[DRE-commits] r6051 - in branches/upstream: . webgen webgen/current webgen/current/bin webgen/current/lib webgen/current/lib/webgen webgen/current/lib/webgen/plugins webgen/current/lib/webgen/plugins/coreplugins

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at alioth.debian.org
Mon Feb 14 18:46:46 UTC 2011

Author: fourmond
Date: 2011-02-14 18:46:37 +0000 (Mon, 14 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 6051

[svn-inject] Installing original source of webgen (0.3.8)

Added: branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen
--- branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen	2011-02-14 18:46:37 UTC (rev 6051)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'webgen'

Property changes on: branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen
Added: svn:executable

Added: branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen-gallery-editor
--- branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen-gallery-editor	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen-gallery-editor	2011-02-14 18:46:37 UTC (rev 6051)
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- ruby -*-
+require 'yaml'
+require 'ostruct'
+require 'webgen/plugin'
+require 'webgen/plugins/coreplugins/configuration'
+require 'webgen/plugins/filehandlers/gallery'
+require 'Qt'
+# Error when loading Qt before RMagick -> error in RMagick undefined method `display' for class `Magick::Image'
+# report that to qtruby team and RMagick team
+class Gallery
+  attr_accessor :meta
+  attr_accessor :relpath
+  def initialize
+    set_default_values
+    @relpath = '.'
+  end
+  def []( name )
+    @meta[name]
+  end
+  def []=( name, value )
+    @meta[name] = value
+  end
+  def set_default_values
+    @meta = {}
+    Webgen::Plugin.config[FileHandlers::GalleryFileHandler].params.each do |name, data|
+      @meta[name] = data.value
+    end
+    @meta['mainPage'] = nil
+    @meta['galleryPages'] = nil
+    @meta['thumbnailSize'] = nil
+  end
+  def read_file( filename )
+    filedata = YAML::load( File.read( filename ) )
+    set_default_values
+    filedata.each {|name, data| @meta[name] = data }
+    @relpath = File.dirname( filename )
+  end
+  def write_file( filename )
+    File.open( filename, 'w+' ) {|file| file.write( @meta.to_yaml ) }
+    @relpath= File.dirname( filename )
+  end
+class ImageViewer < Qt::Frame
+  def initialize( p )
+    super( p )
+    setFrameStyle( Qt::Frame::StyledPanel | Qt::Frame::Sunken )
+    set_image
+  end
+  def set_image( filename = nil)
+    filename = File.join( CorePlugins::Configuration.data_dir, 'resources/images/webgen_logo.png' ) if filename.nil?
+    @image = Qt::Image.new( filename )
+    update
+  end
+  def drawContents( painter )
+    return if @image.nil?
+    width = contentsRect.width
+    height = contentsRect.height
+    image = ( width > @image.width && height > @image.height ? @image : @image.smoothScale( width, height, Qt::Image::ScaleMin ) )
+    painter.drawImage( contentsRect.left + (width - image.width) / 2, contentsRect.top + (height - image.height) / 2, image )
+  end
+  def sizeHint
+    Qt::Size.new( 320, 200 )
+  end
+class MetaTableNameItem < Qt::TableItem
+  def initialize( table, text = '' )
+    super( table, Qt::TableItem::OnTyping )
+    setReplaceable( false )
+    setText( text )
+    add_text_to_list( text )
+  end
+  def createEditor
+    cb = Qt::ComboBox.new( table.viewport )
+    cb.setEditable( true )
+    cb.setAutoCompletion( true )
+    cb.insertStringList( table.meta_items )
+    cb.setCurrentText( text )
+    cb
+  end
+  def setContentFromEditor( widget )
+    setText( widget.currentText )
+    add_text_to_list( widget.currentText )
+  end
+  def add_text_to_list( text )
+    unless text.nil? || text.empty? || table.meta_items.include?( text )
+      table.meta_items << text
+      table.meta_items.sort!
+    end
+  end
+class MetaTableValueItem < Qt::TableItem
+  def initialize( table, text = '' )
+    super( table, Qt::TableItem::OnTyping )
+    setContent( text )
+  end
+  def setContent( content )
+    setText( content.to_s )
+  end
+  def getContent
+    case text
+    when 'true' then true
+    when 'false' then false
+    when 'nil' then nil
+    when /\d+/ then text.to_i
+    else text
+    end
+  end
+class MetaDataTable < Qt::Table
+  slots 'value_changed(int, int)'
+  attr_reader :meta_items
+  def initialize( p, meta_items = [], exclude_items = [] )
+    super( 1, 2, p )
+    @meta_items = meta_items.sort!
