[DRE-commits] r2152 - in packages: . libpcap-ruby libpcap-ruby/branches libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/lib
lucas at alioth.debian.org
lucas at alioth.debian.org
Sat Dec 8 12:02:15 UTC 2007
Author: lucas
Date: 2007-12-08 12:02:14 +0000 (Sat, 08 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 2152
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libpcap-ruby
Added: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/Pcap.c
--- packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/Pcap.c (rev 0)
+++ packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/Pcap.c 2007-12-08 12:02:14 UTC (rev 2152)
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+ * Pcap.c
+ *
+ * $Id: Pcap.c,v 1.10 2000/08/13 05:56:31 fukusima Exp $
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Masaki Fukushima
+ */
+#include "ruby_pcap.h"
+#include "rubysig.h"
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define DEFAULT_TO_MS 1000
+static char pcap_errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
+VALUE mPcap, rbpcap_convert = Qnil;
+VALUE ePcapError;
+VALUE eTruncatedPacket;
+VALUE cFilter;
+static VALUE cCapture;
+static VALUE cPcapStat;
+static VALUE cDumper;
+struct filter_object {
+ char *expr;
+ struct bpf_program program;
+ int datalink;
+ int snaplen;
+ VALUE param;
+ VALUE optimize;
+ VALUE netmask;
+#define GetFilter(obj, filter) \
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct filter_object, filter)
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ char *dev;
+ dev = pcap_lookupdev(pcap_errbuf);
+ if (dev == NULL) {
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "%s", pcap_errbuf);
+ }
+ return rb_str_new2(dev);
+static VALUE
+pcap_s_lookupnet(self, dev)
+ VALUE self;
+ VALUE dev;
+ bpf_u_int32 net, mask, m;
+ struct in_addr addr;
+ Check_Type(dev, T_STRING);
+ if (pcap_lookupnet(STR2CSTR(dev), &net, &mask, pcap_errbuf) == -1) {
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "%s", pcap_errbuf);
+ }
+ addr.s_addr = net;
+ m = ntohl(mask);
+ return rb_ary_new3(2, new_ipaddr(&addr), UINT32_2_NUM(m));
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ return rbpcap_convert;
+static VALUE
+pcap_s_convert_set(self, val)
+ VALUE self;
+ rbpcap_convert = val;
+ return Qnil;
+ * Capture object
+ */
+struct capture_object {
+ pcap_t *pcap;
+ bpf_u_int32 netmask;
+ int dl_type; /* data-link type (DLT_*) */
+static void
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "device is already closed");
+#define GetCapture(obj, cap) {\
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct capture_object, cap);\
+ if (cap->pcap == NULL) closed_capture();\
+/* called from GC */
+static void
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("free_capture");
+ if (cap->pcap != NULL) {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("closing capture");
+ rb_thread_fd_close(pcap_fileno(cap->pcap));
+ pcap_close(cap->pcap);
+ cap->pcap = NULL;
+ }
+ free(cap);
+static VALUE
+capture_open_live(argc, argv, class)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE class;
+ VALUE v_device, v_snaplen, v_promisc, v_to_ms;
+ char *device;
+ int snaplen, promisc, to_ms;
+ int rs;
+ VALUE self;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ pcap_t *pcap;
+ bpf_u_int32 net, netmask;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_open_live");
+ /* scan arg */
+ rs = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &v_device, &v_snaplen,
+ &v_promisc, &v_to_ms);
+ /* device */
+ Check_SafeStr(v_device);
+ device = RSTRING(v_device)->ptr;
+ /* snaplen */
+ if (rs >= 2) {
+ Check_Type(v_snaplen, T_FIXNUM);
+ snaplen = FIX2INT(v_snaplen);
+ } else {
+ snaplen = DEFAULT_SNAPLEN;
+ }
+ if (snaplen < 0)
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid snaplen");
+ /* promisc */
+ if (rs >= 3) {
+ promisc = RTEST(v_promisc);
+ } else {
+ promisc = DEFAULT_PROMISC;
+ }
+ /* to_ms */
+ if (rs >= 4) {
