[DRE-commits] [SCM] ruby-shoulda.git annotated tag, debian/3.0.0_beta2-1, created. debian/3.0.0_beta2-1

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at softwarelivre.org
Sat Jun 11 20:03:16 UTC 2011

The annotated tag, debian/3.0.0_beta2-1 has been created
        at  7e466c0498d472c30e979a55f7c07dee20929efa (tag)
   tagging  09695d29fe83f470b4eea1ff03ab8dc785cd10b6 (commit)
 tagged by  Vincent Fourmond
        on  Sat Jun 11 22:03:11 2011 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 3.0.0~beta2-1

Antonio Terceiro (7):
      Minor documentation fix.
      Debian packaging
      Actually package 3.0.0~beta2
      I'm actually packaging 3.0.0~beta2
      Fix versioned Conflicts: with old packages
      Prepare upload of 3.0.0~beta2-1
      Build-Depend on -context and -matchers

Artiom Diomin (1):
      Recognize glob route params as an array

August Lilleaas (1):
      Calling should without a block piggybacks to should_eventually.

Barry Hess (1):
      Allow symbol parameter for should_render_with_layout [#99]

Bob Showalter (4):
      convert_to_should_syntax: fix clobbering of test names; leave existing should names untouched; add test case
      convert_to_shoulda_syntax: use Dir::tmpdir instead of hardcoded /tmp
      Change should_assign_to and should_not_assign_to to allow multiple names (#22)
      should_have_many: added tests for :source option

Bruce Williams (1):
      Support multiple setup and teardown blocks per context

Chad Pytel (6):
      fix action mailer test method
      have_sent_email integration tests pass
      readme updates for installation and credits
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:thoughtbot/shoulda
      convert the README to markdown, add credit and license info
      use the right name

Chris O'Sullivan (7):
      Fixed typo - added p to unsuported
      Added dependent option to should_have_many
      Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:thechrisoshow/shoulda
      Added should_ensure_length_is (including tests) [#32]
      Adds failing test for detecting bug in should_ensure_length_at_least
      Added new method should_render_page_with_metadata with tests [#61]

Cristi Balan (1):
      fix I18n.translate key for edge rails [#80]

Dan Croak (47):
      fixing init.rb conflict
      adding should_route from technicalpickles
      moved should_route macro into controller/macros
      removing should_be_restful
      replacing should_be_restful tests with normal tests
      removing should_be_restful, incrementing gem version to 2.0.1
      adding should_filter macro
      documentation patch - adding missing method to should_filter description
      renaming should_filter to should_filter_params
      doc patch for should_respond_with_content_type
      doc patch for should_route
      doc patch for before statements
      doc patch for should_change and should_not_change
      doc patch
      shoulda rails definition
      Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:thoughtbot/shoulda
      bump the gemspec, 2.0.3
      removing should_be_restful example from README.rdoc
      creating DatabaseMatcher has_db_column, basic accept and reject case
      has_db_column can now take :type option
      refactoring should_have_db_columns to use new DatabaseMatcher. marking it as complete in active_record_progress list.
      refactoring database matcher to use detect
      altering build_model_class to take a DatabaseColumn object instead of a Hash of column :name => :type mappings. this is necessary to test attributes of database columns other than type (precision, default, limit, null, primary, scale, & sql_type)
      making database matcher take limit option, refactoring database matcher tests, making DatabaseColumn raise an ArgumentError when column name and type are not provided
      adding :default option to database matcher
      renaming create_model_table to create_table to match ActiveRecord migration API
      changing correct_ helpers on database matcher to explicitly check nil as I was getting burned by boolean test
      adding null option to database matcher
      refactored database matcher to be use of_type and with_options. determined :primary option is not a legit migration option. (to set a primary key you need to give :type a value of :priamry_key). improved database matcher description and expectation.
      renamed database matcher have_db_column_matcher
      added :scale option to have_db_column
      removing old database_matcher file from merge
      have_db_column matcher done
      RDoc for have_db_column matcher
      first passing tests for have_index matcher
      added unique option to have_index matcher
      tests & implementation logic to handle indexes on multiple columns
      converting should_have_index to use have_index matcher
      marking active_record_progress file as complete
      deprecate should_require_attributes with warning message. replace with should_validate_presence_of.
      implementing respond_with matcher
      respond_with matcher all cases covered
      adding respond_with matcher to should_respond_with macro, documenting matcher
      adding respond_with_content_type matcher
      made should_respond_with_content_type macro use respond_with_content_type matcher
      source for gem is not gems.github.com
      more updates to README: replacing Macros references to Matchers where appropriate, prioritizing matchers first, helpers (context and should) second