+    @exclude_items = exclude_items
+    horizontalHeader.setLabel( 0, 'Name' )
+    horizontalHeader.setLabel( 1, 'Value' )
+    setSelectionMode( Qt::Table::Single )
+    setItem( 0, 0, MetaTableNameItem.new( self ) )
+    setItem( 0, 1, MetaTableValueItem.new( self ) )
+    connect( horizontalHeader, SIGNAL('clicked(int)'), self, SLOT('setFocus()') )
+    connect( verticalHeader, SIGNAL('clicked(int)'), self, SLOT('setFocus()') )
+    connect( self, SIGNAL('valueChanged(int, int)'), self, SLOT('value_changed( int, int )') )
+  end
+  def activateNextCell
+    activate = endEdit( currentRow, currentColumn, true, false )
+    oldRow = currentRow
+    oldCol = currentColumn
+    setCurrentCell( currentColumn == 1 ? (currentRow == numRows - 1 ? 0 : currentRow + 1) : currentRow,
+                    (currentColumn + 1) % 2 )
+    setCurrentCell( oldRow, oldCol ) if !activate
+  end
+  def endEdit( row, col, accept, replace )
+    activate_next_cell = true
+    w = cellWidget( row, col )
+    if col == 0 && !w.nil?
+      if keys( (0...row).to_a + (row+1..numRows-1).to_a ).find {|t| t == w.currentText && t != '' }
+        msg = "You can't add duplicate entries!"
+      elsif @exclude_items.include?( w.currentText )
+        msg = "This meta information can only be defined via other controls!"
+      end
+      if msg
+        Qt::MessageBox.information( self, "Error adding entry", msg )
+        accept = false
+        activate_next_cell = false
+      end
+    end
+    super( row, col, accept, replace )
+    activate_next_cell
+  end
+  def fill( items )
+    setNumRows( items.length + 1 )
+    items.each_with_index do |data, index|
+      setItem( index, 0, MetaTableNameItem.new( self, data[0] ) )
+      setItem( index, 1, MetaTableValueItem.new( self, data[1] ) )
+    end
+    setItem( items.length, 0, MetaTableNameItem.new( self ) )
+    setItem( items.length, 1, MetaTableValueItem.new( self ) )
+  end
+  def keys( rows = (0..(numRows-1)).to_a )
+    retval = []
+    rows.each do |i|
+      retval << text( i, 0 )
+    end
+    retval
+  end
+  def meta_info
+    retval = {}
+    0.upto( numRows - 2 ) do |i|
+      retval[text( i, 0 )] = item( i, 1 ).getContent
+    end
+    retval
+  end
+  def value_changed( row, col )
+    col0empty = text( row, 0 ).nil? || text( row, 0).empty?
+    col1empty = text( row, 1 ).nil? || text( row, 1).empty?
+    if row == numRows - 1 && (!col0empty || !col1empty)
+      setNumRows( numRows + 1 )
+      setItem( numRows - 1, 0, MetaTableNameItem.new( self ) )
+      setItem( numRows - 1, 1, MetaTableValueItem.new( self ) )
+    elsif !(row == numRows - 1) && col0empty && col1empty
+      removeRow( row )
+    end
+  end
+  def keyReleaseEvent( event )
+    if event.key == Qt::Key_Delete
+      if currentSelection == -1
+        setText( currentRow, currentColumn, '' )
+        emit valueChanged( currentRow, currentColumn )
+      else
+        sel = selection( currentSelection )
+        sel.topRow.upto( sel.bottomRow ) do |row|
+          sel.leftCol.upto( sel.rightCol) do |col|
+            setText( row, col, '' )
+            emit valueChanged( row, col )
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      event.ignore
+    end
+  end
+class MyTextEdit < Qt::TextEdit
+  signals 'myReturnPressed()'
+  def keyPressEvent( event )
+    if (event.key == Qt::Key_Return || event.key == Qt::Key_Enter) && (event.state & Qt::ControlButton == Qt::ControlButton)
+      emit myReturnPressed()
+    else
+      super
+    end
+  end
+class ImageFileDrag < Qt::DragObject
+  def initialize( text, parent )
+    super( parent )
+    @text = text
+  end
+  def format( param )
+    if param == 0
+      "app/webgen-image-file" #how to define a user mime type correctly?
