[DRE-commits] [SCM] gem2deb.git branch, master, updated. 9da0b9e1b428f9c61a3fabd74440b700292d5697

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at debian.org
Mon May 2 14:22:51 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9da0b9e1b428f9c61a3fabd74440b700292d5697
Author: Vincent Fourmond <fourmond at debian.org>
Date:   Mon May 2 16:22:20 2011 +0200

    Moving away the Ruby policy to its own package

diff --git a/ruby-policy/ruby-policy.xml b/ruby-policy/ruby-policy.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 17855f9..0000000
--- a/ruby-policy/ruby-policy.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
-	"/usr/share/sgml/docbook/dtd/4.1/docbook.dtd"
-<!ENTITY must "<emphasis>must</emphasis>">
-<!ENTITY mustnot "<emphasis>must not</emphasis>">
-<!ENTITY may "<emphasis>may</emphasis>">
-<!ENTITY should "<emphasis>should</emphasis>">
-<!ENTITY pkg "<emphasis>pkg</emphasis>">
-<!ENTITY debian-policy "http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy">
-<!ENTITY dr-ldo "<email>debian-ruby at lists.debian.org</email>">
-  This is the Debian Ruby Policy
-  Copyright 2011 by Vincent Fourmond
-  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-  (at your option) any later version.
-  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  GNU General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-  This document is greatly inspired from the Debian Java Policy
- -->
-  <bookinfo>
-    <title>Debian Ruby policy draft</title>
-    <authorgroup>
-      <author>
-	<surname>Fourmond</surname>
-	<firstname>Vincent</firstname>
-	<authorblurb>
-	  <para>
-	    <email>fourmond at debian.org</email>
-	  </para>
-	</authorblurb>
-      </author>
-      <author>
-	<othername>the Debian Ruby mailing list</othername>
-	<authorblurb>
-	  <para>
-	    &dr-ldo;
-	  </para>
-	  <para>
-	    Most of the points of this document were discussed in the
-	    Debian Ruby mailing list.
-	  </para>
-	</authorblurb>
-      </author>
-    </authorgroup>
-    <abstract>
-      <title>Abstract</title>
-      <para>
-	This is the ruby policy for Debian. 
-      </para>
-    </abstract>
-  </bookinfo>
-  <chapter id="background">
-    <title>Background</title>
-    <para>
-      There are several <quote>subpolicies</quote> in Debian.  Their
-      purpose is to provide guidelines and packaging requirements in
-      addition to the <ulink url="&debian-policy;">Debian
-      Policy</ulink> when specific topic are concerned, such as
-      packages providing Perl libraries, Emacs extensions...
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      Similarly to the other subpolicies, the aim of the Debian Ruby
-      Policy is to unify the packaging of Ruby libraries and programs
-      under a single well-defined structure that packagers and users
-      alike can rely on.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      An important feature of Ruby is that there are quite a few
-      different implentations of the Ruby language, first of all the
-      different versions of the mainstream implementation (1.8 and
-      1.9.2), but also other implementations, such as JRuby and
-      Rubinius for instance. One of the aims of this policy is to make
-      it as painless as possible for different versions of the Ruby
-      language to coexist and to share code (in as far as it is
-      technically possible).
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      As packaging practices and Ruby-related technologies evolve over
-      time, this Policy is to some extent a permanent
-      <quote>work-in-progress</quote>. Please feel free to comment and
-      suggest improvements on the &dr-ldo; mailing list.
-    </para>
-  </chapter>
-  <chapter id="policy">
-    <title>Policy</title>
-    <para>
-      Only the present chapter contains the actual policy,
-      i.e. normative statements about how Ruby-related packages should
-      be organized. The verbs &must;, &mustnot;, &may; and &should;
-      are used with the same meanings as in the <ulink
-      url="&debian-policy;">Debian Policy</ulink>.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      Here a descroiption of the main points
-    </para>
-    <sect1 id="interpreters">
-      <title>Ruby interpreters</title>
-      <para>
-	Requirements for the interpreters (load path, virtual packages
-	provided...)
-      </para>
-    </sect1>
-    <sect1 id="libraries">
-      <title>Ruby libraries</title>
-      <para>
-	By library, we mean <quote>every package that contains ruby
-	code and is not a Ruby interpreter</quote>. In particular,
-	this also includes programs not necessarily meant to be used
-	as libraries. For programs additional requirements and/or
