[DRE-commits] r4078 - in trunk/ruby-pkg-tools: . bin debian

Ryan Niebur ryan52-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri Sep 4 19:50:05 UTC 2009

Author: ryan52-guest
Date: 2009-09-04 19:50:03 +0000 (Fri, 04 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 4078

* remove the pkg-ruby-get-sources script, add entry in NEWS
* remove pkg-ruby-extras.sources, it's no longer used

Deleted: trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/bin/pkg-ruby-get-sources
--- trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/bin/pkg-ruby-get-sources	2009-09-03 08:48:50 UTC (rev 4077)
+++ trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/bin/pkg-ruby-get-sources	2009-09-04 19:50:03 UTC (rev 4078)
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-# pkg-ruby-get-sources - downloads sources of Debian ruby extra packages
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Antonio S. de A. Terceiro <asaterceiro at inf.ufrgs.br>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
-# TODO: check for already downloaded files (and their size, maybe)
-# TODO: delete temporary bzipped archives after converting to gzipped
-require 'uri'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'net/ftp'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'getoptlong'
-require 'open-uri'
-require 'rexml/document'
-$sources_file = "/usr/share/ruby-pkg-tools/pkg-ruby-extras.sources"
-$sources_url = "http://pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org/pkg-ruby-extras.sources"
-$watch_file = 'debian/watch'
-$target_directory = "../tarballs"
-$verbose = false
-$list_available = false
-def info_msg(text)
-  puts "I: #{text}"
-def error_msg(text)
-  puts "E: #{text}"
-opts = GetoptLong.new(
-  [ "--sources",           "-s",  GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
-  [ "--target-directory",  "-t",  GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
-  [ "--verbose",           "-v",  GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
-  [ "--list-available",    "-l",  GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
-  [ "--help",              "-h",  GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
-  [ "--version",                  GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
-help = {
-  "--sources" => "indicates the sources file (defaults to #{$sources_file})",
-  "--target-directory" => "indicates where to put downloaded tarballs (defaults to #{$target_directory})",
-  "--verbose" => "display verbose information while running",
-  "--list-available" => "does not download any file; only list available packages and versions",
-  "--help" => "shows this help message",
-  "--version" => "shows version information and exit"
-# maps extensions of upstream tarballs to extensions of the downloaded
-# archives
-$extensions = {
-  # rename .tgz to .tar.gz; dpkg-source likes it that way
-  'tgz' => 'tar.gz',
-  # do not rename these archive types
-  'tar.gz' => nil,
-  'tar.bz2' => nil
-  opts.each { |opt,val|
-    case opt
-      when '--verbose'
-        $verbose = true
-      when '--sources'
-        $sources_file = val
-      when '--target-directory'
-        $target_directory = val
-      when '--help'
-        puts "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [options]"
-        puts "Options:"
-        help.each { |optname,helpmsg|
-          puts(format("  %-20s %s\n",optname,helpmsg))
-        }
-        exit
-      when '--version'
-        puts "#{$PROGRAM_NAME}, version #{0.1}"
-        exit
-      when '--list-available'
-        $list_available = true
-    end
-  }
-  exit 1
-info_msg("Running in verbose mode") if $verbose
-info_msg("Reading sources from #{$sources_url}, #{$sources_file}") if $verbose
-info_msg("Downloading files to #{$target_directory}") if $verbose
-if (!$list_available and ! (File.directory?($target_directory) and File.writable?($target_directory)))
-  error_msg("#{$target_directory} should be a valid writable directory")
-  exit 1
-# guess package name and version from debian/changelog
-# ex: liblocale-ruby (0.1-2)
-def guess_package()
-  info_msg("Trying to guess package name and version from debian/changelog ... ") if $verbose
-  if !File.readable?("debian/changelog")
-    error_msg("Couldn't read debian/changelog")
-    exit 2
-  end
-  # guess a package's name and version from debian/changelog
-  changelogline = File.read("debian/changelog").split(/\n/)[0]
-  matches = /^(\S+)\s*\(([^-]+)-([^-]+)\)/.match(changelogline)
-  package = matches[1]
-  version = matches[2]
-  info_msg("Package: #{package}") if $verbose
-  info_msg("Version: #{version}") if $verbose
-  return [ package, version ]
-# reads a YAML object from a given sources file
-def get_available_sources(source_file)
-  info_msg("Loading available sources from #{source_file} ... ") if $verbose
-  begin
-    sources = open(source_file) { |io| YAML::load(io) }
-  rescue Exception => exception
-    error_msg("#{exception}") if $verbose
-    return false
-  end
-  return sources
-# list available packages from a sources file
-def list_packages(sources)
-  sources.each { |package,versions|
-    versions.each { |version,tarball_url|
-      puts "#{package}-#{version}"
-    }
-  }
-# follows redirections up to <limit> levels deep
-def follow(uri, limit = 10)
-  # anyone know what the second parameter is supposed to do? HTTP status code?
-  raise Net::HTTPFatalError.new('Too many redirections', 0) if limit == 0
-  begin
-    response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri))
-  rescue SocketError => error
-    error_msg("#{error}")
-    return false
-  end
-  case response
-    when Net::HTTPSuccess then