+    else
+      nil
+    end
+  end
+  def encodedData( format )
+    @text
+  end
+class ImageFileList < Qt::ListBox
+  def initialize( parent, mainWindow )
+    super( parent )
+    setAcceptDrops( true )
+    @dragPos = nil
+    @mainWindow = mainWindow
+    Qt::ToolTip.add( self, "You can order the images by dragging and dropping the image names (sets the <b>orderInfo</b> meta information)" )
+  end
+  def fill_list( items )
+    items.sort do |a,b|
+      aoi = (@mainWindow.gallery[a].nil? ? 0 : @mainWindow.gallery[a]['orderInfo'].to_s.to_i)
+      boi = (@mainWindow.gallery[b].nil? ? 0 : @mainWindow.gallery[b]['orderInfo'].to_s.to_i)
+      aoi <=> boi
+    end.each {|image| insertItem( image )}
+  end
+  def dragEnterEvent( event )
+    event.accept if event.provides( "app/webgen-image-file" )
+  end
+  def dropEvent( event )
+    text = event.encodedData( "app/webgen-image-file" ).to_s
+    dropIndex = index( itemAt( event.pos ) )
+    blockSignals( true )
+    @mainWindow.save_image_meta_info
+    removeItem( currentItem )
+    insertItem( text, dropIndex )
+    @mainWindow.save_image_meta_info
+    blockSignals( false )
+    0.upto( count - 1 ) {|i| (@mainWindow.gallery[text( i )] ||= {})['orderInfo'] = i }
+    setCurrentItem( dropIndex )
+  end
+  def mousePressEvent( event )
+    super
+    @dragPos = event.pos
+  end
+  def mouseReleaseEvent( event )
+    super
+    @dragPos = nil
+  end
+  def mouseMoveEvent( event )
+    if @dragPos && (@dragPos - event.pos).manhattanLength > Qt::Application.startDragDistance
+      d = ImageFileDrag.new( currentText, self )
+      d.dragMove
+      @dragPos = nil
+    end
+  end
+class GalleryWindow < Qt::MainWindow
+  slots 'new()', 'open()', 'save()', 'save_as()', 'image_selected(const QString &)',
+        'init_image_list()', 'select_next_image()', "assign_pic_names()"
+  attr_reader :gallery
+  def initialize
+    super
+    setCaption( "Webgen Gallery Editor" )
+    @gallery = nil
+    @curfile = nil
+    setup_menus
+    setup_window
+    centralWidget.setEnabled( false )
+  end
+  def new
+    gallery = Gallery.new
+    if save_as( gallery )
+      @gallery = gallery
+      init_widgets
+    end
+  end
+  def open
+    openDialog = Qt::FileDialog.new( '.', 'Gallery files (*.gallery)', self, 'Open file...', true )
+    openDialog.setMode( Qt::FileDialog::ExistingFile )
+    open_file( openDialog.selectedFile ) if openDialog.exec == Qt::Dialog::Accepted
+  end
+  def open_file( file )
+    @curfile = file
+    @gallery = Gallery.new
+    @gallery.read_file( file )
+    init_widgets
+  end
+  def save
+    update_gallery
+    @gallery.write_file( @curfile )
+  end
+  def save_as( gallery = @gallery )
+    ret_val = false
+    saveDialog = Qt::FileDialog.new( '.', 'Gallery files (*.gallery)', self, 'Select new file...', true )
+    saveDialog.setMode( Qt::FileDialog::AnyFile )
+    if saveDialog.exec == Qt::Dialog::Accepted
+      fname = saveDialog.selectedFile
+      fname += '.gallery' if File.extname( fname ) == ''
+      gallery.write_file( fname )
+      @curfile = fname
+      ret_val = true
+    end
+    ret_val
+  end
+  def image_selected( name )
+    save_image_meta_info
+    @last_selected_image = name
+    if @gallery[name]
+      @imageTitle.setText( @gallery[name].delete( 'title' ) )
+      @imageDescription.setText( @gallery[name].delete( 'description' ) )
+      @picMetaTable.fill( @gallery[name] )
+    end
+    @image.set_image( File.join( @gallery.relpath, name ) )
+  end
+  def select_next_image
+    if @imageList.currentItem == @imageList.count - 1
+      @imageList.setCurrentItem( 0 ) if @imageList.count > 0
+    else
+      @imageList.setCurrentItem( @imageList.currentItem + 1 )
+    end
+  end
+  def assign_pic_names
+    0.upto( @imageList.count - 1 ) do |i|
+      @gallery[@imageList.text( i )] ||= {}
+      if @gallery[@imageList.text( i )]['title'].to_s.empty?
+        @gallery[@imageList.text( i )]['title'] = @imageList.text( i )
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def save_image_meta_info
+    if @last_selected_image
+      @gallery[@last_selected_image] = @picMetaTable.meta_info
+      @gallery[@last_selected_image]['title'] = @imageTitle.text
+      @gallery[@last_selected_image]['description'] = @imageDescription.text
+      @last_selected_image = nil
+    end
+  end
+  #######
+  private
+  #######
+  def page_meta_items
+    ['title', 'description', 'orderInfo', 'template', 'inMenu']
+  end
+  def gallery_items
+    ['title', 'layout', 'files', 'imagesPerPage',
+     'imagePageInMenu', 'galleryPageInMenu', 'mainPageInMenu',
+     'imagePageTemplate', 'galleryPageTemplate', 'mainPageTemplate',
+     'galleryPages', 'mainPage', 'galleryOrderInfo', 'thumbnailSize' ]
+  end
+  def init_widgets
+    return if @gallery.nil?
+    gallery_items.each do |t|
+      case @widgets[t]
+      when Qt::LineEdit then @widgets[t].setText( @gallery[t] )
+      when Qt::SpinBox then @widgets[t].setValue( @gallery[t] )
+      when Qt::CheckBox then @widgets[t].setChecked( @gallery[t] )
+      when Qt::ComboBox then @widgets[t].setCurrentText( @gallery[t] )
+      when MetaDataTable then @widgets[t].fill( @gallery[t] ) if @gallery[t]
+      end
+    end
+    @picMetaTable.fill( [] )
+    init_image_list
+    @image.set_image
+    centralWidget.setEnabled( true )
+  end
+  def update_gallery
+    items = gallery_items
+    items.each do |t|
+      case @widgets[t]
+      when Qt::LineEdit then @gallery[t] = @widgets[t].text
+      when Qt::SpinBox then @gallery[t] = @widgets[t].value
+      when Qt::CheckBox then @gallery[t] = @widgets[t].checked?