+ Check_Type(v_to_ms, T_FIXNUM);
+ to_ms = FIX2INT(v_to_ms);
+ } else
+ to_ms = DEFAULT_TO_MS;
+ /* open */
+ pcap = pcap_open_live(device, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, pcap_errbuf);
+ if (pcap == NULL) {
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "%s", pcap_errbuf);
+ }
+ if (pcap_lookupnet(device, &net, &netmask, pcap_errbuf) == -1) {
+ netmask = 0;
+ rb_warning("cannot lookup net: %s\n", pcap_errbuf);
+ }
+ /* setup instance */
+ self = Data_Make_Struct(class, struct capture_object,
+ 0, free_capture, cap);
+ cap->pcap = pcap;
+ cap->netmask = netmask;
+ cap->dl_type = pcap_datalink(pcap);
+ return self;
+static VALUE
+capture_open_offline(class, fname)
+ VALUE class;
+ VALUE fname;
+ VALUE self;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ pcap_t *pcap;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_open_offline");
+ /* open offline */
+ Check_SafeStr(fname);
+ pcap = pcap_open_offline(RSTRING(fname)->ptr, pcap_errbuf);
+ if (pcap == NULL) {
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "%s", pcap_errbuf);
+ }
+ /* setup instance */
+ self = Data_Make_Struct(class, struct capture_object,
+ 0, free_capture, cap);
+ cap->pcap = pcap;
+ cap->netmask = 0;
+ cap->dl_type = pcap_datalink(pcap);
+ return self;
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_close");
+ GetCapture(self, cap);
+ rb_thread_fd_close(pcap_fileno(cap->pcap));
+ pcap_close(cap->pcap);
+ cap->pcap = NULL;
+ return Qnil;
+static void
+handler(cap, pkthdr, data)
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ const struct pcap_pkthdr *pkthdr;
+ const u_char *data;
+ rb_yield(new_packet(data, pkthdr, cap->dl_type));
+static VALUE
+capture_dispatch(argc, argv, self)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE self;
+ VALUE v_cnt;
+ int cnt;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ int ret;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_dispatch");
+ GetCapture(self, cap);
+ /* scan arg */
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &v_cnt) >= 1) {
+ FIXNUM_P(v_cnt);
+ cnt = FIX2INT(v_cnt);
+ } else
+ cnt = -1;
+ ret = pcap_dispatch(cap->pcap, cnt, handler, (u_char *)cap);
+ if (ret == -1)
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "dispatch: %s", pcap_geterr(cap->pcap));
+ return INT2FIX(ret);
+int pcap_read(pcap_t *, int cnt, pcap_handler, u_char *); /* pcap-int.h */
+static VALUE
+capture_loop(argc, argv, self)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE self;
+ VALUE v_cnt;
+ int cnt;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ int ret;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_loop");
+ GetCapture(self, cap);
+ /* scan arg */
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &v_cnt) >= 1) {
+ FIXNUM_P(v_cnt);
+ cnt = FIX2INT(v_cnt);
+ } else
+ cnt = -1;
+#if 0
+ ret = pcap_loop(cap->pcap, cnt, handler, (u_char *)cap);
+ if (pcap_file(cap->pcap) != NULL) {
+ ret = pcap_loop(cap->pcap, cnt, handler, (u_char *)cap);
+ } else {
+ int fd = pcap_fileno(cap->pcap);
+ fd_set rset;
+ struct timeval tm;
+ FD_ZERO(&rset);
+ tm.tv_sec = 0;
+ tm.tv_usec = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ do {
+ FD_SET(fd, &rset);
+ if (select(fd+1, &rset, NULL, NULL, &tm) == 0) {
+ rb_thread_wait_fd(fd);
+ }
+ ret = pcap_read(cap->pcap, 1, handler, (u_char *)cap);
+ } while (ret == 0);
+ if (ret <= 0)
+ break;
+ if (cnt > 0) {
+ cnt -= ret;
+ if (cnt <= 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return INT2FIX(ret);
+static VALUE
+capture_setfilter(argc, argv, self)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE self;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ VALUE vfilter, optimize;
+ char *filter;
+ int opt;
+ struct bpf_program program;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_setfilter");
+ GetCapture(self, cap);
+ /* scan arg */
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &vfilter, &optimize) == 1) {