-      return uri
-    when Net::HTTPRedirection then
-      info_msg("Redirecting: #{response['location']}") if $verbose
-      return follow(response['location'], limit-1)
-    else
-      raise Net::HTTPFatalError.new(response.message, response.code)
-  end
-# downloads a given package from a specified URL
-def download(package,version,tarball_url)
-  # remove any leading or trailing whitespace (including \n) which would
-  # otherwise ruin the nice progress display
-  tarball_url.strip!
-  # follow redirection
-  if /^http:/.match(tarball_url)
-    begin
-      tarball_url = follow(tarball_url)
-    rescue Net::HTTPFatalError => error
-      error_msg("HTTP Error: #{error}")
-      return false
-    end
-  end
-  if tarball_url then
-    uri = URI.parse(tarball_url)
-  else
-    return false
-  end
-  info_msg("URL: #{tarball_url}") if $verbose
-  source = uri.path.split('/').pop
-  ext = nil
-  $extensions.each { |key, val|
-    if source.index(key) then
-      ext = val ? val : key
-      info_msg("Known archive format: #{source}") if $verbose
-    end
-  }
-  if not ext then
-    error_msg("Unknown archive type: #{uri.path}")
-    return false
-  end
-  tarball_name = "#{package}_#{version}.orig.#{ext}"
-  filename = File.join($target_directory,tarball_name)
-  puts "Downloading #{tarball_url} ..."
-  puts "(each '.' means 5% of the download)"
-  if uri.scheme == "ftp"
-    download_ftp uri, filename
-  else
-    download_http uri, filename
-  end
-  orig_tarball = filename.sub(ext, 'tar.gz')
-  case ext
-    when 'tar.bz2'
-      puts "I: Converting #{filename} to #{orig_tarball}" if $verbose
-      system "bzcat '#{filename}' | gzip -c > '#{orig_tarball}'"
-    else
-      info_msg("Nothing to do for archive type: #{ext}") if $verbose
-  end
-  return true
-# retrieve a package from an HTTP server
-def download_http(uri, filename)
-  Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) { |http|
-    http.request_get(uri.path) { |res|
-      total = res.header.content_length
-      current = 0
-      last_percent = 0
-      File.open(filename,'w') { |file|
-        res.read_body { |part|
-          # update status
-          current += part.length
-          percent = ((current * 100) / total)
-          while last_percent < percent
-            last_percent += 5
-            print(".")
-            $stdout.flush
-          end
-          file.write(part)
-        }
-        puts
-      }
-      info_msg("Saved #{filename}") if $verbose
-    }
-  }
-# retrieve a package from an FTP server
-def download_ftp(uri, filename)
-  ftp = Net::FTP.open(uri.host, uri.user || "anonymous",
-                      uri.password || "pkg-ruby-get-sources", uri.port)
-  total = ftp.size(uri.path)
-  current = 0
-  last_percent = 0
-  ftp.getbinaryfile(uri.path, filename) { |part|
-    current += part.length
-    percent = ((current * 100) / total)
-    while last_percent < percent
-      last_percent += 5
-      print(".")
-      $stdout.flush
-    end
-  }
-  puts
-  info_msg("Saved #{filename}") if $verbose
-  ftp.close if defined? ftp
-package, version = guess_package
-tarball = nil
-# first try to download a source tarball by looking at the watch file, if the
-# package has one
-  File.readlines($watch_file).each { |line|
-    if line =~ /(http|ftp):\/\/\S+/ then
-      tarball = Regexp.last_match(0)
-      tarball.gsub!(/\\/, '')
-      tarball.gsub!(/\(.*\)/, version)
-      if not $list_available then
-        if tarball then
-          info_msg("Found source tarball for package #{package}-#{version}: #{tarball}") if $verbose
-          if download(package,version,tarball) then
-            exit 0
-          end
-        else
-          info_msg("Found no source tarball by looking at the watch file, continuing") if $verbose
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  }
-  info_msg("No watch file for this package") if $verbose
-# Now try to use the output of uscan --dehs to get a source tarball URL
-if File.exist?($watch_file)
-  begin
-    info_msg("Running uscan --dehs and parsing the output ...") if $verbose
-    i = IO::popen('uscan --dehs')
-    d = REXML::Document::new(i.read)
-    i.close
-    v = d.elements['/dehs/upstream-version'].text
-    if v == version
-      tarball = d.elements['/dehs/upstream-url'].text
-      info_msg("Found source tarball for package #{package}-#{version}: #{tarball}") if $verbose
-      if download(package,version,tarball) then
-        exit 0
-      end
-    else
-      info_msg("uscan --dehs only gave us a tarball for v. #{v}, while we were looking for #{version}") if $verbose
-    end
-  rescue
-    info_msg("The uscan --dehs strategy failed") if $verbose
-  end
-# Try to get the source URL from a sources file
-[ $sources_file, $sources_url ].each { |file|
-  sources = get_available_sources(file)
-  if (sources) then
-    if $list_available then
-      list_packages(sources)
-    else
-      if sources[package] then
-        if sources[package][version] then
-          tarball = sources[package][version]
-          break
-        else
-          error_msg("#{package}'s version #{version} is not available (in #{file}).")
-        end
-      else
-        error_msg("Package #{package} is not available (in #{file}).")
-        next
-      end
-    end
-  end
-# don't go beyond here if all we wanted to do was list available packages
-exit if $list_available
-if tarball then
-  info_msg("Found source tarball for package #{package}-#{version}: #{tarball}") if $verbose
-  error_msg("No source tarball found for package #{package}-#{version}")
-  exit 2
-# actually download package
-# vi: sts=2 sw=2 ts=2 et