+      when Qt::ComboBox then @gallery[t] = @widgets[t].currentText
+      when MetaDataTable then @gallery[t] = @widgets[t].meta_info
+      end
+    end
+    images = []
+    0.upto( @imageList.numRows ) {|i| images << @imageList.text( i ) }
+    save_image_meta_info
+    @gallery.meta.delete_if do |name, data|
+      !images.include?( name ) && !items.include?( name )
+    end
+  end
+  def init_image_list
+    @imageList.clear
+    images = Dir[File.join( @gallery.relpath, @widgets['files'].text)].collect {|i| i.sub( /#{@gallery.relpath + File::SEPARATOR}/, '' ) }
+    @imageList.fill_list( images )
+    @last_selected_image = nil
+  end
+  def setup_menus
+    filemenu = Qt::PopupMenu.new( self )
+    filemenu.insertItem( "&New...", self, SLOT("new()"), Qt::KeySequence.new( CTRL+Key_N ) )
+    filemenu.insertItem( "&Open...", self, SLOT("open()"), Qt::KeySequence.new( CTRL+Key_O ) )
+    filemenu.insertItem( "&Save", self, SLOT("save()"), Qt::KeySequence.new( CTRL+Key_S ) )
+    filemenu.insertItem( "&Save as...", self, SLOT("save_as()") )
+    filemenu.insertItem( "&Quit", $app, SLOT("quit()"), Qt::KeySequence.new( CTRL+Key_Q ) )
+    picmenu = Qt::PopupMenu.new( self )
+    picmenu.insertItem( "&Assign default names", self, SLOT("assign_pic_names()") )
+    menubar = Qt::MenuBar.new( self )
+    menubar.insertItem( "&File", filemenu )
+    menubar.insertItem( "&Images", picmenu )
+  end
+  def setup_window
+    mainFrame = Qt::Widget.new( self )
+    @widgets = {}
+    labels = {}
+    @widgets['title'] = Qt::LineEdit.new( mainFrame )
+    labels['title'] = [0, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['title'], "Gallery title:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['files'] = Qt::LineEdit.new( mainFrame )
+    connect( @widgets['files'], SIGNAL('textChanged(const QString&)'), self, SLOT('init_image_list()') )
+    labels['files'] = [1, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['files'], "File pattern:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['layout'] = Qt::ComboBox.new( true, mainFrame )
+    @widgets['layout'].setMaximumWidth( 200 )
+    Webgen::Plugin.config[GalleryLayouters::DefaultGalleryLayouter].layouts.keys.each do |name|
+      @widgets['layout'].insertItem( Qt::Pixmap.new( File.join( CorePlugins::Configuration.data_dir, 'gallery-creator', "#{name}.png" ) ), \
+                                     name )
+    end
+    @widgets['layout'].listBox.setMinimumWidth( @widgets['layout'].listBox.maxItemWidth + 20 )
+    labels['layout'] = [2, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['layout'], "Gallery layout:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['imagesPerPage'] = Qt::SpinBox.new( 0, 1000, 1, mainFrame )
+    labels['imagesPerPage'] = [3, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['imagesPerPage'], "Images per page:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['galleryOrderInfo'] = Qt::SpinBox.new( 0, 1000, 1, mainFrame )
+    labels['galleryOrderInfo'] = [4, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['galleryOrderInfo'], "Start <orderInfo> for gallery pages:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['thumbnailSize'] = Qt::LineEdit.new( mainFrame )
+    @widgets['thumbnailSize'].setValidator( Qt::RegExpValidator.new( Qt::RegExp.new( "\\d+x\\d+" ), mainFrame ) )
+    labels['thumbnailSize'] = [5, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['thumbnailSize'], "Thumbnail size:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['mainPageTemplate'] = Qt::LineEdit.new( mainFrame )
+    labels['mainPageTemplate'] = [6, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['mainPageTemplate'], "Template for main page:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['galleryPageTemplate'] = Qt::LineEdit.new( mainFrame )
+    labels['galleryPageTemplate'] = [7, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['galleryPageTemplate'], "Template for gallery pages:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['imagePageTemplate'] = Qt::LineEdit.new( mainFrame )
+    labels['imagePageTemplate'] = [8, Qt::Label.new( @widgets['imagePageTemplate'], "Template for image pages:", mainFrame )]
+    @widgets['mainPageInMenu'] = Qt::CheckBox.new( "Main page in menu?", mainFrame )
+    labels['mainPageInMenu'] = [9, nil]
+    @widgets['galleryPageInMenu'] = Qt::CheckBox.new( "Gallery pages in menu?", mainFrame )
+    labels['galleryPageInMenu'] = [10, nil]
+    @widgets['imagePageInMenu'] = Qt::CheckBox.new( "Image pages in menu?", mainFrame )
+    labels['imagePageInMenu'] = [11, nil]
+    layout = Qt::GridLayout.new( @widgets.length, 2 )
+    layout.setSpacing( 5 )
+    labels.each_with_index do |data, index|
+      layout.addWidget( data[1][1], data[1][0], 0 ) if data[1][1]
