddr', true )
-ipaddr.short_desc = "Manage IP addresses"
-cmd.add_command( ipaddr )
-# ipaddr add
-add = CmdParse::Command.new( 'add', false )
-add.short_desc = "Add an IP address"
-add.set_execution_block do |args|
- puts "Adding ip addresses: #{args.join(', ')}" if $verbose
- $ipaddrs += args
-ipaddr.add_command( add )
-# ipaddr del
-del = CmdParse::Command.new( 'del', false )
-del.short_desc = "Delete an IP address"
-del.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opt|
- opt.on( '-a', '--all', 'Delete all IP addresses' ) { $deleteAll = true }
-del.set_execution_block do |args|
- if $deleteAll
- $ipaddrs = []
- else
- puts "Deleting ip addresses: #{args.join(', ')}" if $verbose
- args.each {|ip| $ipaddrs.delete( ip ) }
- end
-ipaddr.add_command( del )
-# ipaddr list
-list = CmdParse::Command.new( 'list', false )
-list.short_desc = "Lists all IP addresses"
-list.set_execution_block do |args|
- puts "Listing ip addresses:" if $verbose
- puts $ipaddrs.to_yaml
-ipaddr.add_command( list, true )
-if File.exists?( 'dumpnet' )
- $ipaddrs = Marshal.load( File.read( 'dumpnet' ) )
- $ipaddrs = []
-File.open( 'dumpnet', 'w+' ) {|f| f.write( Marshal.dump( $ipaddrs ) ) }
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