Added: trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/debian/NEWS
--- trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/debian/NEWS	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/debian/NEWS	2009-09-04 19:50:03 UTC (rev 4078)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ruby-pkg-tools (0.16) unstable; urgency=low
+  removed the pkg-ruby-get-sources script, uscan can do everything it
+  does. use 'uscan --download-current-version --destdir ../tarballs/'
+  instead, or just add svn-download-orig to ~/.svn-buildpackage.conf
+  to have the upstream sources downloaded automatically by svn-bp.
+ -- Ryan Niebur <ryanryan52 at gmail.com>  Fri, 04 Sep 2009 12:45:49 -0700

Modified: trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/debian/changelog
--- trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/debian/changelog	2009-09-03 08:48:50 UTC (rev 4077)
+++ trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/debian/changelog	2009-09-04 19:50:03 UTC (rev 4078)
@@ -15,8 +15,12 @@
   [ Marco Rodrigues ]
   * Add myself to the team
- -- Micah Anderson <micah at debian.org>  Sun, 05 Jul 2009 18:29:24 -0400
+  [ Ryan Niebur ]
+  * remove the pkg-ruby-get-sources script, add entry in NEWS
+  * remove pkg-ruby-extras.sources, it's no longer used
+ -- Ryan Niebur <ryanryan52 at gmail.com>  Fri, 04 Sep 2009 12:48:30 -0700
 ruby-pkg-tools (0.15) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Michael Schutte ]

Deleted: trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/pkg-ruby-extras.sources
--- trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/pkg-ruby-extras.sources	2009-09-03 08:48:50 UTC (rev 4077)
+++ trunk/ruby-pkg-tools/pkg-ruby-extras.sources	2009-09-04 19:50:03 UTC (rev 4078)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-  "0.997": http://www.ch-werner.de/rubyodbc/ruby-odbc-0.997.tar.gz

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