Dave Thomas (1):
      Fix incompatibility with case format in Ruby 1.9

Dean Strelau (3):
      Require 'test/unit' before including/extending things into it.
      Update testing boot.rb for Ruby 1.9 compat.
      When searching for test failure, accept either MiniTest::Assertion or Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError for Ruby 1.9 compatibility.

DrMark (1):
      Fixed should_have_and_belong_to_many to allow symbols on the join_table option of habtm [#94]

Evan Sharp (1):
      Small doc typo fix and add an extra example

Gavin Stark (1):
      Fixed bad failure messages for validate_uniqueness_of [#152 state:resolved]

Greg Fairbrother (1):
      added missing commas to should_change macro examples

James Adam (1):
      Fixed misleading typos in subclassing documentation.

Joe Ferris (149):
      Added the before_should method, which is a nicer syntax for a :before lambda when no assertions are necessary
      Fixed a typo that resulted in a test that would always pass
      Moved all ActiveRecord-related helpers (MacroHelpers methods and helper methods in Assertions) into a Helpers module
      Added assertions to check whether or not a matcher accepts or rejects a given target
      Added a matcher for checking whether or not an instance accepts a value
      Changed the good/bad value assertions to use AttributeMatcher
      Refactored the AttributeMatcher a bit so that accepting_value and allow_blank_for are possible
      Moved each active_record matcher into its own file
      Converted should_belong_to to use a matcher
      Converted should_have_many to use a matcher
      Added a description to AssociationMatcher and changed the has_many/belong_to macros to use it
      Converted should_have_one to use a matcher
      Converted should_have_and_belong_to_many to use a matcher
      Changed matchers and added a lib/shoulda/matchers include so that matchers can be used outside shoulda
      Added a test helper to build models/database tables for testing matchers
      Refactored ActiveRecord matchers to use in-test models/tables, and removed the have_attribute matcher (not needed for shoulda macros)
      Converted should_require_unique_attributes to use a matcher
      Renamed AttributeMatcher to AllowValueMatcher
      Converted should_ensure_length_at_least to use a matcher
      Fixed allow_blank_for to use an empty array for has_many/habtm
      Added some tests for belongs_to with a :dependent option
      Reorganized matcher tests and files
      Converted should_ensure_length_in_range to use a matcher
      Converted should_ensure_length_is to use a matcher
      Added a text file to mark refactoring progress
      Converted should_ensure_value_in_range to use a matcher
      Refactored should(_not)_allow_values_for to use matcher descriptions
      Refactored existing validation matchers
      Converted should_only_allow_numeric_values to use a matcher
      Converted should_require_acceptance_of to use a matcher
      Fixed reference to assert_matches
      Changed the have_db_columns matcher test to use a model name that doesn't conflict with the rest of the Shoulda suite
      Fixed failing matcher tests
      Converted should_have_readonly_attributes to use a matcher
      Converted should_protect_attributes to use a matcher
      Converted should_have_named_scope to use a matcher
      Refactored build_model_class so that the migrate/constant steps can be independent
      Restored low_message/high_message options for should_ensure_value_in_range
      Added documentation for several matchers
      Un-nodoc'd the Matchers module
      Added missing documentation for ActiveRecord matchers
      Added documentation in Shoulda::ActiveRecord::Matchers and mentioned Matchers in the README
      Removed a reference to the Thoughtbot namespace in the Matchers module
      Renamed matchers in accordance with ticket #106
      Changed the protect_attribute matcher to the inverted allow_mass_assignment_of in anticipation of #106
      Deprecated should_require_unique_attributes in favor of should_validate_uniqueness_of
      Deprecated should_only_allow_numeric_values_for in favor of should_validate_numericality_of
      Deprecated should_require_acceptance_of in favor of should_validate_acceptance_of
      Deprecated should_protect_attributes in favor of should_not_allow_mass_assignment_of
      Added should_allow_mass_assignment_of, the reverse of should_not_allow_mass_assignment_of
      Added Rspec-detection and integration
      The validate_uniqueness_of matcher no longer fails when the subject is an existing record
      Bumped to version 2.9.0
      Fixed the Rails initializer to integrate with RSpec when needed
      Changed shoulda/rspec to include matchers directly to resolve a load order issue
      Bumped to version 2.9.1
      Moved ActiveRecord matcher tests into their own directory and added files for ActionController matchers
      Extended the model builder helpers to build controllers and requests
      Converted should_assign_to/should_not_assign_to to use a matcher
      Refactored should_filter_params to use a matcher
      Converted should_set_the_flash_to/should_not_set_the_flash to use a matcher
      Converted should_render_with_layout/should_render_without_layout to use a matcher
      Fixed should_set_the_flash_to nil to expect an empty flash