+ optimize = Qtrue;
+ }
+ /* check arg */
+ if (IsKindOf(vfilter, cFilter)) {
+ struct filter_object *f;
+ GetFilter(vfilter, f);
+ filter = f->expr;
+ } else {
+ Check_Type(vfilter, T_STRING);
+ filter = RSTRING(vfilter)->ptr;
+ }
+ opt = RTEST(optimize);
+ /* operation */
+ if (pcap_compile(cap->pcap, &program, filter,
+ opt, cap->netmask) < 0)
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "setfilter: %s", pcap_geterr(cap->pcap));
+ if (pcap_setfilter(cap->pcap, &program) < 0)
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "setfilter: %s", pcap_geterr(cap->pcap));
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_datalink");
+ GetCapture(self, cap);
+ return INT2NUM(pcap_datalink(cap->pcap));
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_snapshot");
+ GetCapture(self, cap);
+ return INT2NUM(pcap_snapshot(cap->pcap));
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ struct pcap_stat stat;
+ VALUE v_stat;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("capture_stats");
+ GetCapture(self, cap);
+ if (pcap_stats(cap->pcap, &stat) == -1)
+ return Qnil;
+ v_stat = rb_funcall(cPcapStat, rb_intern("new"), 3,
+ UINT2NUM(stat.ps_recv),
+ UINT2NUM(stat.ps_drop),
+ UINT2NUM(stat.ps_ifdrop));
+ return v_stat;
+ * Dumper object
+ */
+struct dumper_object {
+ pcap_dumper_t *pcap_dumper;
+ int dl_type;
+ bpf_u_int32 snaplen;
+static void
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "dumper is already closed");
+#define GetDumper(obj, dumper) {\
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct dumper_object, dumper);\
+ if (dumper->pcap_dumper == NULL) closed_dumper();\
+/* called from GC */
+static void
+ struct dumper_object *dumper;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("free_dumper");
+ if (dumper->pcap_dumper != NULL) {
+ DEBUG_PRINT("closing dumper");
+ pcap_dump_close(dumper->pcap_dumper);
+ dumper->pcap_dumper = NULL;
+ }
+ free(dumper);
+static VALUE
+dumper_open(class, v_cap, v_fname)
+ VALUE class;
+ VALUE v_cap;
+ VALUE v_fname;
+ struct dumper_object *dumper;
+ struct capture_object *cap;
+ pcap_dumper_t *pcap_dumper;
+ VALUE self;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("dumper_open");
+ CheckClass(v_cap, cCapture);
+ GetCapture(v_cap, cap);
+ Check_SafeStr(v_fname);
+ pcap_dumper = pcap_dump_open(cap->pcap, RSTRING(v_fname)->ptr);
+ if (pcap_dumper == NULL) {
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "dumper_open: %s", pcap_geterr(cap->pcap));
+ }
+ self = Data_Make_Struct(class, struct dumper_object, 0,
+ free_dumper, dumper);
+ dumper->pcap_dumper = pcap_dumper;
+ dumper->dl_type = cap->dl_type;
+ dumper->snaplen = pcap_snapshot(cap->pcap);
+ return self;
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ struct dumper_object *dumper;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("dumper_close");
+ GetDumper(self, dumper);
+ pcap_dump_close(dumper->pcap_dumper);
+ dumper->pcap_dumper = NULL;
+ return Qnil;
+static VALUE
+dumper_dump(self, v_pkt)
+ VALUE self;
+ VALUE v_pkt;
+ struct dumper_object *dumper;
+ struct packet_object *pkt;
+ DEBUG_PRINT("dumper_dump");
+ GetDumper(self, dumper);
+ CheckClass(v_pkt, cPacket);
+ GetPacket(v_pkt, pkt);
+ if (pkt->hdr.dl_type != dumper->dl_type)
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Cannot dump this packet: data-link type mismatch");
+ if (pkt->hdr.pkthdr.caplen > dumper->snaplen)
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Cannot dump this packet: too large caplen");
+ pcap_dump((u_char *)dumper->pcap_dumper, &pkt->hdr.pkthdr, pkt->data);
+ return Qnil;
+ * Filter object
+ */
+/* called from GC */
+static void
+ struct filter_object *filter;
+ rb_gc_mark(filter->param);
+ rb_gc_mark(filter->optimize);
+ rb_gc_mark(filter->netmask);
+static void
+ struct filter_object *filter;
+ free(filter->expr);
+ free(filter);
+ /*
+ * This cause memory leak because filter->program hold some memory.