-	relaxing of some requirements listed here apply, see next
-	section.
-      </para>
-      <sect2>
-	<title>Package names</title>
-	<para>
-	  All binary packages that contains Ruby code &must; have a
-	  package name in the form <literal>ruby-</literal>&pkg;,
-	  where &pkg; is left to the choice of the packager. However,
-	  packagers &may; ignore this rule in the following cases:
-	  <itemizedlist>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>
-		ruby interpreters;
-	      </para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>
-		programs;
-	      </para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>
-		packages providing ruby code to be use specifically as
-		plugins for a given program, and that have no use
-		outside of this program.
-	      </para>
-	    </listitem>
-	  </itemizedlist>
-	  The source package name &should; match the name of package
-	  that holds the code.
-	</para>
-	<para>
-	  In the case of software previoulsy relased with the old
-	  package name policy
-	  (<literal>lib-</literal>&pkg;<literal>-ruby</literal> and
-	  versioned variants thereof), packagers &should; provide
-	  transition packages with the old names depending on the new
-	  package.
-	</para>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2>
-	<title>Supported Ruby implementations</title>
-	<para>
-	  Packages &should; support as many different implementations
-	  of Ruby as is possible. Reasons why this is not done
-	  &should; be documented visibly, such as in the
-	  <filename>README.Debian</filename> file.
-	</para>
-	<para>
-	  Packages &must; list the versions of Ruby supported in the
-	  source package using the <literal>XS-Ruby-Versions</literal>
-	  statement in <filename>debian/control</filename>. This
-	  statement &must; be a space-separated list of one or more of
-	  <literal>ruby1.8</literal>, <literal>ruby1.9</literal> or
-	  <literal>all</literal> (the latter meaning all the supported
-	  Ruby versions).
-	</para>
-	<para>
-	  All files for the different implementations &must; be
-	  shipped inside a single binary package. This binary package
-	  &must; have a <literal>XB-Ruby-Versions</literal> statement
-	  containing the space-separated list of Ruby implementations
-	  supported by the binary package, with fields identical to
-	  those for the source package, excepted that
-	  <literal>all</literal> cannot be used: the full list &must;
-	  be listed explicitly.
-	</para>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2>
-	<title>Installation paths</title>
-	<para>
-	  Pure ruby code (ie ruby files) &must; be installed under
-	  <filename>/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby</filename>.
-	</para>
-	<para>
-	  Compiled extensions &must; be installed in the
-	  <literal>'vendorarchdir'</literal> path.
-	</para>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2>
-	<title>Dependencies</title>
-	<para>
-	  All package &must; depend either on <literal>ruby1.8 |
-	  ruby-interpreter</literal> if the package supports all
-	  implementations of Ruby or on the specific implementations
-	  needed if that is not the case.
-	</para>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2>
-	<title>Documentation</title>
-	<para>
-	  Packages &may; build a <literal>rdoc</literal>
-	  documentation. Unless the documentation is really small, it
-	  &should; be packaged in a separate binary package named
-	  <literal>ruby-</literal>&pkg;<literal>-doc</literal>.
-	</para>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2>
-	<title>Rubygems</title>
-	<para>
-	  Do we disallow the use of <literal>require
-	  'rubygems'</literal> by policy ?
-	</para>
-      </sect2>
-    </sect1>
-    <sect1 id="programs">
-      <title>Ruby programs</title>
-      <para>
-	Excepted for the package name, which does not have to comply
-	to any rules, Ruby programs &must; obey all rules that apply
-	to Ruby libraries (previous sections).  In addition, they must
-	obey the following rules.
-      </para>
-      <sect2>
-	<title>Shebang</title>
-	<para>
-	  All the programs &must; have a <literal>#!
-	  /usr/bin/ruby1.8</literal> shebang, unless they rely on
-	  implementation specific libraries, in which case the shebang
-	  should reflect these requirements.
-	</para>
-      </sect2>
-    </sect1>
-  </chapter>
-  <chapter id="advices">
-    <title>Advices to Ruby packagers</title>
-    <para>
-      The contents of this chapter are not part of the Policy per
-      se. However, they should prove useful for developers wishing to
-      package Ruby-related packages.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-      Nothing here yet.
-    </para>
-  </chapter>


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