      Converted should_return_from_session to use a matcher
      Fixed the route builder
      Converted should_route to use a matcher
      Removing the controller progress file
      Fixed some references to deprecated methods in the README
      Added missing docs to the route matcher
      Removed accidental Spec::Rails references from the docs
      Removed should_be_restful
      Added a block argument to should_assign_to to replace :equals
      Added a block argument to should_return_from_session to replace the second argument
      Added a block option to should_redirect_to to replace the eval'd string
      Split the Controller namespace into ActionController and ActionView
      Deprecated should_return_from_session in favor of should_set_session [#146 state:resolved]
      Removed load_all_fixtures [#147 state:resolved]
      Removed some unused internal controller helpers
      Fixed the low_message and high_message options for should_ensure_value_in_range [#160 state:committed]
      Fixed some rspec integration issues and added a test for rspec integration [#165 state:committed]
      Fixed the docs for should_only_allow_numeric_values_for [#167 state:resolved]
      Added a description for the respond_with matcher
      Added ActionController matchers in the RSpec includes
      Added RSpec installation instructions
      Bumped to version 2.9.2
      Clarified in the README that the RSpec instructions are only for RSpec
      Set the tests to run against Rails 2.2.2, as Rails 2.3 is currently unsupported
      Moved to 2.10 so that the API changes are not unexpected
      Fixed should_return_from_session with a nil value [#171 state:committed]
      Bumping 2.10.1 for bugfixes
      Updated and corrected documentation for ActionController macros
      Ignoring Vim swap files
      Renamed have_index to have_db_index [#153 state:resolved]
      Added should_create and should_destroy [#190 state:resolved]
      Added a :message option to assert_accepts/assert_rejects for testing failure messages
      Switched to ActiveSupport::TestCase for Rails 2.3 support
      Added a description for respond_with_content_type [#185 state:resolved]
      Removed functionality deprecated in 2.10 [#192 state:resolved]
      Changed the description for have_db_index to correctly describe multiple columns and index where uniqueness is not specified [#159 state:resolved]
      Added support for should_have_one :through [#115 state:resolved]
      Renamed model_class to described_type, and made it public
      Added the subject method [#86]
      Changed macros to use subject instead of get_instance_of [#86]
      Added the subject class method to explicitly declare the subject [#86]
      Deprecated the implicit instance variable in favor of the explicit subject method [#86 state:resolved]
      Deprecated should_set_the_flash_to nil in favor of should_not_set_the_flash [#191 state:resolved]
      Deprecated should_render_a_form [#157 state:resolved]
      Added clearer instructions to the subject deprecation warning
      Deprecated should_have_named_scope [#156 state:resolved]
      Deprecated should_render_page_with_metadata [#155 state:resolved]
      Removed unused ActionController helpers
      Documentation changes for should_change
      Updated the contribution guidelines to point to Github Issues instead of Lighthouse
      Removed deprecated functionality
      Fixed missing failure message for should_not allow_mass_assignment_of with no protected attributes
      Fixed rails deprecation warning
      The should method now takes a matcher; added a should_not method for
      Assign context to supporting matchers
      Change AssignToMatcher to accept a context for use with #with
      Accept a context in SetSessionMatcher for use with #to
      Use the controller as the subject in ActionController::TestCase
      Added a redirect_to matcher
      Added a render_template matcher
      Changed macros to use should with a matcher
      Fixed should_fail to work with matchers; ActionController macros use matchers
      Fixed errors and warnings related to Rails 3
      Fixed a duplicate constant warning
      Use a dynamic gemspec instead of generating one from the Rakefile; updated authors and other gem info; bumped to version 2.11
      Bump to version 2.11
      Fixed rspec2/rails3 integration; added integration tests for macros/matchers/rspec in rails 2 and 3 using cucumber
      Updated README and version
      Generate a date in the gemspec so we don't keep pushing the wrong date
      Treat missing/nil controller assigns differently; fixed gh-124 (based on patch from James McCarthy)
      Fixed exceptions when matching arrays of emails against regexps; fixes gh-125 (based on a patch from github.com/phene)
      Removed macros
      Don't test Rails 2
      Extracted the context framework, switched to rspec
      Fixes for Rails 3.0.3 and RSpec 2.3
      Removed the Matchers namespace
      Got cucumber features passing with aruba and extracted context framework
      Move into the Matchers namespace
      Created shoulda metagem
      Updated docs
      Removed reference to executable that now lives in shoulda-context
      Update dependencies
      Fixed reference to rdoc readme
      Make sure we use a valid version of rspec-rails
      Actually require matchers/context from shoulda