+ * We overlook it because libpcap does not implement pcap_freecode().
+ */
+static VALUE
+filter_new(argc, argv, class)
+ int argc;
+ VALUE *argv;
+ VALUE class;
+ VALUE self, v_expr, v_optimize, v_capture, v_netmask;
+ struct filter_object *filter;
+ struct capture_object *capture;
+ pcap_t *pcap;
+ char *expr;
+ int n, optimize, snaplen, linktype;
+ bpf_u_int32 netmask;
+ n = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &v_expr, &v_capture,
+ &v_optimize, &v_netmask);
+ /* filter expression */
+ Check_Type(v_expr, T_STRING);
+ expr = STR2CSTR(v_expr);
+ /* capture object */
+ if (IsKindOf(v_capture, cCapture)) {
+ CheckClass(v_capture, cCapture);
+ GetCapture(v_capture, capture);
+ pcap = capture->pcap;
+ } else if (NIL_P(v_capture)) {
+ /* assume most common case */
+ snaplen = DEFAULT_SNAPLEN;
+ linktype = DEFAULT_DATALINK;
+ pcap = 0;
+ } else {
+ snaplen = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(v_capture, rb_intern("[]"), 1, INT2FIX(0)));
+ linktype = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(v_capture, rb_intern("[]"), 1, INT2FIX(1)));
+ pcap = 0;
+ }
+ /* optimize flag */
+ optimize = 1;
+ if (n >= 3) {
+ optimize = RTEST(v_optimize);
+ }
+ /* netmask */
+ netmask = 0;
+ if (n >= 4) {
+ bpf_u_int32 mask = NUM2UINT(v_netmask);
+ netmask = htonl(mask);
+ }
+ filter = (struct filter_object *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct filter_object));
+ if (pcap) {
+ if (pcap_compile(pcap, &filter->program, expr, optimize, netmask) < 0)
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "%s", pcap_geterr(pcap));
+ filter->datalink = pcap_datalink(pcap);
+ filter->snaplen = pcap_snapshot(pcap);
+ } else {
+ if (pcap_compile_nopcap(snaplen, linktype, &filter->program, expr, optimize, netmask) < 0)
+ /* libpcap-0.5 provides no error report for pcap_compile_nopcap */
+ rb_raise(ePcapError, "pcap_compile_nopcap error");
+ filter->datalink = linktype;
+ filter->snaplen = snaplen;
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "pcap_compile_nopcap needs libpcap-0.5 or later");
+ }
+ self = Data_Wrap_Struct(class, mark_filter, free_filter, filter);
+ filter->expr = strdup(expr);
+ filter->param = v_capture;
+ filter->optimize = optimize ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
+ filter->netmask = INT2NUM(ntohl(netmask));
+ return self;
+filter_match(self, v_pkt)
+ VALUE self, v_pkt;
+ struct filter_object *filter;
+ struct packet_object *pkt;
+ struct pcap_pkthdr *h;
+ GetFilter(self, filter);
+ CheckClass(v_pkt, cPacket);
+ GetPacket(v_pkt, pkt);
+ h = &pkt->hdr.pkthdr;
+ if (filter->datalink != pkt->hdr.dl_type)
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Incompatible datalink type");
+ if (filter->snaplen < h->caplen)
+ rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Incompatible snaplen");
+ if (bpf_filter(filter->program.bf_insns, pkt->data, h->len, h->caplen))
+ return Qtrue;
+ else
+ return Qfalse;
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ struct filter_object *filter;
+ GetFilter(self, filter);
+ return rb_str_new2(filter->expr);
+static VALUE
+new_filter(expr, param, optimize, netmask)
+ char *expr;
+ VALUE param, optimize, netmask;
+ return rb_funcall(cFilter,
+ rb_intern("new"), 4,
+ rb_str_new2(expr), param, optimize, netmask);
+static VALUE
+filter_or(self, other)
+ VALUE self, other;
+ struct filter_object *filter, *filter2;
+ char *expr;
+ CheckClass(other, cFilter);
+ GetFilter(self, filter);
+ GetFilter(other, filter2);
+ expr = ALLOCA_N(char, strlen(filter->expr) + strlen(filter2->expr) + 16);