+      layout.addWidget( @widgets[data[0]], data[1][0], 1 )
+    end
+    leftLayout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new
+    leftLayout.setSpacing( 5 )
+    leftLayout.addLayout( layout )
+    leftLayout.addStretch
+    @widgets['mainPage'] = MetaDataTable.new( mainFrame, page_meta_items )
+    @widgets['mainPage'].setColumnWidth( 0, 150 )
+    @widgets['mainPage'].setColumnWidth( 1, 150 )
+    @widgets['mainPage'].setMinimumWidth( 350 )
+    @widgets['galleryPages'] = MetaDataTable.new( mainFrame, page_meta_items )
+    @widgets['galleryPages'].setColumnWidth( 0, 150 )
+    @widgets['galleryPages'].setColumnWidth( 1, 150 )
+    rightLayout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new
+    rightLayout.setSpacing( 5 )
+    rightLayout.addWidget( Qt::Label.new( 'Meta information for main page:', mainFrame ) )
+    rightLayout.addWidget( @widgets['mainPage'] )
+    rightLayout.addWidget( Qt::Label.new( 'Meta information for gallery pages:', mainFrame ) )
+    rightLayout.addWidget( @widgets['galleryPages'] )
+    galLayout = Qt::HBoxLayout.new
+    galLayout.setSpacing( 20 )
+    galLayout.addLayout( leftLayout )
+    galLayout.addLayout( rightLayout )
+    galLayout.setStretchFactor( rightLayout, 1 )
+    @image = ImageViewer.new( mainFrame )
+    @image.setSizePolicy( Qt::SizePolicy::Expanding, Qt::SizePolicy::Expanding )
+    @image.setMinimumSize( 320, 200 )
+    @imageTitle = Qt::LineEdit.new( mainFrame )
+    imageTitle = Qt::Label.new( @imageTitle, "Title:", mainFrame )
+    @imageDescription = MyTextEdit.new( mainFrame )
+    @imageDescription.setTextFormat( Qt::PlainText )
+    imageDescription = Qt::Label.new( @imageDescription, "Description:", mainFrame )
+    connect( @imageTitle, SIGNAL('returnPressed()'), @imageDescription, SLOT('setFocus()') )
+    connect( @imageDescription, SIGNAL('myReturnPressed()'), self, SLOT('select_next_image()') )
+    connect( @imageDescription, SIGNAL('myReturnPressed()'), @imageTitle, SLOT('setFocus()') )
+    @imageList = ImageFileList.new( mainFrame, self )
+    @imageList.setMaximumWidth( 300 )
+    connect( @imageList, SIGNAL('highlighted(const QString &)'), self, SLOT('image_selected( const QString &)') )
+    @picMetaTable = MetaDataTable.new( mainFrame, page_meta_items - ['title', 'description'], ['title', 'description'] )
+    @picMetaTable.setColumnWidth( 0, 100 )
+    @picMetaTable.setColumnWidth( 1, 100 )
+    @picMetaTable.setMaximumWidth( 300 )
+    imageLayout = Qt::GridLayout.new( 3, 3 )
+    imageLayout.setSpacing( 6 )
+    imageLayout.addWidget( @imageList, 0, 0 )
+    imageLayout.addMultiCellWidget( @picMetaTable, 1, 2, 0, 0 )
+    imageLayout.addMultiCellWidget( @image, 0, 0, 1, 2 )
+    imageLayout.addWidget( imageTitle, 1, 1 )
+    imageLayout.addWidget( @imageTitle, 1, 2 )
+    imageLayout.addWidget( imageDescription, 2, 1, Qt::AlignTop )
+    imageLayout.addWidget( @imageDescription, 2, 2 )
+    imageLayout.setRowStretch( 0, 1 )
+    mainLayout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new( mainFrame )
+    mainLayout.setMargin( 10 )
+    mainLayout.setSpacing( 20 )
+    mainLayout.addLayout( galLayout )
+    mainLayout.addLayout( imageLayout )
+    mainLayout.setStretchFactor( imageLayout, 1 )
+    setCentralWidget( mainFrame )
+  end
+$app = Qt::Application.new( ARGV )
+mainWindow = GalleryWindow.new
+$app.setMainWidget( mainWindow )
+mainWindow.open_file( ARGV[0] ) if ARGV.length > 0

Added: branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen-gui
--- branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen-gui	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen-gui	2011-02-14 18:46:37 UTC (rev 6051)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- ruby -*-
+require 'webgen/gui/main'
+$app = Qt::Application.new( ARGV )
+main = Webgen::GUI::MainWindow.new
+$app.setMainWidget( main )

Property changes on: branches/upstream/webgen/current/bin/webgen-gui
Added: svn:executable

Added: branches/upstream/webgen/current/lib/webgen/plugins/coreplugins/configuration.rb
--- branches/upstream/webgen/current/lib/webgen/plugins/coreplugins/configuration.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/upstream/webgen/current/lib/webgen/plugins/coreplugins/configuration.rb	2011-02-14 18:46:37 UTC (rev 6051)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# $Id: configuration.rb 369 2005-12-24 11:37:40Z thomas $
+# webgen: template based static website generator
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas Leitner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
+# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+require 'find'
+require 'tsort'
+require 'cmdparse'
+require 'webgen/node'
+require 'webgen/plugin'
+# Helper class for calculating plugin dependencies.