Jonathan Lim (1):
      Fixing should piggybacking [#39]

Josh Nichols (6):
      Starting to port should_route to own branch.
      Added macros.
      Actually works now. Added tests.
      Added documentation. Added tests for posts nested under users.
      Tweaked init.rb to only load activerecord/actionmailer/controller stuff if the appropriate classes are defined.
      Moved tasks/* to shoulda/tasks/*

Joshua Clayton (15):
      Made nested contexts w/o a subject block be able to refer to its parent subject block
      Bump gemspec to 2.10.3
      Update gemspec
      Fix module name
      Handle have_sent_email failure messages more intelligently
      Update dependency to beta4
      Update deprecation warning for should_change and should_not_change macros
      Cosmetic: Whitespace
      Update readme to reflect Rails 3 installation instructions
      Remove documentation sync rake task
      Update documentation to use matcher syntax instead of macros
      Enable set_the_flash matcher to test for flash.now
      Bump to version 2.11.2
      Make flash.now more intuitive
      Bump version to 2.11.3

Keith Morrison (1):
      should_have_one macro now supports the :dependent option

Ken Collins (1):
      Remove unsplated return value from #get_options! for ruby 1.9 compatibility.

Larry Marburger (1):
      Fixed set_session not matching false values. [#174 state:resolved]

Lawrence Pit (4):
      Added check for uniqueness to should_have_indices [#129]
      Added case_sensitive option to should_require_unique_attributes call [#130]
      When in a rails environment, only load shoulda when RAILS_ENV equals 'test' [#134]
      #148 allow_mass_assignment matcher description

Mathieu Martin (6):
      Removed all ThoughtBot (and Thoughtbot) namespaces
      Fix weird issue caused by extending the Shoulda module directly
      Implement autoload_macros [#119]
      Replace the Rails autoloading by a call to autoload_macro [#119]
      Add tests to make sure custom, plugin and gem macros are loaded properly [#119]
      Moved autoload_macros from the Macros module to the Shoulda module

Matt Jankowski (22):
      use > 2.1.0 so that gem installs of newer versions of rails can still run the shoulda tests
      add a should_respond_with_content_type macro for controller tests to check content type of response
      add a should_return_from_session macro which asserts that the value returned from the session for some key is what was expected
      we need to eval what were sent
      rails actually takes care of making sure response.headers["type"] is what we want
      if we use a symbol, lets check what rails believes
      rails gives us a #content_type to get just the content type and not the charset, use that instead so we can assert_equal instead of assert_match
      add ability to handle regexp to should_respond_with_content_type
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/thoughtbot/shoulda
      Use >= 2.1.0 so that gem installs of newer versions of rails can still run the shoulda tests
      merge in changes
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/thoughtbot/shoulda
      add should_render_with_layout and should_render_without_layout
      add a :class option to should_assign_to which checks that the instance vars are of the correct class
      add an :equals option to should_assign_to which checks that the assigned instance variable is equal to the eval of the string passed to the option
      require our rails stuff if being used in rails
      use the rails standard way of initializing a gem, instead of that RAILS_ROOT check
      Add new init files to gemspec, and revert previous removal of RAILS_ROOT check, because the rails 2.1+ implementation of requiring rails/init.rb from gems is apparently buggy
      correct typo about deprecated method
      allow to use newer installed rails gems
      there is a bug in the I18n library bundled with newer rails versions which raises an error on :message options with dots in a row.  Removing from our test model does not affect our tests
      remove reference to evil twin organization