+ sprintf(expr, "( %s ) or ( %s )", filter->expr, filter2->expr);
+ return new_filter(expr, filter->param, filter->optimize, filter->netmask);
+static VALUE
+filter_and(self, other)
+ VALUE self, other;
+ struct filter_object *filter, *filter2;
+ char *expr;
+ CheckClass(other, cFilter);
+ GetFilter(self, filter);
+ GetFilter(other, filter2);
+ expr = ALLOCA_N(char, strlen(filter->expr) + strlen(filter2->expr) + 16);
+ sprintf(expr, "( %s ) and ( %s )", filter->expr, filter2->expr);
+ return new_filter(expr, filter->param, filter->optimize, filter->netmask);
+static VALUE
+ VALUE self;
+ struct filter_object *filter;
+ char *expr;
+ GetFilter(self, filter);
+ expr = ALLOCA_N(char, strlen(filter->expr) + 16);
+ sprintf(expr, "not ( %s )", filter->expr);
+ return new_filter(expr, filter->param, filter->optimize, filter->netmask);
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ DEBUG_PRINT("Init_pcap");
+ /* define module Pcap */
+ mPcap = rb_define_module("Pcap");
+ rb_define_module_function(mPcap, "lookupdev", pcap_s_lookupdev, 0);
+ rb_define_module_function(mPcap, "lookupnet", pcap_s_lookupnet, 1);
+ rb_global_variable(&rbpcap_convert);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(mPcap, "convert?", pcap_s_convert, 0);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(mPcap, "convert=", pcap_s_convert_set, 1);
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_NULL", INT2NUM(DLT_NULL));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_EN10MB", INT2NUM(DLT_EN10MB));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_EN3MB", INT2NUM(DLT_EN3MB));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_AX25", INT2NUM(DLT_AX25));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_PRONET", INT2NUM(DLT_PRONET));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_CHAOS", INT2NUM(DLT_CHAOS));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_IEEE802", INT2NUM(DLT_IEEE802));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_ARCNET", INT2NUM(DLT_ARCNET));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_SLIP", INT2NUM(DLT_SLIP));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_PPP", INT2NUM(DLT_PPP));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_FDDI", INT2NUM(DLT_FDDI));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_ATM_RFC1483", INT2NUM(DLT_ATM_RFC1483));
+#ifdef DLT_RAW
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_RAW", INT2NUM(DLT_RAW));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_SLIP_BSDOS", INT2NUM(DLT_SLIP_BSDOS));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "DLT_PPP_BSDOS", INT2NUM(DLT_PPP_BSDOS));
+ /* define class Capture */
+ cCapture = rb_define_class_under(mPcap, "Capture", rb_cObject);
+ rb_include_module(cCapture, rb_mEnumerable);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cCapture, "open_live", capture_open_live, -1);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cCapture, "open_offline", capture_open_offline, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "close", capture_close, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "dispatch", capture_dispatch, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "loop", capture_loop, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "each_packet", capture_loop, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "each", capture_loop, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "setfilter", capture_setfilter, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "datalink", capture_datalink, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "snapshot", capture_snapshot, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "snaplen", capture_snapshot, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cCapture, "stats", capture_stats, 0);