+class Dependency < Hash
+  include TSort
+  alias tsort_each_node each_key
+  def tsort_each_child(node, &block)
+    fetch(node).each(&block)
+  end
+module Webgen
+  VERSION = [0, 3, 8]
+  SUMMARY = "Webgen is a templated based static website generator."
+  DESCRIPTION = "Webgen is a web page generator implemented in Ruby. " \
+  "It is used to generate static web pages from templates and page " \
+  "description files."
+module CorePlugins
+  # Responsible for loading the other plugin files and holds the basic configuration options.
+  class Configuration < Webgen::Plugin
+    summary "Responsible for loading plugins and holding general parameters"
+    add_param 'srcDirectory', 'src', 'The directory from which the source files are read.'
+    add_param 'outDirectory', 'output', 'The directory to which the output files are written.'
+    add_param 'lang', 'en', 'The default language.'
+    # Returns the +CommandParser+ object used for parsing the command line. You can add site
+    # specific commands to it by calling the Configuration#add_cmdparser_command method!
+    attr_accessor :cmdparser
+    # Returns the data directory of webgen.
+    def self.data_dir
+      unless defined?( @@data_dir )
+        @@data_dir = File.join( Config::CONFIG["datadir"], "webgen" )
+        if defined?( Gem::Cache )
+          gem = Gem::Cache.from_installed_gems.search( "webgen", "=#{Webgen::VERSION.join('.')}" ).last
+          @@data_dir = File.join( gem.full_gem_path, "data", "webgen" ) if gem
+        end
+        @@data_dir =  File.dirname( $0 ) + '/../data/webgen' if !File.exists?( @@data_dir )
+        if File.exists?( @@data_dir )
+          logger.info { "Webgen data directory found at #{@@data_dir}" }
+        else
+          logger.error { "Could not locate webgen data directory!!!" }
+          @@data_dir = ''
+        end
+      end
+      @@data_dir
+    end
+    def add_cmdparser_command( command )
+      @cmdparser.add_command( command ) if @cmdparser
+    end
+    # Does all the initialisation stuff
+    def init_all
+      load_plugins( File.dirname( __FILE__).sub( /coreplugins$/,'' ), File.dirname( __FILE__).sub(/webgen\/plugins\/coreplugins$/, '') )
+      load_plugins( 'plugin', '' )
+      init_plugins
+    end
+    # Load all plugins in the given +path+. Before +require+ is actually called the path is
+    # trimmed: if +trimpath+ matches the beginning of the string, +trimpath+ is deleted from it.
+    def load_plugins( path, trimpath )
+      Find.find( path ) do |file|
+        trimmedFile = file.gsub(/^#{trimpath}/, '')
+        Find.prune unless File.directory?( file ) || ( (/.rb$/ =~ file) && !$".include?( trimmedFile ) )
+        if File.file?( file )
+          self.logger.debug { "Loading plugin file <#{file}>..." }
+          require trimmedFile
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # Instantiate the plugins in the correct order, except the classes which have a constant
+    # +VIRTUAL+, and add CommandPlugin instance to the global CommandParser.
+    def init_plugins
+      dep = Dependency.new
+      Webgen::Plugin.config.each {|k,data| dep[data.plugin] = data.dependencies || []}
+      dep.tsort.each do |plugin|
+        data = Webgen::Plugin.config.find {|k,v| v.plugin == plugin }[1]
+        unless data.klass.const_defined?( 'VIRTUAL' ) || data.obj
+          self.logger.debug { "Creating plugin of class #{data.klass.name}" }
+          data.obj ||= data.klass.new
+        end
+      end
+      Webgen::Plugin.config.keys.find_all {|klass| klass.ancestors.include?( Webgen::CommandPlugin )}.each do |cmdKlass|
+        add_cmdparser_command( Webgen::Plugin.config[cmdKlass].obj )
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Initialize single configuration instance
+  Webgen::Plugin.config[Configuration].obj = Configuration.new

Added: branches/upstream/webgen/current/lib/webgen.rb
--- branches/upstream/webgen/current/lib/webgen.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/upstream/webgen/current/lib/webgen.rb	2011-02-14 18:46:37 UTC (rev 6051)
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# $Id: webgen.rb 369 2005-12-24 11:37:40Z thomas $
+# webgen: template based static website generator
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas Leitner
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,
+# write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+require 'rbconfig'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'cmdparse'
+require 'webgen/plugin'
+require 'webgen/gui/common'
+module Webgen
+  class Color
+    @@colors = {:bold => [0, 1], :green => [0, 32], :lblue => [1, 34], :lred => [1, 31], :reset => [0, 0]}
+    def self.colorify
+      @@colors.each do |color, values|
+        module_eval <<-EOF
+        def Color.#{color.to_s}
+        "\e[#{values[0]};#{values[1]}m"
+        end
+        EOF
+      end
+    end
+    def self.method_missing( id )
+      ''
+    end
+  end
+  class CreateCommand < CmdParse::Command
+    def initialize
+      super( 'create', false )
+      self.short_desc = "Creates the basic directories and files for webgen"
+      self.description = "You can optionally specify a template and/or a style which should be used. " \
+      "This allows you to create a good starting template for your website."