Matt Lins (1):
      added dependent option to should_belong_to [#108]

Mike Boone (6):
      should_protect_attributes works with attr_accessible
      Corrected to hide scope when scope array is blank.
      Merge branch 'thoughtbot/master'
      Added should_have_readonly_attributes
      Updated should_protect_attributes to fix issue when attr_protected is used and attribute is missing.
      Replaced error regexes with ActiveRecord default error messages

Mike Breen (1):
      Added a functional test for should_render_template [#181 state:resolved]

Mike Burns (9):
      Deprecate all 'macros'.
      Document the deprecated 'macros'
      A #have_sent_email matcher
      Deprecate #assert_sent_email
      deprecate #assert_sent_email and assert_did_not_send_email
      Documentation for the mailer matchers
      Fix conflict
      Potentially-failing integration test for #have_sent_email
      Update the README for syntax changes; may need more work

Nathan Sutton (1):
      Scoping of uniqueness validations on multiple attributes

Nick Quaranto (4):
      Merge commit 'cwninja/bugfixes'
      Merge commit 'dstrelau/1.9' into ruby19
      Bumping to 2.10.2
      Fixing the broken gemspec

Noah Bernsohn (1):
      should_allow_values_for typo [#172]

Ryan Davis (2):
      Maintain cache of test methods. Improved from exponential to contant time
      - Enable rakefile to load w/o cucumber

Ryan McGeary (70):
      Fixed double printing of deferred statements when should_eventuallys are in nested contexts
      Upped rails_root to depend on Rails 2.1.0
      Removed unnecessary database access for several active record macro helpers
      Made Address#zip a string to correctly support numericality checks
      Rid the symlink behavior under test/rails_root/vendor/plugins
      Added support for passing a :before Proc option to a should statement
      Added new should_change and should_not_change macros; akin to Active Support's assert_difference.
      Cleaned up should_change macros to generate the should statement using inspect calls instead of ticks.
      Modified should_change macro to use the case equality operator (===) for checking :from and :to options
      Added 'rake coverage' for an rcov report
      Cleaned rails_root testing migrations so there is only one migration per model
      Added a test for the model_class private helper
      Added assert_good_value and assert_bad_value in preperation for DRYing the AR macros
      DRY'd up Active Record macro helpers
      Enhanced assert_good/bad_value assertions in preparation for stateful AR validations
      Added support for stateful Active Record validations
      Cleaned an unnecessary should statement
      Fix for pluralization problem in should_belong_to [#19] [Earle Clubb, Anthony Caliendo]
      Fixed shoulda:list rake task for Rails 2.1 by adding the 'test' directory to the load path
      Fixed should_have_many regression [#60]
      Testing fix for incorrectly specified :source option on a has_many :through
      Fix for shoulda_macros directory support under vendor/gems under vendor/plugins [#62]
      Moved shoulda/gem/* to shoulda/context.rb and shoulda/proc_extensions.rb
      Added shoulda/assertions and moved generic assertions into it
      Reorganized ActiveRecord macros and assertions
      Organized some generic macro helpers
      Reorganized Controller macros and helpers
      Organized ActionMailer assertions
      Moved include of Private helpers from AR::Macros to general Macros
      Removed General module and added Helpers module
      Moved Rails dependencies from shoulda.rb to init.rb
      Broke configuration out into its own file
      Doc updates
      `require` cleanup
      Deprecated load_all_fixtures [#65]
      Removed shoulda.conf and color support
      Moved logic of init.rb into shoulda/rails
      Fixed typo in tasks.rb (File.dirname instead of File.basename)
      Added gem related rake tasks [#55]
      Published GitHub gemspec; Assigned gem version to 2.0.0;
      Updated gemspec to fix gem build
      Added a `should_fail` macro to help test failure scenarios in the core shoulda tests
      Added `should_fail` scenario for testing `should_protect_attributes`
      Fix for new shoulda/tasks organization when shoulda is used solely as a plugin [#75]
      Updated Rakefile to avoid future regression of shoulda/tasks problems [#75]
      Fixed AR deprecation warnings when using edge Rails [#80]
      Fix for one more AR deprecation warning when using edge Rails [#80]
      Better named the should clause for should_have_one when the :dependent option is in use [#81]
      Deprecated should_be_restful [#78]
      Version bump to v2.0.2 and `rake gemspec` update
      Fixed should_have_indices to always use the correct table name [#89] [Jacob Harris]
      Fix for recent I18n changes in edge Rails [#87] [DrMark, Carlos Antonio da Silva]
      Version bump to 2.0.4 to maintain consistency with VERSION constant
      Version bump to 2.0.5 for better Ruby 1.9 compatibility
      Cleanup of the test suite dog model to avoid the duplicate habtm
      Removed unnecessary activesupport gem dependency
      Upped version to 2.0.6
      Fixed automatic instance variable lookup to work with namespaced models [#88] (Nathaniel Bibler, Kane)
      Merge branch 'added_title_checking' of git://github.com/thechrisoshow/shoulda into thechrisoshow/added_title_checking
      Fix for when should_assign_to tries to check an explicitly false instance variable [#117]
      Moved VERSION constant into a more discoverable file
      Fixed backwards compatibility on new :unique option for should_have_indices [#129]
      Flip-flopped mispositioned `expected` and `actual` arguments on an `assert_equal` call [#129]
      Minor tweaks to should_require_unique_attributes with case_sensitive option [#130]
      should_require_attributes now handles arrays (has_many and has_and_belongs_many) [#109]
      Added a section on Rails Installation to the README
      Whoops, :lib => "shoulda"
      Wording tweaks to the recent Readme updates
      Fixed `rake shoulda:list` to handle undefined constants [Evan Light] [#135]
      --inline-source is no longer an option in rdoc v2.4