+ /* define class Dumper */
+ cDumper = rb_define_class_under(mPcap, "Dumper", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cDumper, "open", dumper_open, 2);
+ rb_define_method(cDumper, "close", dumper_close, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cDumper, "dump", dumper_dump, 1);
+ /* define class Filter */
+ cFilter = rb_define_class_under(mPcap, "Filter", rb_cObject);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cFilter, "new", filter_new, -1);
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cFilter, "compile", filter_new, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cFilter, "=~", filter_match, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cFilter, "===", filter_match, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cFilter, "source", filter_source, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cFilter, "|", filter_or, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cFilter, "&", filter_and, 1);
+ rb_define_method(cFilter, "~@", filter_not, 0);
+ /*rb_define_method(cFilter, "&", filter_and, 1);*/
+ /* define class PcapStat */
+ cPcapStat = rb_funcall(rb_cStruct, rb_intern("new"), 4,
+ Qnil,
+ INT2NUM(rb_intern("recv")),
+ INT2NUM(rb_intern("drop")),
+ INT2NUM(rb_intern("ifdrop")));
+ rb_define_const(mPcap, "Stat", cPcapStat);
+ /* define exception classes */
+ ePcapError = rb_define_class_under(mPcap, "PcapError", rb_eStandardError);
+ eTruncatedPacket = rb_define_class_under(mPcap, "TruncatedPacket", ePcapError);
+ Init_packet();
+ rb_f_require(Qnil, rb_str_new2("pcap_misc"));
Added: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/httpdump.rb
--- packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/httpdump.rb (rev 0)
+++ packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/httpdump.rb 2007-12-08 12:02:14 UTC (rev 2152)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+require 'pcaplet'
+httpdump = Pcaplet.new('-s 1500')
+HTTP_REQUEST = Pcap::Filter.new('tcp and dst port 80', httpdump.capture)
+HTTP_RESPONSE = Pcap::Filter.new('tcp and src port 80', httpdump.capture)
+httpdump.add_filter(HTTP_REQUEST | HTTP_RESPONSE)
+httpdump.each_packet {|pkt|
+ data = pkt.tcp_data
+ case pkt
+ if data and data =~ /^GET\s+(\S+)/
+ path = $1
+ host = pkt.dst.to_s
+ host << ":#{pkt.dst_port}" if pkt.dport != 80
+ s = "#{pkt.src}:#{pkt.sport} > GET http://#{host}#{path}"
+ end
+ if data and data =~ /^(HTTP\/.*)$/
+ status = $1
+ s = "#{pkt.dst}:#{pkt.dport} < #{status}"
+ end
+ end
+ puts s if s
Property changes on: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/httpdump.rb
Name: svn:executable
Added: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/tcpdump.rb
--- packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/tcpdump.rb (rev 0)
+++ packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/tcpdump.rb 2007-12-08 12:02:14 UTC (rev 2152)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+require 'pcaplet'
+include Pcap
+class Time
+ # tcpdump style format
+ def to_s
+ sprintf "%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d.%0.6d", hour, min, sec, tv_usec
+ end
+pcaplet = Pcaplet.new
+pcaplet.each_packet { |pkt|
+ print "#{pkt.time} #{pkt}"
+ if pkt.tcp?
+ print " (#{pkt.tcp_data_len})"
+ print " ack #{pkt.tcp_ack}" if pkt.tcp_ack?
+ print " win #{pkt.tcp_win}"
+ end
+ if pkt.ip?
+ print " (DF)" if pkt.ip_df?