+      self.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opts|
+        opts.separator "Options:"
+        opts.on( '-t', '--template TEMPLATE', 'Specify the template which should be used' ) {|@template|}
+        opts.on( '-s', '--style STYLE', 'Specify the style which should be used' ) {|@style|}
+        opts.separator ""
+        opts.separator "Available templates and styles:"
+        opts.separator opts.summary_indent + "Templates: " + Webgen::Website.templates.join(', ')
+        opts.separator opts.summary_indent + "Styles: " + Webgen::Website.styles.join(', ')
+      end
+      @template = 'default'
+      @style = 'default'
+    end
+    def usage
+      "Usage: #{commandparser.program_name} [global options] create [options] DIR"
+    end
+    def execute( args )
+      if args.length == 0
+        raise OptionParser::MissingArgument.new( 'DIR' )
+      else
+        Webgen.create_website( args[0], @template, @style )
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  class CleanCommand < CmdParse::Command
+    module ::FileUtils
+      def fu_output_message( msg )
+        logger.info { msg }
+      end
+      def ask_before_delete( ask, func, list, options = {} )
+        newlist = [*list].collect {|e| "'" + e + "'"}.join(', ')
+        if ask
+          print "Really delete #{newlist}? "
+          return unless /y|Y/ =~ gets.strip
+        end
+        self.send( func, list, options.merge( :verbose => true ) )
+      end
+      module_function :ask_before_delete
+    end
+    class CleanWalker < Webgen::Plugin
+      summary "Deletes the output file for each node."
+      depends_on 'TreeWalker'
+      attr_writer :ask
+      def handle_node( node, level )
+        file = node.recursive_value( 'dest' )
+        return if !File.exists?( file ) || node['int:virtualNode']
+        if File.directory?( file )
+          begin
+            FileUtils.ask_before_delete( @ask, :rmdir, file )
+          rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY => e
+            logger.info "Cannot delete directory #{file}, as it is not empty!"
+          end
+        else
+          FileUtils.ask_before_delete( @ask, :rm, file, :force => true )
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def initialize;
+      super( 'clean', false )
+      self.short_desc = "Removes the generated or all files from the output directory"
+      self.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opts|
+        opts.separator( "Options" )
+        opts.on( '--all', '-a', "Removes ALL files from the output directory" ) { @all = true }
+        opts.on( '--interactive', '-i', "Ask for each file" ) { @ask = true }
+      end
+      @all = false
+      @ask = false
+    end
+    def execute( args )
+      if @all
+        logger.info( "Deleting all files from output directory..." )
+        outDir = Plugin['Configuration']['outDirectory']
+        FileUtils.ask_before_delete( @ask, :rm_rf, outDir ) if File.exists?( outDir )
+      else
+        tree = Plugin['FileHandler'].build_tree
+        logger.info( "Deleting generated files from output directory..." )
+        Plugin['CleanWalker'].ask = @ask
+        Plugin['TreeWalker'].execute( tree, Plugin['CleanWalker'], :backward )
+      end
+      logger.info( "Webgen finished 'clean' command" )
+    end
+  end
+  class WebgenCommandParser < CmdParse::CommandParser
+    def initialize
+      super( true )
+      self.program_name = "webgen"
+      self.program_version = Webgen::VERSION
+      self.options = CmdParse::OptionParserWrapper.new do |opts|
+        opts.separator "Global options:"
+        opts.on( "--verbosity LEVEL", "-V", Integer, "The verbosity level" ) { |verbosity| Plugin.set_param( 'Logging', 'verbosityLevel', verbosity ) }
+        opts.on( "--[no-]logfile", "-L", "Log to file" ) { |logfile| Plugin.set_param( 'Logging', 'logToFile', logfile ) }
+      end
+      # Run command
+      run = CmdParse::Command.new( 'run', false )
+      run.short_desc = "Runs webgen"
+      run.set_execution_block {|args| Webgen.run_webgen }
+      self.add_command( run, true )
+      # Show command
+      show = CmdParse::Command.new( 'show', true )
+      show.short_desc = "Show various information"
+      self.add_command( show )
+      # Show plugins command
+      showPlugins = CmdParse::Command.new( 'plugins', false )
+      showPlugins.short_desc = "Show the available plugins"
+      showPlugins.set_execution_block do |args|
+        print "List of loaded plugins:\n"