Sean Schofield (1):
      Added clarification to README

Tammer Saleh (45):
      Just testing out github.
      cleaned up the failure message from asser_save
      cleaned up the test names
      Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:thoughtbot/shoulda
      added missing dirs and removed dangling symlink
      refactored the mail assertions
      small test name changes
      added should_have_indices to test for database indices
      fixed should_have_and_belong_to to test for the join table
      small change to improve rdocs
      forgot to remove an old email assertion
      documentation fixes
      renamed README file so that github displays the rdoc correctly
      Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:thoughtbot/shoulda
      Merge git://github.com/thechrisoshow/shoulda into pull-requests
      Merge git://github.com/boone/shoulda into pull-requests
      Merge git://github.com/thechrisoshow/shoulda into pull-requests
      Merge git://github.com/nate/shoulda into pull-requests
      indenting fix
      Added contribution guidelines
      fixed order of doc files
      Removed ThoughtBot module.
      Rearranged a bunch of code
      documentation fixes
      Cleaned up the config file logic and now only loading rails parts when the constants are already there.
      Revert bunch of bad commits:
      reversed the order of the teardown blocks
      fixed define method call for ruby 1.9
      fixed naming of should_require_unique_attributes when scope is not set #38
      removed comment
      Merge branch '32-please-add-should_ensure_length_is' of git://github.com/thechrisoshow/shoulda into pull-requests
      Added should_have_readonly_attributes
      added merge_block
      Added should_have_named_scope ActiveRecord test macro
      modified the calling structure of should_have_named_scope for flexibility
      fixed should_have_many :through bug #60, and added .svn to gitignore.
      Added shoulda_macros directory support as per http://thoughtbot.lighthouseapp.com/projects/5807/tickets/62
      Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:thoughtbot/shoulda
      Updated the documentation.
      small fixes to layout macros
      documentation changes
      Style changes for last commit.
      Fixed indenting
      Revert the removal of should_be_restful.
      fixed pretty_error_messages to not blow up when there are errors on :base

Tom Lea (2):
      Test to show: Typo causing error when defining should "..." style should_eventuallys from a class method.
      Typo causes error when defining should "..." style should_eventuallys from a class method.

Tristan Dunn (1):
      Documentation correction.