+ end
+ print "\n"
Property changes on: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/tcpdump.rb
Name: svn:executable
Added: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/test.rb
--- packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/test.rb (rev 0)
+++ packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/test.rb 2007-12-08 12:02:14 UTC (rev 2152)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+require 'pcap'
+dev = Pcap.lookupdev
+cap = Pcap::Capture.open_live(dev)
+cap.loop do |pkt|
+ print pkt, "\n"
Property changes on: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/examples/test.rb
Name: svn:executable
Added: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/lib/pcaplet.rb
--- packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/lib/pcaplet.rb (rev 0)
+++ packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/lib/pcaplet.rb 2007-12-08 12:02:14 UTC (rev 2152)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+require 'pcap'
+require 'getopts'
+def pcaplet_usage()
+ $stderr.print <<END
+Usage: #{File.basename $0} [ -dnv ] [ -i interface | -r file ]
+ #{' ' * File.basename($0).length} [ -c count ] [ -s snaplen ] [ filter ]
+ -n do not convert address to name
+ -d debug mode
+ -v verbose mode
+module Pcap
+ class Pcaplet
+ def usage(status, msg = nil)
+ $stderr.puts msg if msg
+ pcaplet_usage
+ exit(status)
+ end
+ def initialize(args = nil)
+ if args
+ ARGV[0,0] = args.split(/\s+/)
+ end
+ usage(1) unless getopts("dnv", "i:", "r:", "c:-1", "s:68")
+ $DEBUG |= $OPT_d
+ $VERBOSE |= $OPT_v
+ @device = $OPT_i
+ @rfile = $OPT_r
+ Pcap.convert = !$OPT_n
+ @count = $OPT_c.to_i
+ @snaplen = $OPT_s.to_i
+ @filter = ARGV.join(' ')
+ # check option consistency
+ usage(1) if @device && @rfile
+ if !@device and !@rfile
+ @device = Pcap.lookupdev
+ end
+ # open
+ begin
+ if @device
+ @capture = Capture.open_live(@device, @snaplen)
+ elsif @rfile
+ if @rfile !~ /\.gz$/
+ @capture = Capture.open_offline(@rfile)
+ else
+ $stdin = IO.popen("gzip -dc < #@rfile", 'r')
+ @capture = Capture.open_offline('-')
+ end
+ end
+ @capture.setfilter(@filter)
+ rescue PcapError, ArgumentError
+ $stdout.flush
+ $stderr.puts $!
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ end
+ attr('capture')
+ def add_filter(f)
+ if @filter == nil || @filter =~ /^\s*$/ # if empty
+ @filter = f
+ else
+ f = f.source if f.is_a? Filter
+ @filter = "( #{@filter} ) and ( #{f} )"
+ end
+ @capture.setfilter(@filter)
+ end
+ def each_packet(&block)
+ begin
+ duplicated = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ && @device == "lo")
+ unless duplicated
+ @capture.loop(@count, &block)
+ else
+ flip = true
+ @capture.loop(@count) do |pkt|
+ flip = (! flip)
+ next if flip
+ block.call pkt
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Interrupt
+ $stdout.flush
+ $stderr.puts("Interrupted.")
+ $stderr.puts $@.join("\n\t") if $DEBUG
+ ensure
+ # print statistics if live
+ if @device
+ stat = @capture.stats
+ if stat
+ $stderr.print("#{stat.recv} packets received by filter\n");
+ $stderr.print("#{stat.drop} packets dropped by kernel\n");
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias each each_packet
+ def close
+ @capture.close
+ end
+ end
+Pcaplet = Pcap::Pcaplet
Added: packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/ruby_pcap.h
--- packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/ruby_pcap.h (rev 0)
+++ packages/libpcap-ruby/branches/upstream/current/ruby_pcap.h 2007-12-08 12:02:14 UTC (rev 2152)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ * ruby_pcap.h
+ *
+ * $Id: ruby_pcap.h,v 1.4 2000/08/13 06:56:15 fukusima Exp $
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Masaki Fukushima
+ */
+#ifndef RUBY_PCAP_H
