[DRE-commits] r5561 - trunk/libramaze-ruby/debian

Deepak Tripathi deepak-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 10 10:07:01 UTC 2010

Author: deepak-guest
Date: 2010-06-10 10:06:58 +0000 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 5561

Updated copyright files with authors list.

Modified: trunk/libramaze-ruby/debian/copyright
--- trunk/libramaze-ruby/debian/copyright	2010-06-10 10:02:04 UTC (rev 5560)
+++ trunk/libramaze-ruby/debian/copyright	2010-06-10 10:06:58 UTC (rev 5561)
@@ -6,33 +6,64 @@
 It was downloaded from <URL:http://ramaze.net>
 Upstream Authors:
-   Aman Gupta            -  aman at ramaze.net
-   Ara T. Howard         -  ahoward
-   Carlo Zottmann        -  carlo at zottmann.org
-   Chris Duncan          -  celldee at gmail.com
-   Christian Neukirchen  -  chneukirchen at gmail.com
-   Clive Crous           -  clive at crous.co.za
-   Fabian Buch           -  fabian.buch at fabian-buch.de
-   Gabriele Renzi        -  rff.rff at gmail.com
-   Jeremy Evans          -  code at jeremyevans.net
-   Joe Holt              -  joe07734 at gmail.com
-   Jonathan Buch         -  john at oxyliquit.de
-   Keita Yamaguchi       -  keita.yamaguchi at gmail.com
-   Lars Olsson           -  lasso at lassoweb.se
-   Leo Borisenko         -  leo.borisenko at gmail.com
-   Martin Hilbig         -  blueonyx at dev-area.net
-   Michael Fellinger     -  m.fellinger at gmail.com
-   Pistos                -  jesuswasramazing.10.pistos at geoshell.com
-   Richard Outten        -  outtenr at gmail.com
-   Ryan Grove            -  ryan at wonko.com
-   Stephan Maka          -  stephan at spaceboyz.net
-   skaar                 -  skaar at waste.org
-   zenix                 -  comp.lang.zenix+ramaze at gmail.com
+ 	Michael Fellinger <m.fellinger at gmail.com>
+	Aman Gupta <aman at ramaze.net>
+	Jonathan Buch <jonathan.buch at gmail.com>
+	Pistos <gitsomegrace.5.pistos at geoshell.com>
+ 	Clive Crous <clive at crous.co.za>
+ 	Keita Yamaguchi <keita.yamaguchi at gmail.com>
+ 	Ryan Grove <ryan at wonko.com>
+ 	injekt <injekt.me at gmail.com>
+ 	TJ Vanderpoel <bougy.man at gmail.com>
+ 	Wang, Jinjing <nfjinjing at gmail.com>
+ 	Mario Gutierrez <mgutz at mgutz-mbp.local>
+ 	Tadahiko Uehara <kikofx at gmail.com>
+ 	Aki Reijonen <aki.reijonen at gmail.com>
+ 	Antti Tuomi <antti.tuomi at tkk.fi>
+ 	Sam Carr <samcarr at gmail.com>
+ 	Dmitry Gorbik <socket.h at gmail.com>
+ 	mwlang <mwlang at cybrains.net>
+ 	Andreas Karlsson <andreas at proxel.se>
+ 	James Tucker <jftucker at gmail.com>
+ 	mig <mig at mypeplum.com>
+ 	Chris Duncan <celldee at gmail.com>
+ 	Clinton R. Nixon <clinton.nixon at viget.com>
+ 	Masahiro Nakagawa <repeatedly at gmail.com>
+ 	Riku Raisaenen <riku at helloit.fi>
+ 	starapor <me at sarahtaraporewalla.com>
+ 	Andrew Farmer <xichekolas at gmail.com>
+ 	jShaf <joshua.shaffner at gmail.com>
+ 	Lars Olsson <lasso at lassoweb.se>
+ 	Yutaka HARA <yutaka.hara+github at gmail.com>
+ 	Aaron Mueller <mail at aaron-mueller.de>
+ 	Ara T. Howard <ara.t.howard at gmail.com>
+ 	Carlo Zottmann <carlo at zottmann.org>
+ 	Cheah Chu Yeow <chuyeow at gmail.com>
+ 	Christian Neukirchen <chneukirchen at gmail.com>
+ 	Colin Shea <colin at centuar.(none)>
+ 	crab <crabtw at gmail.com>
+ 	Dmitry Gorbik <dmitrygorbik at isengard.local>
+ 	Fabian Buch <fabian.buch at fabian-buch.de>
+ 	Gavin Kistner <gavin at phrogz.net>
+ 	Jean-Francois Chevrette <jfchevrette at iweb.ca>
+ 	Jeremy Evans <code at jeremyevans.net>
+ 	kez <kdobson at gmail.com>
+ 	Martin Hilbig <blueonyx at dev-area.net>
+ 	Matt Rubens <mrubens at goldencookie.localdomain>
+ 	Rob Lievaart <rob at rebeltechnologies.nl>
+ 	sean <sean at sean-t61p.(none)>
+	Thomas Leitner <thomas.leitner at gmail.com>
+ 	Victor Luft <victor.luft at ptomato.net>
+ 	Vincent Roy <VincentRoy8 at gmail.com>
+ 	Yasushi Abe <yasushi.abe at gmail.com>
+	Zoxc <zoxc32 at gmail.com>
-  lib/proto/public/js/jquery.js is Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig, and
-  is distributed under either the MIT or GPL licenses.
+  lib/proto/public/js/jquery.js is Copyright (c) 2010 John Resig, and
+  is distributed under either the MIT or GPL licenses, also included 
+  Sizzle.js which is Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation
+  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
   examples/app/sourceview/public/jquery.treeview.js is Copyright (c)
   2007 Jörn Zaefferer, and is distributed under either the MIT or GPL
@@ -50,7 +81,7 @@
   lib/ramaze/helper/pager.rb is Copyright (c) 2004-2007, George
   K. Moschovitis and is distributed under the MIT license.
-  The rest of the source is Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Fellinger
+  The rest of the source is Copyright (c) 2010 Michael Fellinger
   <m.fellinger at gamil.com>, and licensed under the MIT license, which

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