Zach Dennis (1):
      Made #subject lazy so it only builds once

matflores (4):
      Added tests that demonstrate that should_have_many works when belongs_to has :class_name option [#116]
      Updated should_change and should_not_change to accept a string description and a block [#154]
      Re-enabled the old behavior for should_change and should_not_change macros, but displaying a deprecation warning when they are used without a block
      Changed the behavior of AllowValue matcher so that should_allow_values_for fails if there is ANY error on the specified attribute

steve (2):
      added rspec matcher for validates_format_of
      fixing docs

tsaleh (119):
      Created trunk and tags
      Moved everthing to trunk
      Added rake test task
      Added ignore for doc
      Removed tb_spec_helpers, as we aren't supporting it.
      - fixed bugs with nested contexts
      - added messages to some helpers
      typo in assert_same_elements
      Added test colorization
      - stuff
      testing scope option
      Added scope_to to AR helper
      - documentation
      - refactored into modules
      Renamed tb_test_helpers to shoulda
      Renamed TestHelpers to Shoulda
      doc changes and renamed a file
      missed some renames
      Added activerecord tests and fixed error message on assert_contains
      Added activerecord tests and fixed error message on assert_contains
      Fix for integration tests
      configured for cc.rb
      now raises exceptions when given bad options
      fixed test method names
      controller tests
      backported bugfix
      Added support dir for tests
      Moved files into support
      added routes
      testing ci
      testing ci
      - completely refactored the test system to use a fake rails_root
      merged in some fixes
      Added parents= alias
      More major refactoring of controller tests
      Major refactoring all around.
      Moved old tests back into place
      more refactorings
      XML denied tests
      some refactoring
      Cleaned up config file code
      Fixed private helper
      Tons of documentation
      Added task to sync docs to dev.thoughtbot.com
      documentation and fixes to :through test
      Added check for foreign key in belongs_to test
      test fixes
      Added create and update params to test names
      Added :all as valid option for formats and actions
      Added assert_save and assert_valid to shoulda
      Added some methods
      moved tasks dir
      fixed rake file
      fixing db
      fixed test schema
      autogenerating test plugin link
      documentation fixes
      added support for nil in should_redirect_to
      changed redirect logic.  Now accepts a symbol, which will test for that status code instead.
      refactored flash tests
      - imported bugfix from 3.0.4 which get's the wrong parent id in should_be_restful
      Applied patches from Tim Case (tim at powerupdev.com):
      fixed docs and added to test for should_have_instance_methods
      - moved rake tasks to shoulda namespace
      limited the formats to *.rb files
      added methods should_have_db_column and should_have_db_columns for activerecord tests
      converted to the MIT license
      adding tests for foreign keys
      - fixed some overeager helpers
      - Added shoulda gem to plugin.  The gem directory is managed via piston, which will merge in the gem code on piston update.
      small test name fix
      fixed content-type check for rails 2.0
      fixed url helpers for rails 2.0
      removed asset_difference, as it is now in rails 2.0
      fixed should_require_unique_attributes and improved error messages
      - fixed the rails root to rails 2.0.2
      fixed foreign key determination (http://tammer.lighthouseapp.com/projects/5807/tickets/8)
      applied patch from http://tammer.lighthouseapp.com/projects/5807/tickets/10
      fixed xml content type detection
      - added should_require_acceptance_of [http://tammer.lighthouseapp.com/projects/5807-shoulda/tickets/6]
      updated shoulda gem to refactored version
      fixed http://tammer.lighthouseapp.com/projects/5807/tickets/18
      refactored should_protect_attributes to just test that the AR model sees the attribute as protected.
      documentation fix
      fixes to should_ensure_length_in_range http://tammer.lighthouseapp.com/projects/5807/tickets/11
      updated gem
      minor refactorings and code rearranging
      removed message option from should_allow_values_for (gary.tsang - lighthouse #24)
      using to_param instead of id in make_parent_params (Bryan Liles - lighthouse #23)
      tweak to rake task
      small refactorings
      updated documentation
      small changes
      - removed a bunch of unneeded files under the test/rails_root
      applied should_ensure_length_at_least patch via Chris O'Sullivan
      fixed bug in should_protect_attributes
      Just testing out github.
      cleaned up the failure message from asser_save
      cleaned up the test names
      added missing dirs and removed dangling symlink
      refactored the mail assertions
      small test name changes
      added should_have_indices to test for database indices
      fixed should_have_and_belong_to to test for the join table
      small change to improve rdocs
      forgot to remove an old email assertion
      documentation fixes



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