+        headers = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = (k.nil? ? "Other Plugins" : k.gsub(/([A-Z][a-z])/, ' \1').strip) }
+        ljustlength = 30 + Color.green.length + Color.reset.length
+        header = ''
+        Plugin.config.sort { |a, b| a[0].name <=> b[0].name }.each do |klass, data|
+          newHeader = headers[klass.name[/^.*?(?=::)/]]
+          unless newHeader == header
+            print "\n  #{Color.bold}#{newHeader}#{Color.reset}:\n";
+            header = newHeader
+          end
+          print "    - #{Color.green}#{data.plugin}#{Color.reset}:".ljust(ljustlength) +"#{data.summary}\n"
+        end
+      end
+      show.add_command( showPlugins )
+      # Show params command
+      showConfig = CmdParse::Command.new( 'config', false )
+      showConfig.short_desc = "Show the parameters of all plugins or of the specified one"
+      showConfig.set_execution_block do |args|
+        puts "List of plugin parameters:"
+        puts
+        ljustlength = 25 + Color.green.length + Color.reset.length
+        Plugin.config.sort { |a, b| a[0].name[/\w*$/] <=> b[0].name[/\w*$/] }.each do |klass, data|
+          next if args.length > 0 && args[0] != data.plugin
+          puts "  #{Color.bold}#{data.plugin}#{Color.reset}:"
+          puts "    #{Color.green}Summary:#{Color.reset}".ljust(ljustlength) + data.summary if data.summary
+          puts "    #{Color.green}Description:#{Color.reset}".ljust(ljustlength) + data.description if data.description
+          puts "    #{Color.green}Tag name:#{Color.reset}".ljust(ljustlength) + (data.tag == :default ? "Default tag" : data.tag) if data.tag
+          puts "    #{Color.green}Handled paths:#{Color.reset}".ljust(ljustlength) + data.path.inspect if data.path
+          data.table.keys.find_all {|k| /^registered_/ =~ k.to_s }.each do |k|
+            name = k.to_s.sub( /^registered_/, '' ).tr('_', ' ').capitalize + " name"
+            puts "    #{Color.green}#{name}:#{Color.reset}".ljust(ljustlength) + data.send( k )
+          end
+          if data.params
+            puts "\n    #{Color.green}Parameters:#{Color.reset}"
+            data.params.sort.each do |key, item|
+              print "      #{Color.green}Parameter:#{Color.reset}".ljust(ljustlength)
+              puts Color.lred + item.name + Color.reset + " = " + Color.lblue +  item.value.inspect + Color.reset + " (" + item.default.inspect + ")"
+              puts "      #{Color.green}Description:#{Color.reset}".ljust(ljustlength) + item.description
+              puts
+            end
+          end
+          puts
+        end
+      end
+      show.add_command( showConfig )
+      self.add_command( CreateCommand.new )
+      self.add_command( CleanCommand.new )
+      self.add_command( CmdParse::HelpCommand.new )
+      self.add_command( CmdParse::VersionCommand.new )
+    end
+  end
+  # Run webgen
+  def self.run_webgen( directory = Dir.pwd )
+    Dir.chdir( directory )
+    logger.info "Starting Webgen..."
+    tree = Plugin['FileHandler'].build_tree
+    Plugin['TreeWalker'].execute( tree ) unless tree.nil?
+    Plugin['FileHandler'].write_tree( tree ) unless tree.nil?
+    logger.info "Webgen finished"
+  end
+  # Create a website in the +directory+, using the +template+ and the +style+.
+  def self.create_website( directory, template = 'default', style = 'default' )
+    templateDir = File.join( CorePlugins::Configuration.data_dir, 'website_templates', template )
+    styleDir = File.join( CorePlugins::Configuration.data_dir, 'website_styles', style )
+    raise ArgumentError.new( "Invalid template <#{template}>" ) if !File.directory?( templateDir )
+    raise ArgumentError.new( "Invalid style <#{style}>" ) if !File.directory?( styleDir )
+    raise ArgumentError.new( "Website directory <#{directory}> does already exist!") if File.exists?( directory )
+    FileUtils.mkdir( directory )
+    FileUtils.cp_r( Dir[File.join( templateDir, '*' )], directory )
+    FileUtils.cp_r( Dir[File.join( styleDir, '*' )], File.join( directory, 'src' ) )
+  end
+  # Main program for the webgen CLI command.
+  def self.cli_main
+    Color.colorify if $stdout.isatty && !Config::CONFIG['arch'].include?( 'mswin32' )
+    Plugin['Configuration'].cmdparser = WebgenCommandParser.new
+    Plugin['Configuration'].cmdparser.parse do |level, cmdName|
+      Plugin['Configuration'].init_all if level == 0
+    end
+  end

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