+#define RUBY_PCAP_H
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include <pcap.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/in_systm.h>
+#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#ifndef IP_OFFMASK
+# define IP_OFFMASK 0x1fff
+#ifdef linux
+# define __FAVOR_BSD
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <netinet/udp.h>
+#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#ifdef DEBUG
+# define DEBUG_PRINT(x) \
+ ((RTEST(ruby_debug) && RTEST(ruby_verbose))?\
+ (fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", x),fflush(stderr)) : 0)
+# define DEBUG_PRINT(x) (0)
+#define UINT32_2_NUM(i) rb_uint2inum(i)
+#ifndef UINT2NUM
+# define UINT2NUM(i) rb_uint2inum(i)
+#define MIN(x, y) ((x)<(y) ? (x) : (y))
+/* ruby config.h defines WORDS_BIGENDIAN if big-endian */
+struct packet_object_header {
+ u_char version:4; /* marshal format version */
+ u_char flags:4; /* flags */
+ u_char flags:4; /* flags */
+ u_char version:4; /* marshal format version */
+#define POH_UDATA 0x01 /* flag: user data exists */
+#define POH_RSVD1 0x02 /* (reserved) */
+#define POH_RSVD2 0x03 /* (reserved) */
+#define POH_RSVD3 0x04 /* (reserved) */
+ u_char dl_type; /* data-link type (DLT_*) */
+ u_short layer3_off; /* layer 3 header offset */
+ u_short layer4_off; /* layer 4 header offset */
+ u_short layer5_off; /* layer 5 header offset */
+#define OFF_NONEXIST 0xffff /* offset value for non-existent layer */
+ struct pcap_pkthdr pkthdr; /* pcap packet header */
+struct packet_object {
+ struct packet_object_header hdr; /* packet object header */
+ u_char *data; /* packet data */
+ VALUE udata; /* user data */
+#define PKTFLAG_TEST(pkt, flag) ((pkt)->hdr.flags & (flag))
+#define PKTFLAG_SET(pkt, flag, val) \
+ ((val) ? ((pkt)->hdr.flags |= (flag)) : ((pkt)->hdr.flags &= ~(flag)))
+#define LAYER2_HDR(pkt) ((pkt)->data)
+#define LAYER3_HDR(pkt) ((pkt)->data + (pkt)->hdr.layer3_off)
+#define LAYER4_HDR(pkt) ((pkt)->data + (pkt)->hdr.layer4_off)
+#define LAYER5_HDR(pkt) ((pkt)->data + (pkt)->hdr.layer5_off)
+#define GetPacket(obj, pkt) Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct packet_object, pkt)
+#define Caplen(pkt, from) ((pkt)->hdr.pkthdr.caplen - (from))
+#define CheckTruncate(pkt, from, need, emsg) (\
+ (from) + (need) > (pkt)->hdr.pkthdr.caplen ? \
+ rb_raise(eTruncatedPacket, (emsg)) : 0 \
+#define IsKindOf(v, class) RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(v, class))
+#define CheckClass(v, class) ((IsKindOf(v, class)) ? 0 :\
+ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong type %s (expected %s)",\
+ rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(v)), rb_class2name(class)))
+/* Pcap.c */
+extern VALUE mPcap, rbpcap_convert;
+extern VALUE ePcapError;
+extern VALUE eTruncatedPacket;
+extern VALUE cFilter;
+void Init_pcap(void);
+VALUE filter_match(VALUE self, VALUE v_pkt);
+/* packet.c */
+extern VALUE cPacket;
+void Init_packet(void);
+VALUE new_packet(const u_char *, const struct pcap_pkthdr *, int);
+/* ip_packet.c */
+#define IP_HDR(pkt) ((struct ip *)LAYER3_HDR(pkt))
+#define IP_DATA(pkt) ((u_char *)LAYER4_HDR(pkt))
+extern VALUE cIPPacket;
+void Init_ip_packet(void);
+VALUE setup_ip_packet(struct packet_object *, int);
+VALUE new_ipaddr(struct in_addr *);
+/* tcp_packet.c */
+extern VALUE cTCPPacket;
+void Init_tcp_packet(void);
+VALUE setup_tcp_packet(struct packet_object *, int);
+/* udp_packet.c */
+extern VALUE cUDPPacket;
+void Init_udp_packet(void);
+VALUE setup_udp_packet(struct packet_object *, int);
+/* icmp_packet.c */
+extern VALUE cICMPPacket;
+void Init_icmp_packet(void);
+VALUE setup_icmp_packet(struct packet_object *, int);
+#endif /* RUBY_PCAP_H */
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